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Title page for etd-0628122-092729
Predicting postoperative 30 days mortality before anesthesia consultation with secondary data-assisted machine learning models
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mortality prediction, knowledge base, machine learning, deep learning, anesthesia
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顧至 2019 年之前的全球死亡個案,整體手術後死亡率占全球死亡率第三位,而提前預測病人死亡在臨床決策與病人癒後高度相關,也因此建構一個準確的手術病人死亡預測模型成為重要課題。近幾年來人工智慧在醫療的應用帶來許多成果,本研究將探討以使用次級資料建構知識庫來加強機器學習預測準確度的方法,並將此方法擴展到各種機器學習模型跟深度學習模型,以及當前廣泛使用的注意力模型架構。同時除了單一醫院資料驗證外,也採用高雄醫學大學醫院之體系其他兩間醫院的資料進行外部資料驗證,並使用夏普利值來進行模型解釋,及細部探討模型權重。本研究的實驗結果當中,可以觀察到那些有使用知識庫融合的模型,無論是傳統機器學習模型還是深度學習模型,在整體測試資料的預測結果以重複抽樣檢定之下,融合知識庫的組別都能顯著增加模型準確度。而在模型解釋方面,則觀察到最高影響的權重依序為:知識庫所提供的術式過往平均死亡率,病患是否有多重共病,及臨床麻醉科醫師用來風險評估的抽血檢驗值。因此本次研究發展了一個準確且可良好解釋的手術前預測模型來預測手術後 30 天內死亡率並僅使用現行手術前可獲得的常規病歷資料。並在透過三間醫院的資料集進行驗證了使用次級統計資料來製作知識庫為一種有效且相對簡單的模型預測準確度的改進方案。
Looking back to the global death cases up to 2019, the overall post-operative mortality rate ranks third worldwide, and the early prediction of the patient’s probability of death is highly crucial and correlated with clinical decision-making and the patient’s recovery. Therefore, building up a prediction model to foretell efficiently and accurately the surgical patient’s mortality has become an important topic. In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence to assist medical treatment has brought about helpful development and achievements. This study explores the approach toward using secondary data to build up a knowledge base for enhancing the accuracy of machine learning prediction and to apply the method to various machine learning models and deep learning models, including the currently widely used attention model architecture. In addition to the data validation with Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, this work also uses the data of its two affiliated hospitals for external data validation. Shapley values are used for model interpretation and for detailed discussion of model weights. As can be observed from the experimental results of this study, models constructed combined with knowledge base, whether it is a traditional machine learning model or a deep learning model, gain more accurately prediction results under the bootstrap method. In terms of model interpretation, the weights with the highest observed effects include: the average mortality rate of the past records of surgeries provided by the knowledge base, possible occurrence of one or more comorbidities, and the blood test used by clinical anesthesiologists for risk assessment value. Overall, this study develops a sufficient and well-interpretable preoperative prediction model to predict accurately the probable mortality within 30 days after surgery with current routine medical records available before surgery.Using secondary statistics to create a knowledge base is an effective and relatively easy method for improving the accuracy of the predictive model. This work has been verified with the datasets of the three hospitals.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 .......................................................................................... i
中文摘要............................................................................................ ii
Abstract............................................................................................. iii
圖次................................................................................................... ix
表次................................................................................................. xiii
附錄目錄......................................................................................... xiv
第一章. 緒論(Introduction)....................................................1
1.1. 研究背景................................................................................1
1.2. 研究動機................................................................................1
1.3. 研究目的................................................................................2
第二章. 文獻探討(Background and literature discussion)....4
2.1. 死亡率預測臨床文獻探討....................................................4
2.2. 知識庫簡介............................................................................4
2.3. 醫學資料的融合型態............................................................5
2.4. 機器學習(machine learning) .................................................6
