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博碩士論文 etd-0517116-094040 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0517116-094040
外派人員的家庭因素與跨文化適應對工作績效之影響- 以台灣人外派中國大陸為例
The effect of family factors and cross-cultural adjustment on Taiwanese expatriate's job performance in Mainland China
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family factors, expatriate, job performance, cross-cultural adjustment
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這份研究的主要目標是探討家庭因素和跨文化適應是否對於外派人員在工作績效上造成影響,透過量化研究方法,以迴歸分析數據結果。研究發現如下:1. 外派人家庭因素(家庭支持度、適應度、溝通度)對其工作績效具有正向影響,但其中外派人員家庭適應度對其工作出席無直接影響。 2. 外派人員跨文化適應力(一般、工作、互動適應力)對其工作績效具有正向影響。

Since the rapid trend of Globalization, enterprise have already expanded the subsidiaries in oversea market. For Taiwanese cooperation, there are many investing in Mainland China which means there is a need for Taiwanese cooperation to assign the expatriate to maintain the business in China. Thus, it’s very important for the company to comprehend the factors which influence on the success of expatriation.

The objective of this research is to find out the whether family factors and cross-cultural adjustment influence on Taiwanese expatriate’s job performance in Mainland China. Through the quantitative method, the data is analyzed by regression to find the results. And the data reveals findings are as followings: 1. Expatriate’s family factors (family support, adaptability, communication) has the positive influence on job performance. However, there’s no significant correlation between family adaptability and work attendance. 2. Expatriate’s cross-cultural adjustment (general, work, interaction adjustment) has the positive influence on job performance.

The research targets on helping the cooperation to improve the expatriate’s job performance.Through figuring out the relationship between family factors and job performance, cross-cultural adjustment and job performance, the research also provides the suggestion to reduce the failure of expatriation and lower down the loss.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 4
1.3 Problem Statement 5
1.4 Key Terminologies 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Family Factors 7
2.2 Spillover Theory and Family Factors 9
2.3 Cross-Cultural Adjustment 9
2.4 Expatriate’s Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Job Performance 10
2.5 Importance of Expatriate’s Support to Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Job Performance 11
2.5 The Function of Employee’s Job Performance 13
2.6 The Measurement of Job Performance 15
Chapter 3 Methodology 20
3.1 Research Structure 20
3.2 Research Hypothesis 21
3.3 Research Object 22
3.4 Research Design and Instrument 23
3.5 Quantitative Data Analysis 24
Chapter 4 Analysis and Results 31
4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents 31
4.2 The relationship between expatriate’s family support and job performance 41
4.2.1 Regression of family support on work effectiveness 41
4.2.2 Regression of family support on work attendance 43
4.2.3 Regression of family support on job engagement 45
4.3 The relationship between expatriate’s family adaptability and job performance 47
4.3.1 Regression of family adaptability on work effectiveness 47
4.3.2 Regression of family adaptability on work attendance 49
4.3.3 Regression of family adaptability on job engagement 51
4.4 The relationship between expatriate’s family communication and job performance 53
4.4.1 Regression of family communication on work effectiveness 54
4.4.2 Regression of family communication on work attendance 55
4.4.3 Regression of family communication on job engagement 57
4.5 The relationship between expatriate’s general adjustment and job performance 59
4.5.1 Regression of general adjustment on work effectiveness 59
4.5.2 Regression of general adjustment on work attendance 61
4.5.3 Regression of general adjustment on job engagement 63
4.6 The relationship between expatriate’s work adjustment and job performance 64
4.6.1 Regression of work adjustment on work effectiveness 65
4.6.2 Regression of work adjustment on work attendance 66
4.6.3 Regression of work adjustment on job engagement 68
4.7 The relationship between expatriate’s interaction adjustment and job performance 70
4.7.1 Regression of interaction adjustment on work effectiveness 70
4.7.2 Regression of interaction adjustment on work attendance 72
4.7.3 Regression of interaction adjustment on job engagement 73
4.8 The Results of Hypothesis Test 75
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation 77
5.1 Conclusion 77
5.1.1 The effect of expatriate’s family support to job performance 77
5.1.2 The effect of expatriate’s family adaptability to job performance 77
5.1.3 The effect of expatriate’s family communication to job performance 78
5.1.4 The effect of expatriate’s general adjustment to job performance 78
5.1.5 The effect of expatriate’s work adjustment to job performance 79
5.1.6 The effect of expatriate’s interaction adjustment to job performance 79
5.2 Research Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research 79
References 81
Appendix 1 Questionnaire 88
Appendix 2 Questionnaire in Chinese 92
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