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博碩士論文 etd-0612121-133348 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0612121-133348
Research on International Marketing Strategies of European Brands
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Resourced-based View, Dynamic Capability, Brand Building, Brand Marketing, Management Strategy, Business Model, Corporation Transformation, Strategic Brand, International Trade, Skin-care Product, Cosmetic
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本研究藉由臺灣籍的跨國貿易商A集團成功創立新法國保養品品牌 RARE Paris 的過程,循序理解並歸納A集團成功轉型且行銷 RARE Paris 品牌的種種策略,並以資源相關概念為研究理論基礎,來檢視A集團轉型品牌商過程所必要的核心資源項目,並於最後得出動態能力的重要性。
最後,我們成功以資源基礎觀點檢視集團的轉型策略與品牌行銷策略。轉型過程中的一系列策略皆有其資源條件,除了能降低整個集團的營運風險,也能創造新的競爭優勢。同時,我們也發現Rare Paris 品牌行銷成功的關鍵因素與A集團特定且合理的資源配置息息相關。透過A集團持續的資源支援,Rare Paris品牌才得以在極短時間席捲歐洲保養品市場。
In a long time, international merchandisers (referred as IM) that strategically alliance with local agencies or dealers, mainly face two sources of huge pressure: the risk from the moment when downstream buyers start rent seeking for buying cheaper merchandises directly from the ultimate supplier, namely “disintermediation”, and the risk from the moment when upstream brand owners decide not to renew trade contracts for all kind of reasons, whether the IM gain excel sales performances on their brand or fail meeting the sales goal, etc. Most IMs tend to blame their current business position for unavoidably owning weak bargain power on controlling the upstream of their merchandises. To that, IMs mostly eager to build their own brand to escape the dilemma.
Yet, to urge a conglomerate transformation is not just simply creating a new brand, there are much of stakeholder interests needed to be carefully inspect during the process, otherwise incurring larger, immediate risk. During the transformation, extant partnerships with upstream brand owners and downstream dealers or agencies must be maintained continually, to fulfill the benefit lost before the newborn brand arises. Since this kind of strategic transformation might be highly sensitive to extant partnering upstream brand owners, IMs must put themselves into a specific resource position, to continually secure their own interests while transforming.
Our study mainly focuses on the case of a Taiwanese International merchandiser, named as the “A conglomerate”, on how it successfully built up a new French care product brand, RARE Paris. I use a step-by-step approach to understand and conclude the effective strategies applied during its transformation (from an IM to a brand owner), utilize some resource-related theories as the bone structure of this study, to inspect the required core resources during the process, and finally, conclude the importance of the dynamic capability (referred as DC).
This study is a qualitative research, supported with a huge number of secondary materials and my own industrial experiences, adding on some highly credited popular management frameworks for summary purpose, to eventually extract the A conglomerate’s critical success strategies.
At the end, I successfully applied the resource-based theories on inspecting the conglomerate’s successful transformation and branding strategies. The study shows that each of the strategy applied during the process, meets to a specific resource criterion, not only lowers internal business risks, but also creates new competing advantages. At the same time, this study also discovers that the critical success elements for branding RARE Paris is highly relevant to A conglomerate’s resource allocation strategy. Via the continually resource support from A conglomerate, RARE Paris is capable to sweep across the Europe care product market in a very short period.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第四節 研究對象 6
第貳章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 策略與品牌研究 7
第二節 資源基礎觀點 10
第三節 商業模式與電子商務 12
第四節 跨國貿易集團之通路策略 15
第五節 美妝保養品品牌行銷研究 17
第六節 管理工具 19
第參章 研究設計與方法 25
第一節 研究設計 25
第二節 研究方法 27
第三節 研究架構 29
第肆章 保養品產業與個案介紹 30
第一節 全球美妝及個人護理市場 30
第二節 法國美妝保養品產業 32
第三節 化妝品產業未來發展趨勢 33
第四節 A跨國貿易集團介紹 36
第五節 RARE PARIS品牌介紹 42
第伍章 RARE PARIS品牌策略分析 47
第一節 法國美妝保養品產業PEST分析 47
第二節 RARE PARIS品牌的策略意義 49
第三節 A跨國貿易集團商業模式與資源分配策略 54
第四節 兩種品牌建構策略導向 63
第五節 RARE PARIS品牌行銷策略 67
第六節 RARE PARIS品牌關鍵成功因素 74
第陸章 研究結果 76
第一節 研究回顧與結論 76
第二節 研究範疇與限制 78
第三節 管理意涵 79
參考文獻 81
附錄:訪談紀錄 84
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