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博碩士論文 etd-0606121-135547 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0606121-135547
動態競爭觀點下市占率亞軍企業之品牌策略研究—以聚和企業 N 次貼產品為例
Branding Strategy of a Market Share Runner-up Company from Dynamic Capabilities Perspective - A Case Study of Hopax Fine Chemicals Stick'n Product
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
market share, cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, SWOT analysis, conventional competition view, AMC model
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This research intends to do research on the brand strategy of the business whose market share is sort runner up. This research is going to use the Hopax company’s product Stick'N as an example. Worthy to pay attention, when it comes to dynamic view point, the market share runner up company is itself dynamic. However, the champion and runner up company own more than 90% of the market share, and the case company owns 20% of the market share. Therefore, this research believes that the case company is going to maintain runner up position in the near future. This research is going to focus on the relationship between concentration rates, low cost, and differentiate strategy. Later on, the research would also provide the five force analysis and SWOT analysis. Last but not least, this research is going to draw attention to analysis the company in dynamic view point using tools like hyper competition, transient competitive advantage, three viewpoints of dynamic competition, AMC model and the MC-RS model into the case company, and try to give out strategy advice. This research believes that there is rather little research using the dynamic approach to study the business whose market share is in the runner up position. The runner up company not only has to compete with the champion, but also has to defend its market share from the invasion of the follower. It has to be cautious all the time.
Most importantly, this research is also going to focus on the difference between the traditional view and the dynamic view of strategy. With the existence of different background and pros and cons, thus traditional competition and traditional competition view exist. However, the mainstream of the industry analysis is still the competitive model which Michael Porter invented. On the other hand, the environment shifts quickly. If we can use the dynamic competitive model to consider the corporate strategy, we can complement the competition strategy or even co-opetition strategy to adopt fast reaction strategy. The biggest difference between the dynamic competition view and traditional view is that they have different opinion toward competitive advantage. The traditional view believes that advantage is an obstacle for a period of time , while the dynamic competition view believes that this advantage will constantly be eliminated. Therefore, we should keep invest in resources to find the next advantage. Last but not least, the case company is preparing for the next star product. It is a good example of company innovation that the case company invented an innovative use of its product due to the maturity of its product. To sum up, this research believes that the path of the case company’s brand positioning and managing technique can be learned by other Taiwanese companies. As a result, this research considers that by using the dynamic approach to study the runner up company can help other companies to understand the fundamental and key points of company operation. Thus, I wrote this paper.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論.........................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機....................................................................1
第二節 研究目的................................................................................3
第三節 研究流程................................................................................4
第貳章 文獻回顧..................................................................................5
第一節 高市占率與獲利的關係........................................................5
第二節 產業集中度............................................................................7
第三節 低成本或差異化....................................................................7
第四節 五力分析................................................................................8
第五節 SWOT分析.............................................................................10
第六節 超競爭...................................................................................11
第七節 瞬時競爭優勢.......................................................................12
第八節 動態競爭的三種觀點...........................................................14
第九節 察覺–動機–能力觀點...........................................................15
第十節 MC-RS模型............................................................................15
第參章 研究方法................................................................................17
第一節 資料來源..............................................................................17
第二節 分析方法及結果彙整與呈現..............................................18
第肆章 產業現況................................................................................19
第一節 文具產業現況......................................................................19
第二節 聚和N次貼之競品分析........................................................21
第三節 聚和企業之經營型態 ..........................................................22
第一項 聚和企業基本資料...............................................................22
第二項 聚和企業股權分配...............................................................22
第三項 聚和公司產品領域...............................................................23
第四項 N次貼經營型態簡介............................................................23
第五項 聚和N次貼部門收入狀況....................................................24
第四節 3M公司之經營型態..............................................................26
第一項 3M公司股市資料................................................................26
第二項 3M POST-it產品 收入狀況..................................................28
第三項 3M公司的創新....................................................................28
第四項 3M公司之產品領域............................................................31
第五節 3M企業與聚和企業現況比較 .............................................31
第伍章 分析與結果............................................................................32
第一節 聚和企業目前品牌策略(B2C) .............................................32
第二節 3M Post-it公司目前品牌策略 .............................................34
第三節 理論比較表...........................................................................35
第四節 五力分析(傳統觀點).......................................................36
第一項 N次貼五力分析...................................................................36
第二項 Posi-it的五力分析...............................................................36
第五節 SWOT分析(傳統觀點).....................................................38
第一項 N次貼SWOT分析.................................................................38
第二項 Post-it SWOT分析................................................................38
第六節 Post-it針對N次貼的AMC模型分析(動態觀點)...............40
第七節 N次貼對Post-it 的MC—RS模型(動態觀點).....................41
第一項 市場共同性..........................................................................41
第二項 資源相似性..........................................................................42
第八節 獵殺巨人................................................................................44
第陸章 結果與建議.............................................................................45
第一節 傳統競爭觀點下的策略思維................................................45
第二節 動態競爭觀點下的策略思維................................................46
第柒章 參考資料..................................................................................49
第一節 英文部分................................................................................49
第二節 中文部分................................................................................51
第三節 網路資料................................................................................51

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