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論文名稱 Title |
後疫情時代台灣遠距醫療產業發展之分析 Analysis on the Development of Taiwan Telemedicine Industry in the Post-Pandemic Era |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
99 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-06-01 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-07-20 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
遠距醫療、新冠肺炎、後疫情、零接觸醫療、偏鄉醫療、離島醫療 Telemedicine, Covid-19, Post Pandemic, Zero-contact, Remote Healthcare, Offshore Healthcare |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 382 次,被下載 143 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 382 times, has been downloaded 143 times. |
中文摘要 |
遠距醫療在1970年代開始發展,指的是在某個距離之外,克服地理位置的限制,將不同地區的使用者連結起來,借助資訊的傳遞與照護的進行,增加病人的預後,改善個人及社區的健康狀況。台灣在遠距醫療的發展在這數十年並沒有很大的進展,一直到這幾年政府為了消彌偏鄉、山地、離島醫療資源不足,串聯了當地醫療人員與醫學中心醫療人員,針對五官科、傷口照護、離島會診、離島後送、健康照護等等議題,進行了一些計畫案,遠距醫療開始比較具規模性發展。這兩年因為新冠肺炎疫情的發展,隔離檢疫政策所晚深出來的零接觸醫療需求,也讓大家更正視後疫情時代遠距醫療的發展性。本篇論文先收集台灣與其他國家遠距醫療發展的歷史軌跡,再以台灣的遠距醫療產業發展為研究對象,使用PEST分析與國家競爭優勢鑽石模型分析作為理論基礎,最後進行相關領域的專家學者深度訪談,希望可以對台灣的遠距醫療發展策略並提出建議。 根據PEST與波特鑽石理論進行台灣遠距醫療產業發展現況分析,由於台灣近年來已經建置許多智慧醫療的網絡系統,加上近年來政府消彌偏鄉、山地離島醫療資源不均的政策所提出的相關計畫案的成功、健保增加遠距醫療給付,加上台灣面臨高齡化社會在宅安老需求與照護人力需求發展、與大眾對於手機及各種穿戴裝置熟悉、網路傳輸技術逐漸成熟、各種產業積極投入、冠狀肺炎疫情防疫隔離檢疫政策、台灣專業醫療人員多元發展等因素,綜觀來說台灣遠距醫療具有發展的潛力。而根據各個領域專家學者訪談結果,提出幾點策略上的建議,包括法規建立、研擬執行流程、研擬操作規範、制訂醫療準則、思考商業保險給付醫療人員給予認證、平台整合、建立自費商業模式等等。 |
Abstract |
Telemedicine began to develop in the 1970s. It refers to overcoming geographical restrictions and connecting users in different areas beyond a certain distance, and through the transmission of information and the progress of care. It improves the prognosis and outcomes of patients and individual. The development of telemedicine in Taiwan has not made much progress in the past few decades. Until the past few years, the government has connected local medical personnel with medical personnel in medical centers in order to eliminate the shortage of medical resources in remote rural areas, mountains, and outlying islands. Otology, wound care, outlying island consultations, outlying island evacuation, health care, and other issues have been carried out and telemedicine has begun to develop on a relatively large scale. In the past two years, due to the development of the Covid-19 pneumonia epidemic and the late release of the zero-contact medical needs of the isolation test agent policy, everyone has also corrected the development of telemedicine. This article first collects historical record of the development of telemedicine in Taiwan and other countries, and then takes the development of Taiwan’s telemedicine industry as the research object, using PEST analysis and Porter’s diamond model analysis as the theoretical basis. Finally, in-depth interview with experts and scholars was conducted, with the hope to make suggestions on the development strategy of telemedicine in Taiwan. According to PEST and Porter’s Diamond Theory to analyze the current development of the telemedicine industry. Because Taiwan has built many smart medical network systems in recent years, and the government has eliminated remote rural areas and mountainous islands in recent years. The success of the related programs proposed by the policy, the increase in health insurance, the increase in telemedicine, and Taiwan’s aging society’s demand for home care and the development of demand for care workers, familiarity with the public on mobile phones and various wearable devices, and the gradual increase in network transmission technology The factors such as maturity, active investment in various industries, quarantine and quarantine policies for the prevention and quarantine of the coronavirus epidemic, and the diversified development of Taiwan's professional medical personnel, in general, have the potential for development in Taiwan's telemedicine. Based on the results of interviews with experts and scholars in various fields, several strategic suggestions are put forward, including the establishment of regulations, the development of implementation procedures, the development of operational specifications, the formulation of medical standards, consideration of commercial insurance payments, medical personnel certification, platform integration, and the establishment of self-financed businesses. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌 謝 ii 摘 要 iii Abstract iv 目 錄 vi 圖 次 vii 表 次 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 11 第三節 研究流程 11 第二章 產業現況 12 第一節 台灣遠距醫療產業發展歷史 12 第二節 台灣遠距醫療產業發展現況 13 第三節 國際遠距醫療產業發展現況 19 第三章 文獻探討 27 第一節 PEST分析 27 第二節 波特鑽石模型理論 28 第三節 零接觸經濟 31 第四節 供應鏈 (Supply chain) 32 第四章 研究設計 34 第一節 研究結構 34 第二節 研究方法 34 第五章 實證分析 37 第一節 外在環境對遠距醫療產業之影響(PEST分析) 37 第二節 遠距醫療發展之波特鑽石模型分析 39 第三節 台灣遠距醫療產業發展的策略建議 41 第六章 結論與建議 45 第一節 結論 45 第二節 建議 46 參考文獻 47 附錄:訪談紀錄 51 |
參考文獻 References |
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