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論文名稱 Title |
穿戴式裝置產業在台經營之競爭策略研究-以智慧手錶為例 Competitive Strategy of Wearable Device Industry in Taiwan –A Case Study of Smart Watch |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
68 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-04-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-06-08 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
穿戴式裝置、智慧手錶、個案研究、競爭策略、五力分析、SWOT wearable devices, smartwatch, case study, competitive strategy, five forces analysis, SWOT |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 11190 次,被下載 715 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 11190 times, has been downloaded 715 times. |
中文摘要 |
根據市場調查研究機構Gartner最新的報告顯示,2020年全球穿戴式裝置銷售優於預測的520億美元,總額達到690億美元較前年成長49.3%。COVID-19疫情期間消費者對健康的重視程度提高,促使消費者使用穿戴式裝置進行健身活動與健康追蹤,穿戴式裝置中的智慧型手錶的成長尤其強勁。Gartner也預測2024年全球穿戴式裝置銷售額有望達到1,090億美元。 自COVID-19疫情開始,企業陸續面臨全新的外部環境威脅,各國家主要城市的封城措施導致健身運動場館被迫封閉,甚至在疫情嚴峻時,多數公司停工或者選擇居家辦公,新生活及工作型態卻為穿戴式裝置產業帶來新的機會,智慧手錶成為疫情下另類快速成長的商品,而G公司之健身休閒領域推出具全天候健康監測的GPS智慧心率手錶在疫情肆虐的時代下,仍擁有令人稱羨的成長幅度,由於COVID-19會對身體血氧濃度造成影響,配有血氧感測功能的智慧型穿戴裝置需求急速成長,其中配有血氧感測的健康心率手環、支援全天候血氧感測及呼吸速率功能的智慧手錶系列銷售更達倍數成長。 本研究進行個案研究並根據五力、SWOT分析以及競爭策略理論,透過深度訪談以及問卷調查法針對G公司穿戴式裝置之智慧型手錶進行外部產業環境與企業內部資源的分析,對企業的機會、威脅與優劣勢進行探討最後經由問卷調查結果瞭解消費者需求,分析穿戴式裝置產品的競爭策略。訪談結果發現客戶對於產品的G公司穿戴式產品的GPS功能有一致的肯定,此外多產品線的智慧手表具有分眾效果,能有效解決不同客戶的需求,而量化分析結果顯示,心率監測功能使用較為普及,因此,加強智慧手錶的健康功能如裝載EKC心電圖感測功能,能協助醫生發現人們潛在的疾病,降低中風發生的風險。 |
Abstract |
According to the latest report from Gartner (a market research institute), the global wearable device sales in 2020 exceeded the forecast of 52 billion US dollars, and the total amount reached 69 billion US dollars. The data shows that it increases by 49.3% over the previous year. That implies that consciousness of health during the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted consumers to use wearables for fitness activities and health tracking, and the growth of smartwatches in wearables has been particularly strong. Gartner also predicts that global wearable device sales are expected to reach $109 billion in 2024. Since the beginning of the epidemic, companies have faced new external environmental threats. Cities in various countries have announced lockdown policies for a long time, which led to the closedown of fitness and sports venues. Even when the epidemic is severe, most companies have suspended work or chose to work from home, which has changed the type of life dumbly. However, the form also brings new opportunities for the wearable device industry. Smartwatches have become an alternative fast-growing commodity under the epidemic. In the fitness and leisure field of G company, the GPS smart heart rate watch with all-weather health monitoring has been launched. In the era of the raging epidemic, it still has an enviable growth rate. Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the blood oxygen concentration of the body, the demand for smart wearable devices equipped with blood oxygen sensing functions has grown rapidly. Company G’s health and fitness smartwatches are mainly purchased. The channel focuses on the e-commerce platform, among which the healthy heart rate bracelet equipped with the blood oxygen sensor, and the smartwatch series that support an all-weather blood oxygen sensor and respiratory rate function have achieved multiple growths in sales. From the perspective of a case study, this research uses the theory of Five Forces Analysis, SWOT, Competitive Strategy through the method of interview and the questionnaire survey to analyze the external industry environment and the internal resources of the company for the smartwatch of the wearable device of G company and understands the needs of consumers through questionnaires. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書.....................................................................................................................i 致謝……........................................................................................................................ii 中文摘要.......................................................................................................................iii 英文摘要 ......................................................................................................................iv 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………...1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………...2 第三節 研究流程…………………………………………………...3 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 五力分析…………………………………………………...4 第二節 SWOT分析………………………………………………...7 第三節 競爭優勢與競爭策略……………………………………...9 第三章 研究設計 第一節 研究結構………………………………………………….11 第二節 個案研究方法…………………………………………….12 第四章 個案介紹 第一節 穿戴式裝置產業的定義與歷史…………………………16 第二節 穿戴式裝置的未來發展趨勢……………………………17 第三節 個案公司介紹……………………………………………20 第五章 個案分析 第一節 個案企業五力分析 ……………………………….……...23 第二節 個案企業SWOT分析…………………………….……...24 第三節 消費者調查量化分析 ……………………………….…...26 第四節 個案公司競爭優勢及策略 ………………………………37 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 …………………………………………………........40 第二節 對相關產業的建議 ………………………………………42 第三節 對後續研究建議 …………………………………………42 參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………………………43 附錄一 ………………………………………………………………………………45 附錄二 ………………………………………………………………………………49 附錄三 ………………………………………………………………………………51 附錄四 ………………………………………………………………………………52 |
參考文獻 References |
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