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博碩士論文 etd-0107121-170215 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0107121-170215
The influence of stressful events and the use of roles, rules and norms to manage stress on identification and performance: Integrating the Event Meaning Management model, Stress Management Theory, and Social Identity Theory in a study of low-status, female Filipino expatriates in a semiconductor MNC in Taiwan
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MNC operations, semiconductor industry, employee adjustment, female low-status expatriates, Philippines, Taiwan, stressful events, Organizational Identification, job satisfaction, cross-cultural management, Event Meaning Management Model
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A substantial portion of Multi-National Corporations’ (MNC) operations employees, known as low-status female expatriates are hired from abroad to live and work in a foreign country – an occurrence that is closely related to the ‘women-only’ workplace phenomenon. Taiwanese semiconductor MNCs' operations depend on foreign Filipino women working mostly during nightshifts. This thesis integrates Event Meaning Management, Psychological Stress, and Organizational Identification theories 1) to identify specific work/non-work stressful events (SE) and sources of guidance (SOG) prevalent among low-status female expatriates in semiconductor MNC’s operations and 2) to examine the influence of stressful events and sources of guidance on organizational identification and attitudinal or behavioral work outcomes.
Mixed method research design, involving qualitative data (interviews with 18 MNCs top managers, and 30 low-status female expatriates, their direct managers/supervisors) and quantitative data (survey among 88 low-status female expatriates and their direct managers/supervisors) was used in this study. Qualitative data content analysis provided the list of work and non-work SE and the SOGs they utilize for support and serves as a base for scale development. Hierarchical Regression and Structural Equation Modelling was used to analyze survey data and test the proposed research framework. The results show that Non-Work SE is positively and significantly correlated with Group Identification and negatively and significantly correlates with Job Satisfaction, while Group Identification positively and significantly correlates with Job Satisfaction, it also has a mediation effect on the relationships between Non-Work SE and Job Satisfaction and negatively and significantly correlates with Job Satisfaction. Work SEs and non-work SOGs did not show any correlation with Group Identification, Job Satisfaction, or Job Adaptability, which can be explained by the qualitative data insights about the job design and the effect of culture. This research makes a number of theoretical and practical contributions to organizational research, along with suggestions for future research into the employment, management, nurture, and support of low-status expatriate workers.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis validation letter i
Acknowledgements ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
2. Introduction 1
Research Background. 1
Importance of Low-Status Expatriates to MNCs. 2
Low-status Expatriates in Taiwan in the present study 3
An Introduction to the Literatures considered. 4
Expatriates Adjustment to Stressful Events 6
Research Objectives 8
Overview of Research Methods 10
Theory contributions 12
Practical implications 14
Organization of the Dissertation 15
3. Research Motivation 16
International workforce within an MNC 16
Expatriates and migrants. 17
Gender in International Business and Management 24
Implications of Gender in Management Research. 27
Gender in IHRM and Expatriate Management. 28
4. Literature review 30
Research Model 30
Stress in Organizations: Its Origins and Management. 31
Psychological Basis of Organizational Stress Theory 34
Social Identification Theory 36
Stress : Concepts of Events and Identity Threats 39
Event Meaning Management Model 43
Non-work stressful events 46
Roles, Rules and Norms as Sources of Guidance to Handle Stressful Events 47
Roles in the EMM Model 49
Organizational Identification Outcomes 51
5. Research Methodology 55
Research Design 56
Qualitative study 57
Selecting the company 57
Interviews with top managers of a semiconductor MNC 58
Interviews with low-status female expatriates and their managers/supervisors 60
Interview Data Analysis 65
Quantitative Study 70
Survey Measures 70
6. Analysis and Results 74
Data Analysis 74
Measurement model 77
Structural Model 80
7. Discussions, Conclusions, and Contributions 84
Stressful events among low-status female expatriates 84
Identification, attitudes, and behavior outcomes 86
Theoretical contributions 89
Practical implications 90
8. Limitation and Future Research Directions 92
APPENDIX A: Description of Work Events in the Literature 94
APPENDIX B: Details of the MNC in this Study 100
APPENDIX C: Interviewees Top Managers in the MNC 101
APPENDIX D: Interview Script for Top Managers 102
APPENDIX E: Interview Script for Low-Status Expatriates and Their Managers/Supervisors 103
References 104
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