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博碩士論文 etd-0028121-012027 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0028121-012027
Calling and courage: Threat as a mediator
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Date of Exam
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calling, leadership substitute theory, threat, courage
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本研究採用問卷調查法,運用使命感 (LCS), 威脅 (Control-based scale), 與勇氣的WPCS進行調查,以全台灣學生與上班族為樣本,共進行兩波問卷調查,有效問卷為271份,並以信賴分析、相關分析、哈門市單因子法、Baron & Kenny、Sobel test來驗證本研究假設。



Threat and courage is hard to detect in our daily life, but they do really exist around us; calling is how individual can pursue his or her value by their job or task. This study link calling, threat, and courage together for quantitative research to not only explore the relationships between them, but also mitigate the quantitative research on this field.

This study adopted the questionnaire method, and using calling (LCS), threat (Control-based scale), and courage (WPCS) to do the research. The sample is collected from students and employees in various universities and industries in Taiwan, and for two waves data in total. The valid response questionnaires are 271, and this study conducted reliability test, correlation, Harman’s single factor test, Baron & Kenny approach, and Sobel test to examine the hypothesis.

The results demonstrated that “calling to threat”, “threat to courage”, and “calling to courage” have significant positive relationships among them. Besides, threat can be the mediator from calling to courage, and it’s fully mediated. Moreover, the higher the calling is, the higher the threat is, and it makes people have more courage to facing problems, and deal with those difficulties. Calling and courage has significant positive relationship in the main effect.

Calling, threat, courage all have significant positive relationship. It means that threat can be seen as positive factors and developmental opportunities instead of negative way no matter in daily life or in the workplace. Meanwhile, on the management level, the mission for choosing employees who have high calling is considerably important. This kind of employees have higher calling to face threat, and higher courage to dealing problems as well.

Keywords: calling, threat, courage, leadership substitute theory
目次 Table of Contents
Table of contents
Thesis validation letter..................................................................... i
Abstract (Chinese) ......................................................................... ii
Abstract (English) ......................................................................... iii
Table of contents ...........................................................................v

1. Introduction ...........................................................................P.1
1.1 Research Background.............................................................P.1
1.2 research Purpose ..................................................................P.4

2. Literature Review .....................................................................P.6
2.1 The leadership substitutes theory............................................... P.6
2.2 Calling ..............................................................................P.9
2.3 the mediator effect of threat on calling to courage………………………... P.11
2.4 Threat ............................................................................P.13
2.5 Courage ..........................................................................P.17
2.6 The definition of brave, valiant, and valour ....................................P.20
2.7 The relationship between threat and courage ................................P.21

3. Method ...............................................................................P.23
3.1 Sample and Procedures .........................................................P.24
3.2 Measures .........................................................................P.25
3.2.1 Calling ..........................................................................P.25
3.2.2 Threat ..........................................................................P.25
3.2.3 Courage........................................................................ P.25
3.3 Data analysis .....................................................................P.26

4. Results ...............................................................................P.27
4.1 Samples, descriptive statistics and Reliability ..................................P.27
4.2 Hypothesis testing ...............................................................P.32

5. Discussion ..........................................................................P38
5.1 Theoretical Implications .......................................................P.39
5.2 Practical Managerial Implications .............................................P.41
5.3 Limitations, and Future Directions.............................................P.42
5.4 Conclusions .....................................................................P.44

References ............................................................................P46

Survey questions .....................................................................P51

Table of figures
1. Figure 1: The proposed model
2. Figure 2. Sobel test

Table of tables
1. Table 1: Age (N=271)
2. Table 2: Education Level (N=271)
3. Table 3: Income (N=271)
4. Table 4: Mean, Standard Deviation and correlations
5. Table 5 CFA results of one-factor, two-factor, and three-factor model
6. Table 6: Baron & Kenny, Threat
7. Table 7: Sobel test
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Bill George, Courage: The Defining Characteristic of Great Leaders, 2017

Valant & valour:
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