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博碩士論文 etd-0604122-152339 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0604122-152339
探討加盟店主對消費返現購物網站信任度與續用意願之研究- 以 SHOP.COM 網站為例
Exploring the franchisee’s trust and purchase intention on cashback shopping websites – A case study of SHOP.COM
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E-commerce, S-O-R, Cashback, Renewal intent, Trust
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自1990年代起,WWW網際網路等多媒體應用開始快速發展,透過Internet 的能力,將圖像、文字、聲音及影像等等資訊,透過容易上手的操作介面,讓使用者更容易且更快速的獲得想要的訊息,且隨著智慧型手機的普及和網路速度的提升,讓電子商務服務從原本的桌上型電腦延伸到行動裝置,更展現了電子商務服務無所不在的特性,而2019 年出現的新冠肺炎疫情,更造就了一波電商經濟的高峰。參考知名電子商務網站亞馬遜2020年Q2業績,因Covid-19疫情帶動銷量增長,年營收增加了40%,直接見證宅經濟成長。根據2020台灣網路報告指出,主要的消費者還以依25-39歲的Y世代為主,而56歲以上的中老年人口未有疫情影響前,為實體購物為主,但受到疫情影響,只能減少出門購物,而電子商務業者除了原本直面消費者的2C消費渠道,更因此發展出B-B-C的加盟模式,由加盟主代為採購商品累積賺點產生消費回饋,而此加盟關係是以年度合約為基礎進行。
本文研究是依 S-O-R的理論作為研究架構,用以了解上述消費模式中的加盟主在使用電子商務網站時,哪些因素會產生刺激(Stimulus),影響加盟主的心理變化(Organism),使加盟主有所反應(Response)進而產生續約意圖。
本文研究採線上問卷形式搜集樣本,以實際用過SHOP.COM 購物網站為主的加盟主並依介紹影片輔助填寫者了解SHOP.COM購物網站,共回收了140份有效問卷,透過分析檢驗研究模型及設計購面具有足夠之信效度。
Since the 1990s, multimedia applications such as WWW have begun to grow exponentially. Through the capabilities of the Internet, information such as images, text, audio, and video can be easily and quickly used by users through an easy-to-use interface.
Get the information you want, and with the popularization of smartphones and the improvement of Internet speed, e-commerce services have been extended from the original desktop computers to mobile devices, showing the ubiquitous characteristics of e-commerce services, and in 2019, caused by COVID-19, has created a peak of e-commerce.
Referring to the well-known e-commerce website Amazon's Q2 performance in 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic has driven sales growth and annual revenue has increased by 40%, directly witnessing the growth of the home economy. According to the 2020 Taiwan Internet Report, the primary consumers are the Y generation aged 25-39, while the middle-aged and elderly population over 56 years old is mainly shopping for brick-and-mortar before the epidemic. Still, due to the impact of the epidemic, It can only reduce going out shopping. In addition to the original 2C consumption channel that directly faces consumers, e-commerce operators have developed a B-B-C franchise model. The franchise owner accumulates points for purchasing goods to generate cash back, and this franchise relationship is based on an annual contract.

The research of this paper is based on the S-O-R theory as a research framework to understand which factors will stimulate the franchise owners in the above consumption patterns when they use e-commerce websites, which will affect the psychological changes of franchise owners (Organism) There is a response (Response) and the intention to renew the contract is generated.

This paper collects samples in the form of online questionnaires. The franchisees who have actually used the SHOP.COM shopping website and those who fill out the SHOP.COM shopping website are assisted by the introduction video. A total of 140 valid questionnaires are collected, and the research model is tested through analysis. And the design purchase surface has sufficient reliability and validity.

The research results show that the quality of the website has a positive and significant impact on the psychological factors of franchise owners, including convenience and trust. The analysis results of this study also point out that the psychological factors of franchise owners have a positive and significant impact on the intention to renew the contract. In addition, the alliance of the website Brand trust and profitability information are also important factors that affect the franchise owner's intention to renew the contract. The higher the sense of responsibility, the higher the franchise owner's intention to renew the contract. Finally, this paper proposes theoretical and practical implications and suggestions, hoping to be helpful to future related research.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究動機3
第三節 研究問題與目的4
第四節 研究方法與流程5
第一節 消費返利商業模式7
第二節 加盟主7
第三節 虛擬社群行銷工具7
第四節 S-O-R模型8
第五節 網站品質8
第六節 便利性9
第七節 信任度10
第一節 研究模型11
第二節 研究假說12
第三節 操作型定義13
第四節 研究設計14
第一節 樣本的基本資料結果分析18
第二節 衡量模型20
第三節 結構模型及假說驗證25
第一節 研究結果與建議28
第二節 研究理論面向和研究實務意涵29
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向30
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