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博碩士論文 etd-0520122-172058 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0520122-172058
旅遊照片對 出遊 景點 動機與 旅遊 意願影響之研究
The effects of travel photography on travelers’ travel motivation and visit intention
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
visit intention, travel photography, perceived diagnosticity, travel motivation, full-shot, medium-shot
本論文已被瀏覽 424 次,被下載 0
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 424 times, has been downloaded 0 times.
旅遊 意願的管道五花八門。本研究探討旅客觀
看旅遊照片後 所產生的感知診斷性 將會 影響 旅遊動機與對 該景點的 旅遊 意願。本
片,再由台灣 1 8 歲以上年齡層遊客填寫問卷,問卷回收數為 2 96 份 ( 1 47 份為
旅遊全景類而 149 份為旅遊中景類 。最小平方分析法顯示 當旅客認為照片中的
資訊對自己是有幫助的,不論 看完文青全景照 或文青中景照 後 ,都會 產生 想要放
鬆、獲得社會認同感與象徵性價值 等旅遊動機, 從中, 在文青全景照, 放鬆動機
更會直接影響旅遊意願 。 反之, 在 文青 中景照 放鬆動機與象徵性價值都會直接
影響旅遊意願 。 最後,不 論 是文青全景照或是文青中景照,當旅客認為照片 所提
供的訊息有助於他們 判斷 景點的品質 ,此正 面感受 都會直接影響旅遊意願。
Photography has always played an important role in prompting travelers to visit a destination. This study considered how travelers upon seeing photographs of a tourist destination would generate perceived diagnosticity of the photograph which then affects the travel motivations (relaxation, social recognition and symbolic value) generated by the travelers and the intention to visit that destination. Two types of photographs, full-shot and medium-shot, of a popular wenqing destination in Hualien were used. The relevant data from 296 survey respondents (147 for full-shot photographs and 149 for medium-shot) were analyzed using the partial least squares method. For full-shot photographs, perceived diagnosticity of the photography contributes to invoking relaxation, social recognition and symbolic value travel motivation, as well as visit intention. Relaxation then directly and positively influences visit intention. For medium-shot photograph, perceived diagnosticity of the photography also contributes to invoking relaxation, social recognition and symbolic value travel motivation, as well as visit intention. Symbolic value and relaxation influence visit intention positively. Managerial implications are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
Section 2.1 Tourism photography 4
Section 2.2 Wenqing destination 5
Section 2.3 Classification of travel photography-based on type of camera shots 6
Section 2.4 Travel motivation 7
Section 2.5 Perceived diagnosticity of photo 9
Section 2.6 Visit intention 10
Chapter 3 Research Model and Methodology 11
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 14
Section 4.1 Manipulation of photo types 14
Section 4.2 Instrument 15
Section 4.3 Questionnaire 16
Chapter 5 Data Analysis 18
Section 5.1 Full-shot photo 18
Section 5.2 Medium-shot photo 21
Chapter 6 Discussion and Implications 24
References 27

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