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Title page for etd-0605121-103141
Exploring social media fatigue from the perspective of emotional labor
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Social media fatigue, Emotional labor, Use and gratification theory, Surface acting, Display rules
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Due to the popularity of the Internet, social media has been silently integrated into our lives. Now, people always use social media for daily communication. With the rapid rise of social media, more and more studies have shown that social media will have a negative impact on users, which is called social media fatigue. The research on social media fatigue is quite extensive and there are many entry points. , And this research will explain social media fatigue from the perspective of emotional labor.
Through the use of social media performance rules summarized in previous studies as display rules in emotional labor, see if these rules really restrict users and whether users will respond with deep performances and superficial performances. , And whether it ultimately causes users’ social media fatigue. In addition, we have also joined the Use and Gratification Theory to discuss whether users’ satisfaction with social media will reduce their fatigue and behavior after fatigue. A total of 409 valid questionnaires were collected in this study, and the results also verified that the viewpoint of emotional labor can indeed be proved in social media fatigue. We hope that through this research, we can add a new viewpoint to the field of social media fatigue.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書......................................................... i
摘要.............................................................. ii
Abstract.......................................................... iii
目錄.............................................................. iv
圖次............................................................... v
表次.............................................................. vi
第一章 緒論........................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景................................................ 1
第二節 研究問題與目的.......................................... 4
第三節 研究流程................................................ 4
第二章 文獻探討.................................................... 6
第一節 社群媒體疲勞............................................ 6
第二節 情緒勞動................................................ 7
第三節 社群媒體的互動規則...................................... 9
第四節 心理所有權............................................. 10
第五節 使用滿足理論........................................... 11
第六節 不連續意圖............................................. 13
第三章 研究方法................................................... 14
第一節 研究模型............................................... 14
第二節 研究假說............................................... 15
第三節 操作型定義............................................. 20
第四節 研究設計............................................... 21
第四章 資料分析................................................... 27
第一節 基本資料分析........................................... 27
第二節 衡量模型............................................... 29
第三節 模型假說與驗證......................................... 39
第五章 結論....................................................... 42
第一節 研究結果與建議......................................... 42
第二節 理論以及實務意涵....................................... 45
第三節 研究限制............................................... 47
第四節 未來研究方向........................................... 48
參考文獻.......................................................... 49
附錄.本研究正式問卷............................................... 60

圖1-1 研究流程.................................................... 5
圖3-1 研究模型................................................... 14
圖4-1 結構方程式模型分析結果..................................... 40

表3-1 各變數操作型定義........................................... 20
表3-2 溝通間的規則之問項......................................... 22
表3-3 關係維護的規則之問項....................................... 22
表3-4 避免自我負面後果的規則之問項............................... 22
表3-5 避免對朋友負面後果的規則之問項............................. 23
表3-6 社群媒體表面行為之問項..................................... 23
表3-7 社群媒體深層行為之問項.................................,,,. 24
表3-8 社群媒體疲勞之問項......................................... 24
表3-9 社群媒體不連續使用意圖之問項............................... 25
表3-10 社群媒體心理所有權之問項................................,. 25
表3-11 社交互動之問項............................................ 26
表3-12 消磨時間之問項............................................ 26
表4-1 基本資料................................................... 28
表4-2 各構念信效度............................................... 31
表4-3 PLS 驗證性因素分析以及交叉負荷矩陣......................... 32
表4-4 平均變異萃取量平方根與其他構念之係數比較表.............,,,. 34
表4-5 HTMT (Heterotrait monotrait ratio of correlations).....,,,. 34
表4-6 各構念信效度............................................... 35
表4-7 共同方法偏誤-Harman 單因子檢定............................. 36
表4-8 共同方法偏誤-Latent Method Variable 檢定................... 38
表4-9 假說驗證對照表............................................. 41

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