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論文名稱 Title |
近十年在台社會企業經營模式之優化探討 Has it Become Easier to Operate a Social Enterprise in Taiwan in the Last Ten Years? |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
103 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-06-29 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-07-01 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
社會企業、社企、社會創業、社會創新、可持續發展目標、社會價值、企業社會責任、台灣社企 Social enterprise, SEs, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, SDGs, social value, CSR, Taiwan SEs |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 379 次,被下載 38 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 379 times, has been downloaded 38 times. |
中文摘要 |
社會企業 (SE) 已成為常規企業的替代品。他們提出了一種混合商業模式,將商業活動(銷售產品和服務)與解決社會問題的目標相結合。這些是相對較新的實體,因此有很大的研究空間。這是一項探索性研究,旨在找出現在經營社會企業是否比十年前更容易。它修訂了社會企業的定義和特徵以及它們的出現方式。此外,它探索了台灣的 SE 生態系統,從他們的類型到他們的願景和使命。從政治角度分析台灣社企的具體政策(如2014年社會企業行動計劃和2018年社會創新行動計劃),以評估它們是否對其發展產生積極影響。本論文還對台灣社會企業的三個案例研究——Townway Corporation、DiD Taipei 和 KSEA——進行了定性研究,將提供有關它們如何運作、面臨的挑戰以及它們與政府和政府等其他參與者的關係的相關信息。文明社會。最後,它確定了有助於台灣社會企業成功的一些因素,並為他們的未來提出了一些建議。 |
Abstract |
Social Enterprises (SEs) have emerged as an alternative to regular businesses. They present a hybrid business model that combines commercial activities -selling products and services- with the goal of tackling some problem in society. These are relatively new entities, thus there is much room for studying them. This is an exploratory study that aims at finding out whether it is now easier to operate a social enterprise than ten years ago. It revises the definition and characteristics of SEs as well as how they emerged. Moreover, it explores the SE ecosystem in Taiwan from their types to their vision and mission. Trough a political lens, specific policies regarding SEs in Taiwan -such as the 2014 Social Enterprise Action Plan and the 2018 Social Innovation Action Plan- are analyzed to assess whether they have a positive influence on their development. This thesis also presents a qualitative study of three case studies of Taiwanese social enterprise - Townway Corporation, DiD Taipei and KSEA- that will provide relevant information on how they operate, the challenges they face and their relationship with other actors such as the government and the civil society. Finally it identifies some factors that contribute to the success of Social Enterprises in Taiwan and makes some recommendations for their future. |
目次 Table of Contents |
i. Validation letter i ii. Acknowledgements ii iii. 摘要 iii iv. Abstract iv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1. Introduction to SE 5 2.2. Conceptualization 6 2.2.1. Social Enterprise 7 2.3. Further understanding SEs 14 2.4. Social enterprises in Taiwan 19 2.4.1. Types of SEs in Taiwan 21 2.5. Conclusion 26 3. POLICY REVIEW 28 3.1. Legal and political framework 28 3.2. Interview with Yen Feng 33 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 42 4.1. Scope of the research and limitations 42 4.2. Data collection method 43 4.3. Interview questions and their rationale 43 5. CASE STUDIES 47 5.1. Townway Cultural and Creative Corporation 47 5.2. Dialogue in the Dark Taipei 53 5.3. KSEA (Includes Big Issue Taiwan and Toy Wonderland) 60 6. FINAL REMARKS 65 6.1. Has it become easier to operate a SE in Taiwan? 65 6.2. Factors that contribute to the success of SEs in Taiwan 68 6.3. Recommendations for the future of SE in Taiwan 71 7. CONCLUSION 73 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SOURCES 75 10. APPENDICES 81 |
參考文獻 References |
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