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博碩士論文 etd-0013114-112258 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0013114-112258
跨國企業之綠色人力資本管理於中國— 資源基礎論與體制理論之整合觀點
MNCs’ Greening Human Capital Management in China— Integrative perspective of Resource-Based and Institutional Theory
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green entrepreneurial leadership, greening human capital management, green competitive human capital, environmental competitive advantage, environmental strategy, institutional response
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The increased attention to multinational companies’ (MNCs’) corporate greening in both academic and practitioner realms has raised an important question of how companies build green competitive human capital, and finally enhance environmental competitive advantage. Integrating resource-based view (RBV) and institutional theory, this study offers a systematic analysis on antecedents and consequences of MNCs’ green human capital, and proposes a conceptual research framework. Firstly, RBV asserts that green leadership and greening human capital management (HCM) can result in an environmental competitive advantage. Secondly, according to institutional theory, MNCs have different institutional response to realign subsidiary’s green leadership, environmental strategy, and greening HCM responding to host country’s institutional context.
Combining the results of preliminary qualitative (12 MNCs’ deep interview) and empirical quantitative (212 MNCs’ sampling) methods, this study firstly proposes three different models of institution response and green human capital. Then we use Hierarchical Regression and Structural Equation Modeling to test the moderating effect and conceptual framework, and propose final model. The results show that “greening HCM” and “green competitive human capital” have mediating effects on the relationship between “green entrepreneurial leadership” and “environmental competitive advantage”. Furthermore, Institutional response positively moderates the relationship between “leadership and competitive advantage”, “strategy and competitive advantage” and “HCM and competitive human capital”. These relationships are more positive for firms with higher (more active) institutional response. This research gives some implications and suggestions for theoretical development and corporate greening.
目次 Table of Contents
Acknowledgements i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of Table vii
List of Figure ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Procedure 5
2. Literature Review 8
2.1 Nature-RBV and Human Capital Management 8
2.2 Green Competitive Human Capital 11
2.3 Green Entrepreneurial Leadership 12
2.4 Institutional theory and institutional response 15
2.5 Environmental strategy 18
2.6 Environmental competitive advantage 23
2.7 Green leadership and environmental competitive advantage 25
2.8 Green entrepreneurial leadership and greening HCM 26
2.9 Greening HCM and green competitive human capital 27
2.10 Green competitive human capital and environmental competitive advantage 28
2.11 Environmental strategy and greening HCM 28
2.12 Environmental strategy and environmental competitive advantage 29
2.13 Mediating effect (1): Green entrepreneurial leadership, greening HCM, and green competitive human capital 30
2.14 Mediating effect (2): Environmental strategy, greening HCM, and green competitive human capital 31
2.15 Mediating effect (3): Greening HCM, green competitive human capital, and environmental competitive advantage 31
2.16 Moderating effect (1): Institutional response on the relationship between green entrepreneurial leadership and environmental competitive advantage 32
2.17 Moderating effect (2): Institutional response on the relationship between environmental strategy and environmental competitive advantage 33
2.18 Moderating effect (3): Institutional response on the relationship between greening HCM and green competitive human capital 34
3. Research Methodology 36
3.1 Conceptual research framework and hypotheses (Natural-RBV) 37
3.2 The moderating effect models and hypotheses (Institutional
Theory) 38
3.3 Measurement and Instrument 40
3.4 Quantitative sampling and procedures 47
3.5 Sample Description 48
3.6 Data analysis method 49
3.7 Control variable 50
3.8 Confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, and validity analysis 51
3.9 Discrimination validity and composite reliability 59
3.10 Common method variance 60
4. Analysis and Findings 62
4.1. Descriptive statistics, skewness, and kurtosis 62
4.2. Compare means_ one-way ANOVA 64
4.3. Estimation of structural equation modeling 68
4.4. Mediating effect (Sobel-test) 71
4.5. Moderating effect (Multiple Regression Analysis) 72
4.6. Summaries of interviews 80
5. Conclusion and Implication 108
5.1 Conclusion 108
5.2 Managerial practice 113
5.3 Limitation and Further research suggestion 115
Reference 117
Appendix 133
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