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論文名稱 Title |
台灣跨境電商平台經營策略之研究-以LifeBox在越南市場為例 Business Strategy of Taiwanese Cross-border E-Commerce-The Case of LifeBox in the Vietnamese Market |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
87 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-06-11 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-06-28 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
跨境電商、品牌經營策略、品牌定位、品牌權益、顧客旅程地圖 cross-border e-commerce, brand management strategy, brand positioning, brand equity, customer journey map |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 351 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 351 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
台灣企業多以製造代工為主,面對COVID-19影響而使供應鏈經常斷鏈的問題頻頻發生,加上低成本競爭者與新興經濟體進入國際市場,競爭壓力與日俱爭,台灣企業被迫另尋出路,往微笑曲線兩端的高附加價值發展,但台灣在經營品牌過程中常因資源不足等問題,使建立品牌成為難以回收的賭注。然而,危機也是轉機,疫情使得全球消費習慣改變,電商因此快速成長,尤以東南亞的成長最為驚人,eMarketer預測直至2023年,全球電商銷售額將以二位數成長。電商平台成為台灣企業建立品牌的重要途徑,在後疫情時代帶來的商機和迫切中,台灣企業應善用跨境電商平台來建構品牌形象與優勢,突破困局,創造長期優勢。 本研究個案公司LifeBox為落地越南之B2C跨境電商平台,針對越南市場消費習性,跨境電商應如何進行品牌經營,是本研究之探討主題。本研究以品牌定位理論分析LifeBox的定位後、以品牌權益觀點分析其品牌策略,再針對目標客群進行顧客旅程地圖分析。根據分析結果,本研究認為品牌與電商對彼此的重要性是緊密的,台灣企業可藉由(1)強化品牌經營思維、(2)設定跨境電商發展藍圖、(3)培養跨境電商的人才、(4)發展具差異化的品牌策略 (5)依據當地市場的消費習慣進行品牌定位、(6)利用大數據與在地化發展行銷策略,建構長期的品牌競爭優勢,也作為給予其他台灣中小企業有意發展跨境電商之策略建議方向,以強化台灣跨境電商品牌之競爭力。 |
Abstract |
Most Taiwanese companies focus on manufacturing OEM for a long time. Facing the impact of COVID-19, the problem of frequent supply chain disruptions has occurred frequently. In addition, low-cost competitors and emerging economies entered the international market, the competitive pressure is increasing day by day. High value-added development at both ends of the smile curve, but in the process of brand management in Taiwan, problems such as lack of resources often make building a brand difficult. However, the crisis is also a turning point. The epidemic has changed global consumption habits, and e-commerce has grown rapidly, especially in Southeast Asia. eMarketer predicts that until 2023, global e-commerce sales will grow by double digits. E-commerce platforms have become an important way for Taiwanese companies to build brands. With the business opportunities and urgency brought by the post-epidemic era, Taiwanese companies should make good use of cross-border e-commerce platforms to build their brand image and advantages, break through the predicament, and create long-term advantages. The research case company LifeBox is a B2C cross-border e-commerce platform in Vietnam. In view of the consumption behavior of the Vietnamese market, how cross-border e-commerce should conduct brand management is the theme of this study. This research analyzes the positioning of LifeBox with the brand positioning theory, analyzes its brand strategy from the perspective of brand equity, and then analyzes the customer journey map for the target audience. According to the analysis results, this study believes that brands and e-commerce are closely related to each other. Taiwanese companies can (1) strengthen their brand management thinking, (2) set a blueprint for cross-border e-commerce development, and (3) cultivate cross-border e-commerce. E-commerce talents, (4) developing differentiated brand strategies (5) brand positioning according to the consumption habits of the local market, (6) using big data and localization to develop marketing strategies to build long-term brand competitiveness, and also as a strategic direction for other Taiwanese SMEs who intend to develop cross-border e-commerce, the thesis in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Taiwan's cross-border e-commerce brands. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 致 謝 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract iv 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 跨境電商的流程與環節 5 第二節 品牌定位 9 第三節 品牌權益觀點 16 第四節 顧客旅程 24 第三章 研究設計 29 第一節 研究方法 29 第二節 研究架構 32 第四章 產業概況與個案介紹 33 第一節 台灣跨境電商發展趨勢 33 第二節 台灣跨境電商品牌之經營現況 38 第三節 越南市場總體環境概況 42 第四節 越南電商市場概覽 47 第五節 個案公司介紹 52 第五章 產業與個案公司分析 56 第一節 LifeBox品牌定位分析 56 第二節 LifeBox品牌權益分析 61 第三節 LifeBox顧客旅程分析 65 第六章 結論與建議 70 第一節 研究結論 70 第二節 研究限制 73 第三節 未來研究建議 74 參考資料 75 |
參考文獻 References |
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