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Title page for etd-0618122-233059
「Talk to Your Heart」— The Effect of Different Conversation Styles on Purchase Intentions in a Chatbot: The Moderating Effect of Gender and Emoji
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Chatbot, Dimensions of social judgment, Gender, Emoji, Conversation Style on Chatbot, Anthropomorphic Perceptions, Social Presence
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本研究於實驗一使用2種聊天機器人對話風格(溫暖維度 vs. 能力維度)之單因子組間設計;實驗二為2(對話風格:溫暖維度 vs. 能力維度) X 2(聊天機器人性別:男 vs. 女) X 2(表情符號:有 vs. 無)之三因子組間設計。透過實驗了解聊天機器人對話風格、性別及表情符號之間的適配,會如何影響消費者的擬人化感知,以及中間透過擬人化感知及社會臨場感影響購買意圖所產生的效果。研究結果發現,相較於能力維度,溫暖維度的對話風格會有較高的擬人化感知,且當消費者產生的擬人化感知越高,對於聊天機器人所推薦之產品的購買意圖就越好。再者,聊天機器人性別及表情符號會干擾消費者因不同對話風格所引發的擬人化感知,當聊天機器人性別為女性時,相較於能力維度,對話風格為溫暖維度會引起較高的擬人化感知;但當聊天機器人性別為男性時,則無顯著影響;當有使用表情符號時,除了增強聊天機器人為女性且對話風格為溫暖維度的擬人化感知外,也會增強為男性且對話風格為能力維度時,對擬人化感知的效果。最後,擬人化感知及社會臨場感確實為聊天機器人對話風格影響購買意圖的重要中介變數。
In recent years, both brands and e-commerce platforms have started to use chatbots to communicate. In addition to reducing costs and increasing sales, also reduce the time for consumers to wait for a reply to enhance the experience. However, there are still many consumers who resist chatbots because chatbots aren’t humanized enough, thus reducing their purchase intention. So how to make chatbots more humanized is very important. Based on the dialogue cues, this study aims to explore how different conversation styles of chatbots influences on the purchase intention differently through anthropomorphic perception and social presence. This study also added the factors like gender and emoji of chatbots which may affect the conversation style.
Experiment 1 is a one-factor inter-group design of two chatbot conversation styles (warmth vs. competence). Experiment 2 is a three-factor inter-group design of 2 (conversation styles: warmth vs. competence) X2 (chatbots gender: male vs. female) X2 (emoji: yes vs. no). We can find out how the adaptation of chatbot's conversation style, gender and emoji will affect anthropomorphic perception, and the effect of anthropomorphic perception and social presence on purchase intention. The results show that, compared with the competence, the warmth conversation style has a higher anthropomorphic perception, and better purchase intention of products recommended by chatbots. And gender and emoji of chatbots will interfere with anthropomorphic perception caused by conversation styles. When the gender of chatbots is female, compared with the competence, the warmth conversation style will cause higher anthropomorphic perception; However, when the chatbot’s gender is male, it has no significant effect. When emoji is used, it can’t only enhance anthropomorphic perception that the chatbot is female and conversation style is warmth, but also enhance when the chatbot is male and conversation style is competence. Finally, anthropomorphic perception and social presence are indeed important intermediary variables of chatbot's conversation style affecting purchase intention.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究目的 9
第貳章 文獻探討 10
第一節 聊天機器人(Chatbot) 10
第二節 聊天機器人對話風格(Conversation Style on Chatbot) 13
第三節 社會判斷維度(Dimensions of social judgment) 16
第四節 性別(Gender) 18
第五節 表情符號(Emoji) 22
第六節 擬人化感知(Anthropomorphic Perceptions) 25
第七節 社會臨場感(Social Presence) 27
第八節 購買意圖(Purchase Intention) 30
第參章 研究架構與研究假說 31
第一節 研究架構 31
第二節 假說推論 31
第肆章 研究方法 41
第一節 實驗前測 41
第二節 實驗一 43
第三節 實驗二 49
第伍章、研究結果 57
第一節、實驗一之分析結果 57
第二節、實驗二之分析結果 65
第陸章、結論與建議 78
第一節 主要研究發現與討論 78
第二節 理論貢獻 81
第三節 實務貢獻 82
第四節 研究限制與未來方向 84
參考文獻 86
附錄一、前測問卷 107
附錄二、正式實驗問卷 110
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