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Title page for etd-0426122-234726
To Buy More or Not? Impacts of Consumer Posture and Machine Anthropomorphism on Consumers' Add-on Purchase
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service mode, self-service machine, personnel, add-on purchase, emotional value, consumer posture, anthropomorphism
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本研究將服務模式分為櫃檯服務人員提供服務和使用自助服務機台以獲得服務兩種,探討服務模式如何影響消費者的加價購行為,並研究當消費者以不同的姿勢以及當自助服務機台的使用介面導入擬人化設計時,對消費者加價購行為之影響。本研究為實驗設計法,藉由三個實驗對假設進行驗證。實驗一檢驗服務模式對消費者加價購行為的影響,引導受測者想像初次到手搖飲店消費的情境,探討不同的服務模式是否會造成消費者加價購行為上的差異,再進一步探討其背後的中介機制。實驗二檢驗消費者以不同的姿勢使用服務(站姿 vs. 坐姿)對於其加價購行為的影響。實驗三接續實驗二的實驗架構,並加入擬人化的機台介面設計的有無,探討消費者使用擬人化或非擬人化設計自助服務機台,對其加價購行為之影響的不同。

The research examines how service modes (personnel vs. self-service machine) impact consumers’ add-on purchase with moderating effects of consumer posture and machine anthropomorphism. The hypotheses are tested in three experiments. Study 1 focuses on the difference of service mode on consumers’ add-on purchase by providing participants with a scenario of first-time purchase in a tea shop. Study 1 also tests the emotional value as the underlying mechanism. Study 2 examines how postures (standing vs. sitting) moderate the effects of service mode on consumers’ add-on purchase. Study 3 further incorporates the moderating role of anthropomorphism in addition to consumer posture.

The experimental results demonstrate that individuals who are served by a personnel show more add-on purchases than those who are served by a self-service machine. Emotional value is found as the underlying mechanism to explain why people show more add-on purchases after being served by a personnel (vs. served by a self-service machine). When consumers stand, individuals who are served by the personnel show more add-on purchases than individuals who are served by the self-service machine. The effects of service mode are stronger when consumers sit for order. In addition, the effects of service mode on add-on purchase are influenced by machine anthropomorphism. Both standing individuals and sitting individuals who are served by anthropomorphic machines show more add-on purchases than consumers who are served by a non-anthropomorphic machine. More interestingly, no differences on add-on purchase are found between who sit and served by the personnel and individuals who sit and are served by an anthropomorphic machine. Based on these findings, the research provides implications for researchers and marketers on the choice between personnel and self-service machine to enhance consumer’ add-on purchases.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書..................................................................................... i
中文摘要........................................................................................ ii
第壹章 緒論....................................................................................1
第一節 前言...............................................................................1
第二節 研究背景........................................................................ 1
第三節 研究動機........................................................................ 2
第四節 研究目的與研究問題......................................................... 4
第五節 研究架構與研究流程......................................................... 5
第貳章 文獻探討.............................................................................. 7
第一節 前言.............................................................................. 7
第二節 服務模式......................................................................... 7
第三節 加價購........................................................................... 13
第四節 情感價值.......................................................................... 14
第五節 身體姿勢及體現認知......................................................... 14
第六節 擬人化.......................................................................... 16
第七節 小結............................................................................. 24
第參章 研究假設與方法................................................................... 25
第一節 前言............................................................................. 25
第二節 研究假設與架構.............................................................. 25
第三節 實驗設計與方法.............................................................. 29
第四節 小結............................................................................. 30
第肆章 實驗一設計與分析................................................................ 31
第一節 前言............................................................................. 31
第二節 研究變數操作型定義與衡量............................................... 31
第三節 研究設計....................................................................... 35
第四節 實驗一結果分析.............................................................. 35
第五節 小結............................................................................. 40
第伍章 實驗二設計與分析................................................................. 41
第一節 前言................................................................................. 41
第二節 研究變數操作型定義與衡量................................................... 41 第三節 研究設計........................................................................... 45
第四節 實驗二結果分析.................................................................. 46
第五節 小結................................................................................. 50
第陸章 實驗三設計與分析................................................................ 51
第一節 前言................................................................................ 51
第二節 研究變數操作型定義與衡量................................................... 51 第三節 研究設計.......................................................................... 57
第四節 實驗三結果分析................................................................. 57
第五節 小結................................................................................. 63
第柒章 結論與建議.......................................................................... 64
第一節 前言................................................................................ 64
第二節 研究結果與討論.................................................................. 64
第三節 研究貢獻........................................................................... 66
第四節 研究限制........................................................................... 68
第五節 未來研究與建議................................................................. 69
第六節 小結................................................................................ 70
參考文獻........................................................................................ 72
附錄一 實驗一問卷......................................................................... 81
附錄二 實驗二問卷......................................................................... 95
附錄三 實驗三問卷........................................................................ 123
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