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博碩士論文 etd-0606122-165656 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0606122-165656
Exploring the Mechanism and Critical factors of Knowledge Sharing: Advancing Organizational Gain and Performance
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Knowledge Sharing, Social Network, Trust, Incentive Mechanism, Transnormal Leadership, Self-efficacy, Performance
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本論文採用質性研究方式, 透過訪談的方式了解企業實務進行知識分享的過程與成 效。本研究以組織文化中的人際網絡與信任,以及獎勵機制的運作探討組織中的知 識分享情形與最終績效成果。研究方法採半結構式訪談的方式進行,訪談者為九位 來自不同企業的管理部門人員和人力資源工作者,經由自身經歷以及在該公司的觀 察分享相關經驗, 透過與訪談者的對話了解組織內的知識分享運作方式和績效影響, 並進行內容分析。本研究發現組織內的人際網絡和信任感會影響到知識分享的進 行,此外,組織內的獎勵機制也會正面影響知識分享的意願,而透過知識分享也確實 會為組織帶來績效。另一方面,本研究也發現組織中的領導者和成員的自我效能也 在知識分享的過程中佔了很重要的角色,透過管理者的帶領,以及高度的員工自我 效能,能夠使知識分享達到更好得成效。藉由本研究, 期許能對組織內的知識分享 運作有更實務的體會與了解。同時,也透過本研究讓組織在推行知識分享時能作為 一個參考, 讓知識分享的效用極大化。
In this qualitative research, the process of knowledge sharing, and the outcomes are explored through interviewing. This research is aim at exploring the antecedents (i.e. social network, trust, and incentive mechanism) and the performance of knowledge sharing. With semi-structured interviews, nine interviewees are from either Business Office, Administration Department, or Personnel Department and they share relevant experience based on personal experience or observation of the organizations they belong to . Also, through the analysis of the narrative, the finding suggests that both social network and trust will affect members with their attitude toward knowledge sharing, moreover, the incentive mechanism can influence members’ intention of knowledge sharing and the performance can be achieved by knowledge sharing in organization. Additionally, the leadership of the supervisor and the coworker’s self-efficiency both play a crucial role in the knowledge sharing process, with the leading of the leader and employees’ high self-efficacy, the results of knowledge sharing will be better.
With this research, hope there will be more empirical understandings of knowledge sharing, and for those organizations considering facilitate knowledge sharing as well.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter ..................... i
致謝 ................................................... ii
中文摘要 ...........................................iii
Abstract ..............................................iv
Chapter I Introduction ....................... 1
Chapter II Literature Review...............3
2.1 Knowledge Sharing.......................3
2.2 Organizational culture..................5
2.3 Incentive Mechanism .................. 6
2.4 Performance ................................ 7
2.5 Organizational Culture and Knowledge Sharing ........... 8
2.6 Incentive Mechanism and Knowledge Sharing ............ 8
2.7 Knowledge Sharing and Performance .................. 9
Chapter III Research Mythology .............................. 10
3.1 Research Design........................... 10
3.1.1 Methods .............................................. 10
3.1.2 Research Questions.................................. 12
3.2 Research Data ......................................... 13
3.2.1 Sampling...............................13
3.2.2 Conducting Interviews.............................. 15
Chapter IV Findings and Discussion.................16
4.1 Research aims and objectives ........................ 16
4.2 Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Culture ........ 17
4.2.1 Formal Knowledge Sharing............................... 18
4.2.2 Informal Knowledge Sharing ............................ 32
4.2.3 Social Network ................................................ 54
4.2.4 Affected-based Trust ........................................ 62
4.2.5 Cognition-based Trust ......................... 68
4.2.6 Social Networks and Knowledge Sharing...................85
4.2.7 Affected-based Trust and Knowledge Sharing ........ 88
4.2.8 Cognition-based Trust and Knowledge Sharing ......91
4.3 Knowledge Sharing and Incentive Mechanism ....... 100
4.3.1 Group-based Incentives .................................... 100
4.3.2 Individual-based Incentives....................104
4.3.3 Group-based Incentives and Knowledge Sharing ...113
4.4 Knowledge Sharing and Performance .............. 122
4.4.1 Performance...................122
4.4.2 Knowledge Sharing and Performance ................... 131
4.5 Findings.....................................................140
4.5.1 Transformational Leadership............... 143
4.5.2 Self-Efficacy ................................. 144
Chapter V Conclusion ........................... 146
5.1 Theoretical Implication ...................146
5.2 Practical Implication ................148
5.3 Limitation and future research .........151
Reference .......................................152
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