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Exploring the relationship between job crafting and interpersonal cooperation: The social exchange perspective
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Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior, Social Exchange Theory, Interpersonal Cooperation, Active Procrastination, Interpersonal Conflict, Job Crafting
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本研究以社會交換理論觀點探討員工的工作塑造、人際衝突與人際合作三者的關係。參考過去的研究,工作塑造都是以個體研究為主,只有 Tims, Bakker, and Derks (2015)有探討有關工作塑造者的行為對於同事的影響,本研究將循序漸進按照 Tims 的大方向更深入討論當工作塑造者與同事產生人際衝突時,其工作行為(人際公民行為、主動拖延)會否影響與同事的人際合作。因此本研究有三大研究目的︰
(1)探討個體工作塑造的降低阻礙性的工作需求和知覺與同事人際衝突的關係、(2)釐清個體工作塑造的降低阻礙性的工作需求,是否會透過增加與同事的人際衝突中介,進而降低和同事人際合作、(3)了解工作塑造者的工作行為是否會調節人際衝突,與同事的人際合作之間的關聯性。本研究以問卷方式收集了 132 位在職人士的受試者數據,並進一步進行驗證性因素分析、相關分析與其主要研究發現的迴
This study explores the relationship between employees' job crafting, interpersonal conflict, and interpersonal cooperation from social exchange theory. Referring to previous job craftings studies, which mainly focused on individual research, only Tims et al. (2015) discussed the impact of job crafting on coworker behavior. This study will follow Tims's research, explore when a job crafter has interpersonal conflicts with a coworker, and their work behaviors affect interpersonal cooperation welling with the coworker. In this study, there are three aims: (1) Exploring the relationship between individuals decreasing hindering job demands and perceptions of interpersonal conflict toward a coworker. (2) Clarifying whether the decreasing hindering job demands will reduce coworker's interpersonal cooperation by increasing interpersonal conflict intermediary. (3) Understanding whether job crafter work behaviors will mediate the relationship between interpersonal conflicts and interpersonal cooperation of coworkers. Data were collected among 132 valid full-time employees and perform further with confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis of the research findings. The results showed that: decreasing hindering job demands were positively related to interpersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict had intermediary the relationship between job crafting and interpersonal cooperation, interpersonal citizenship behavior had positively adjusted to interpersonal conflict and interpersonal cooperation, active procrastination had positively adjusted to interpersonal conflict and interpersonal cooperation.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ....................................................................................................................... i
誌謝 .................................................................................................................................. ii
中文摘要 ......................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract............................................................................................................................ iv
第壹章 緒論 .....................................................................................................................1
第貳章 文獻回顧 .............................................................................................................4
第一節 工作塑造 ........................................................................................................ 4
第二節 工作塑造與人際衝突的關聯性 .................................................................... 7
第三節 人際衝突與人際合作的關聯性 .................................................................... 9
第四節 社會交換理論 .............................................................................................. 10
第五節 人際公民行為的調節效果 .......................................................................... 12
第六節 主動拖延的調節效果 .................................................................................. 14
第參章 研究方法 ...........................................................................................................17
第一節 研究對象與研究程序 .................................................................................. 17
第二節 測量工具 ...................................................................................................... 18
第肆章 研究結果 ...........................................................................................................25
第一節 驗證性因素分析 .......................................................................................... 25
第二節 相關分析 ...................................................................................................... 25
第三節 主要研究發現分析 ...................................................................................... 28
第伍章 研究結論與管理意涵 .......................................................................................33
第一節 研究結論與結果討論 .................................................................................. 33
第二節 管理意涵 ...................................................................................................... 35
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 .......................................................................... 36
參考文獻 .........................................................................................................................39
附錄 .................................................................................................................................44

圖 1 本研究之研究架構圖 ........................................................................................... 16
圖 4-1 人際公民行為與人際衝突的交互作用圖 ........................................................ 29
圖 4-2 主動拖延與人際衝突的交互作用圖 ................................................................ 31

表 3-1 有效樣本之背景統計表 .................................................................................... 18
表 4-1 因素模式之驗證性因素分析結果 .................................................................... 25
表 4-2 各變項相關矩陣分析表 .................................................................................... 27
表 4-3 工作塑造、人際衝突、人際合作之中介分析 ................................................ 28
表 4-4 工作塑造、人際衝突、人際合作、人際公民行為之迴歸分析 .................... 30
表 4-5 工作塑造、人際衝突、人際合作、主動拖延之迴歸分析 ............................ 32
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