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career studies, career expectations, career influences, career imprinting, institutional influence, labor market influence
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此篇論文研究了社會系統和勞動力市場如何影響年輕人對職業生涯的預期。在目前我們所處的時期,勞動力市場和國家福利環境充滿了不確定性和變化。為了研究探討上述變化對職業預期的影響,作者對奧地利商科學生群體進行了23次·採訪,以深入了解來自社會系統和勞動力市場的影響因素。其中,影響力最深遠的是個人在勞動力市場和教育系統內的經歷,其次是同齡人之間共有的經歷。此外,社交關係的緊密性和深入性決定了這些共同經歷的置信度。最後一個有影響力的因素是 — 媒體,但是由於缺少人際關係,媒體並沒有明顯的潛在影響力。現有關於職業預期和職業生涯培養的文獻中並沒有包括社會系統的影響,為了補充這一空缺,職業培養理論可以通過把更多觀念性因素納入考量來擴充概念,而不是僅考慮組織環境,畢竟每個個體並不只是在這個環境中工作,他們也會通過個人關係來共享和接收關於勞動力市場和社會系統的經驗和信息。
The thesis examines how institutions and the labor market influence young people’s career expectations. The current period is described as a time of uncertainty and changes in the labor market and welfare state environment. To find out how this influ-ences career expectations, 23 interviews with business students from Austria were conducted to get an insight into the main influential factors for institutions and the labor market. The most significant imprinting factors for institutional and labor mar-ket influence are personal experiences in the labor market and educational institutions, followed by shared experiences of an individual’s peer group. The depth of the relationship and connection to the other person defines how much trust is given to these experiences. The last influencing factor – traditional media – lacks great imprinting potential due to the missing personal connection. Current literature about career ex-pectations and career imprinting does not include the influence institutions can have. To close this gap, the theory of career imprinting could be extended by taking into consideration more contextual factors than just the organizational environment in which individuals operate but also a personal setting in which experiences are shared and information about the labor market or institutions received.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Sworn Declaration ii
摘要 iii
Abstract English iv
Table of Contents v
Table of Figures vii
Table of Tables vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the Problem 2
1.2 Aim of the Thesis 4
2 Literature Review 6
2.1 The Contextual Perspective on Careers 6
2.1.1 Labor Market and Career Changes 7
2.1.2 Institutional Environment 9
2.2 Career Imprinting 11
3 Methodology 15
4 Results 17
4.1 Working Experiences 19
4.1.1 Personal Working Experiences 20
4.1.2 Working Experiences of the Social Environment 22
4.2 Economic Influence 24
4.3 Educational Influence 28
4.4 Media and Information Sharing Influence 30
5 Conclusion 36
6 References 42

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