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博碩士論文 etd-0616122-174127 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0616122-174127
探討使用者矛盾心理狀態對系統使用之影響 -以社群媒體為例
Explore the Influence of Ambivalence on the Use of Information Systems - A Case of Social Media System
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Social Media, Ambivalence, Neuroticism, Response of User, Use Pattern of IS
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 266 times, has been downloaded 45 times.
Modern information systems have become more complex and have created a variety of independent functions in response to users' needs, such as wearable health systems that observe users' physiological status, home console systems that provide games and entertainment, etc. When using these systems, users' psychological states may affect usage patterns. This study focuses on social media and Ambivalence as a model of psychological state development. It explores how users initiate, experience, and react to ambivalence, and whether Neuroticism, one of the five personality traits, may have a moderating effect on the degree of ambivalence.
The study was conducted using an online questionnaire, and 333 valid samples were collected. The results showed that interpersonal conflict had a significant positive effect on the triggering of conflict, conflict had a significant positive effect on positive amplification, negative amplification, and indecision, and neuroticism had a significant positive moderating effect on positive amplification, negative amplification, and intermittent amplification, while positive amplification on continuous use, negative amplification on discontinuation, indecision on intermittent use, and compromise on innovative adaptation had a significant positive moderating effect on intermittent use. The positive amplification response to continuous use, negative amplification response to discontinuation of use, indecision response to intermittent discontinuation of use, and compromise to innovative adaptation of use all had positive and significant positive effects. This study helps social media development companies to understand the factors that lead to user conflicts and further changes in usage patterns, and can be used as a reference for explaining user retention.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景 1
第二節、 研究動機 2
第三節、 研究目的與研究問題 2
第四節、 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節、 心理狀態對使用行為的影響 5
第二節、 矛盾的相關概念 6
第三節、 觸發矛盾 7
第四節、 矛盾影響使用後行為模式 8
第五節、 回應矛盾 8
第六節、 矛盾靈活性 12
第七節、 五大人格特質 12
第三章 研究方法 14
第一節、 研究模型 14
第二節、 研究假說 15
第三節、 操作型定義 23
第四節、 研究設計 25
一、研究對象 25
二、問卷設計 25
三、資料蒐集 26
第四章 資料分析與討論 27
第一節、 敘述性統計 27
第二節、 衡量模型 28
一、共同方法變異 29
二、信度分析 29
三、收斂效度 30
四、區別效度分析 30
五、共線性 30
第三節、 假說檢定 31
第五章 結論 34
第一節、 討論 34
一、觸發原因對矛盾的影響 34
二、矛盾對行為反應的影響 35
三、行為反應對社群媒體使用模式的影響 37
第二節、 學術貢獻與實務貢獻 38
一、學術貢獻: 38
二、實務意涵: 38
第三節、 研究限制與未來研究方向 39
參考文獻 40
附錄一、問卷 46
附錄二、表格 51
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