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Title page for etd-0529122-104640
探討網紅品牌與第三方網站平台之間信任轉移與依戀轉移對購買意圖之影響 以Youtuber和Hahow為例子
Exploring the trust transfer and attachment transfer between influencer’s brand and third party website on Purchase Intention
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Influencer, Influencer brand attachment, Attachment transference, Trust transference, Purchase intention
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近幾年,大眾對於知識與技能的學習,專注力漸漸從線下轉到線上,現在的數位學習領域,隨著在線空間的擴大以及傳統活動向虛擬活動的轉變,“大規模開放式線上課程“(MOOCS)有了長足的發展,這些平台使幾乎世界各地的人們都可以通過網路無限制的參與各種專家提供的線上學術課程COVID-19的疫情爆發,更是加速了此過程 本研究意圖在於分析線上課程平台是如何透過Youtuber的影響力去打造平台的成功,以及探討雨後春筍的線上課程平台中,要如何更好的促進使用者的購買意圖。本研究欲探討的是現今平台以及網紅品牌的自我信任建構過程,和網紅品牌信任對平台信任之間是否能有信任轉移的關係,以及對於網紅品牌的依戀是否能夠透過品牌延伸的概念轉移到對於平台的依戀上,進而產生消費者的購買意圖。
本研究利用線上問卷的方式回收樣本資料,總共回收了203份有效樣本 並且透過SmartPLS 3.0與SPSS等統計軟體進行分析來驗證本研究的模型和設計的構面是否具有良好的信效度。而根據研究結果顯示,能夠解釋第三方平台的信任和依戀以及網紅的信任和依戀進行信任和依戀的轉移並最終影響購買意圖。在本研究中網紅品牌的信任正向影響第三方平台信任,網紅品牌依戀也正向影響第三方平台依戀,且網紅信任以及第三方平台信任皆會正向影響網紅依戀以及第三方平台依戀,第三方平台依戀則能有效解釋並且對購買意圖具有正向顯著影響。最後,透過研究結果提出理論面以及實務面上的貢獻和研究方向建議,希望能夠對未來研究者以及相關的研究領域能夠有幫助。
In recent years, the public's focus on the learning of knowledge and skills has gradually shifted from offline to online. In the current digital learning field, with the expansion of online space and the transformation of traditional activities to virtual activities, " Massive open online courses" “(MOOCS) have come a long way and these platforms have enabled people almost anywhere in the world to have unlimited access to online academic courses offered by a variety of experts, coupled with the impact of COVID-19 The outbreak of the epidemic has accelerated this process. The purpose of this research is to analyze how online course platforms use the influence of Youtubers to build the success of the platform, and to explore how to better promote users’ purchase intentions among online course platforms that are springing up. The purpose of this study is to explore the self-trust construction process of current platforms and Influencer brands, and whether there is a trust transfer relationship between Influencer brand trust and platform trust, and whether attachment to Influencer brands can be extended through the concept of branding Shift to the attachment to the platform, and then generate the purchase intention of consumers.
In this study, the sample data was recovered by means of an online questionnaire, and a total of 203 valid samples were recovered and analyzed through statistical software such as SmartPLS 3.0 and SPSS to verify whether the model and the design aspects of this study have good reliability and validity. According to the research results, it can explain the trust and attachment of third-party platforms and the trust and attachment of Internet celebrities to transfer trust and attachment and ultimately affect purchase intention. In this study, the trust of the influencer brand positively affects the trust of the third-party platform, the brand attachment of the influencer also positively affects the attachment of the third-party platform, and the trust of the influencer and the trust of the third-party platform will positively affect the attachment of the influencer and the third-party platform. Platform attachment and third-party platform attachment can be effectively explained and have a positive and significant impact on purchase intention. Finally, the theoretical and practical contributions and research directions are proposed through the research results, hoping to be helpful to future researchers and related research fields.
目次 Table of Contents

國立中山大學研究生學位論文審書........................................... i
摘要.............................................................................................. ii
Abstract .............................................................................. iii
目錄......................................................................... v
第 1 章 :緒論 ................................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景:...................................................... 1
第二節 研究動機:................................................................. 3
第三節 研究問題與目的 :............................................................ 5
第四節 研究方法與流程:................................................................... 6
第 2 章 :文獻探討 ................................................................... 7
第一節 第三方網站信任(Third party’s Web trust)....................... 7
第二節 網紅品牌信任(Influencer’s brand trust)............................... 9
第三節 信任轉移(Trust transfer)........................................................ 10
第四節 依戀轉移(Attachment transfer)............................................ 11
第 3 章 :研究方法 ............................................................................ 13
第一節 研究模型............................................................................. 13
第二節 研究假說.................................................................................. 14
一、 計算型信任對第三方網站信任之關係 ........................................14
一、 制度型信任對第三方網站信任之關係 ..........................14
二、 知識型信任-對第三方網站的熟悉對第三方網站信任之關係......15
三、 來源可信度對於網紅品牌信任之關係 ...........................16
四、 資訊價值對網紅品牌信任之關係..........................................17
五、 網紅品牌信任對於第三方網站信任之關係...............................17
六、 信任對依戀之關係...................................................................18
七、 網紅品牌依戀對於第三方網站依戀的關係.................................18
八、 第三方網站依戀對於購買意圖的關係 ....................19
第二節 操作型定義...................................................... 20
第三節 研究設計............................................................ 22
一、 研究對象 .................................................................22
二、 研究流程 ...................................................22
三、 問卷設計 .....................................................................................22
第 4 章 :資料分析 ................................ 33
第一節 樣本資料分析........................................ 33
第二節 衡量模型....................................................... 35
一、 信度分析(Reliability).........................................................35
二、 收斂效度(Convergent Validity)...............................................37
三、 區別效度分析(Discriminant Validity) .............................................41
四、 共線性分析(Multicollinearity).................................................44
五、 共同方法偏誤(Common Method Bias).................................45
第二節 假說驗證.................................................. 52
第 5 章 :結論與建議 .......................................................... 55
第一節 研究結果與建議..................................................... 55
一、 對第三方網站之信任組成因素...........................................55
二、 對網紅品牌之信任組成因素............................................56
三、 網紅品牌信任對第三方網站信任之影響....................................56
四、 網紅品牌依戀對第三方網站依戀之影響....................56
五、 網紅品牌以及第三方網站信任之於依戀之影響.........................57
六、 第三方網站依戀對於購買意圖影響 .............................................57
第二節 理論以及實務意涵.................................................... 58
一、 理論面..............................................................................................58
二、 實務面....................................................................................58
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向....................... 60
一、 研究限制 ...................................................................................60
二、 未來研究方向...........................................................................60
參考文獻:.................................................................................. 61
附錄:本論文正式問卷:.................................................... 66
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