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Title page for etd-0604122-142927
Exploring the Relationship between Mentoring, Intern’s Intention to Return, and Career Engagement
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Interns, Mentoring, Residual Affective Commitment, Intention to Return, Career Engagement, Psychological Entitlement
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近年來,為了彌補學生教育與職場真實情況的落差,實習的重要性日漸增加。實習對於學生來說是與職場銜接的重要工具,而對於公司來說更是一個能夠招募人才的管道。其中,師徒制更是近年來很常被應用在實習計劃中的制度。然而,過往針對師徒制的研究大多專注在正職員工身上,鮮少探討師徒制對於實習生的影響。因此,本研究以社會交換理論作為觀點,探討師徒制三功能如何分別透過實習結束後的剩餘情感承諾,進而影響到實習生的回歸組織意願以及職涯投入。此外,本研究將應得權益感作為調節變數,探討其是否會影響到師徒制透過剩餘情感承諾對實習生的回歸組織意願與職涯投入產生的中介效果。本研究使用問卷調查法以及時間隔離法蒐集三階段之問卷,並以全台不同產業且具有實習經驗之大專院校學生為對象,共回收 200 份有效之三階段問卷。本研究結果如下: (1)師徒制三功能中的職涯支持與心理社會支持功能皆會透過實習生的剩餘情感承諾提高其回歸組織意願與職涯投入; (2)應得權益感會減弱師徒制三功能中的職涯支持與心理社會支持透過剩餘情感承諾對實習生的職涯投入造成的正向效果。最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,進行後續的實務與未來研究建議。
Nowadays, the internship program is critical for recruiting talents. Thus, most companies provide interns chances to work with mentors to help them form the organization's job-related perceptions. However, past research on mentorship usually focused on full-time employees but discussed interns less. Therefore, based on social exchange theory, this study examined how three mentoring functions impacted the intern's intention to return and career engagement separately by mediating the effect of residual affective commitment. In addition, this study also examined how psychological entitlement moderated the mediating effect of residual affective commitment on the relationship between three functions of mentoring and the intern's intention to return and career engagement. Three-wave questionnaire data was collected for this study, and 200 valid samples were used. The results indicated that: (1) Career support and psychosocial support of three functions of mentoring enhanced the intern's intention to return and career engagement through the intern's residual affective commitment. (2) Psychological entitlement weakened the mediating effect of residual affective commitment on the relationship between career support, psychosocial support, and career engagement.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書....................................................................................................... i
摘要.................................................................................................................. ii
Abstract........................................................................................................... iii
目錄................................................................................................................. iv
圖次.................................................................................................................. v
表次................................................................................................................. vi
第一章 緒論..................................................................................................... 1
第二章 文獻回顧與研究假設......................................................................... 5
第一節 情感性承諾與剩餘情感承諾之差異............................................. 5
第二節 剩餘情感承諾與職涯投入............................................................. 6
第三節 剩餘情感承諾與回歸組織意願..................................................... 7
第四節 師徒制與剩餘情感承諾................................................................. 8
第五節 剩餘情感承諾在師徒制三功能與職涯投入之中介效果........... 12
第六節 剩餘情感承諾在師徒制三功能與回歸組織意願之中介效果... 12
第七節 應得權益感之調節效果............................................................... 13
第三章 研究方法........................................................................................... 17
第一節 研究樣本與施測流程................................................................... 17
第二節 研究工具....................................................................................... 21
第三節 資料分析方式............................................................................... 30
第四章 研究結果........................................................................................... 31
第一節 驗證性因素分析........................................................................... 31
第二節 相關分析....................................................................................... 33
第三節 假設檢定....................................................................................... 36
第五章 研究結論與建議............................................................................... 46
第一節 研究結果討論............................................................................... 46
第二節 研究貢獻與實務意涵................................................................... 50
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議........................................................... 53
參考文獻........................................................................................................ 57
附錄................................................................................................................ 67
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