2.4.1. 決策樹(decision trees, DT)............................................6
2.4.2. 隨機森林(random forest, RF)........................................7
2.4.3. 梯度提升決策樹(gradient boosting tree, GBT)............7
2.4.4. 直方圖梯度提升決策樹(histogram-based gradient
boosting tree) 8
2.5. 注意力機制(attention mechanism)........................................9
2.5.1. Bahdanau Attention........................................................9
2.5.2. Luong Attention ...........................................................11
2.6. Hyperband 超參數優化.......................................................11
第三章. 研究方法(Research methods)................................13
3.1. 研究架構(study architecture) ..............................................13
3.2. 輸入資料(input data)...........................................................14
3.2.1. 資料來源(data source).................................................14
3.2.2. 納入及排除條件(inclusion and exclusion criteria).....14
3.3. 模型預測終點定義(model endpoint definition) .................14
3.4. 資料型態與變項(model input features) ..............................14
3.5. 資料前處理(data preprocessing).........................................15
3.5.1. 缺失資料值填補(missing data imputation) ................16
3.5.2. 資料標準化(data normalization).................................16
3.5.3. 類別項編碼(encoding categorical features)................16
3.6. 資料分析(data analysis) ......................................................16
3.7. 建立知識庫(knowledge based construction) ......................17
3.8. 資料切分(data splitting) ......................................................18
3.9. 深度學習模型設計(deep learning model design)...............19
3.9.1. 自主注意力模型(self-attention model).......................19
3.9.2. 超參數優化(hyperparameter optimization).................19
3.9.3. 定義損失函數(loss function definition)......................19
3.10. 模型校正(model calibration)...............................................20
3.11. 非平衡資料調整(skewed data adjustment).........................21
3.12. 模型比較(model comparison) .............................................21
3.13. 模型評估方法(metrics) .......................................................21
3.14. 統計分析(statistical analysis)..............................................22
3.15. 模型解釋(model interpretation) ..........................................22
3.16. 次分群分析(subgroup analysis) ..........................................23
3.16.1. 高齡族群探討..............................................................23
3.16.2. 中高手術風險族群探討..............................................23
第四章. 實驗成果(Experiment result).................................25
4.1. 全部資料的探討..................................................................25
4.1.1. 病患資料分析(patient characteristics) ........................25
4.1.2. 資料的分布(data distribution).....................................26
4.1.3. 知識庫的統計資料分析..............................................28
4.1.4. 模型表現(model performance)....................................29
4.1.5. 知識庫模型解釋(model interpretation) ......................36
4.1.6. 知識庫模型的特徵相依解釋......................................39
4.1.7. 預測錯誤的資料分析..................................................43
4.1.8. 實例解釋......................................................................47
4.2. 高齡族群的探討..................................................................48
4.2.1. 高齡族群基本統計資料..............................................48
4.2.2. 高齡族群知識庫分析..................................................49
4.2.3. 高齡族群模型表現......................................................51
4.2.1. 高齡族群知識庫模型解釋..........................................55
4.3. 中高手術風險族群的探討(高於年度術式平均)...............57
4.3.1. 中高風險術式分析(高於年度術式平均)...................57
4.3.2. 中高手術風險族群資料分析(高於年度術式平均)...59
4.3.3. 中高手術風險族群模型分析(高於年度術式平均)...59
4.3.4. 中高手術風險族群知識庫模型解釋(高於年度術式平
均) 64
4.4. 中高手術風險族群的探討(高於 1%死亡率).....................66
4.4.1. 中高風險術式分析(高於 1%死亡率).........................66
4.4.2. 中高手術風險族群資料分析(高於 1%死亡率).........67
4.4.3. 中高手術風險族群模型分析(高於 1%死亡率).........67
4.4.4. 中高手術風險族群知識庫模型解釋(高於 1%死亡率)72
4.5. 討論(discussion) ..................................................................74
第五章. 結論(Conclusion) ...................................................77
5.1. 總結與研究貢獻(research contribution).............................77
5.2. 研究限制(limitations)..........................................................77
5.3. 未來展望(future work) ........................................................78
第六章. 參考文獻(Reference) .............................................80
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