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Title page for etd-0631122-161222
The Impact of Daily Time Frame on Attitude Toward Advertising and Behavioral Intention mediated by opportunity cost: Mental Simulation and Activity Type as the Moderator Variable
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Daily Time Frame, Opportunity Cost, Activity Type, Mental Simulation, Attitude toward Advertising, Behavioral Intention
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本研究將透過三個實驗來檢驗六個假説。首先實驗一為2(每日時間框架:短vs.長)x 2(活動類型:動態vs.靜態)之雙因子組間設計,共招募212位受測者。實驗二為2(每日時間框架:短vs.長)x 2(活動類型:動態vs.靜態)x 2(心智模擬:過程模擬vs.結果模擬)之三因子組間實驗設計,共招募431位受測者。最後實驗三再次驗證2(每日時間框架:短 vs.長)x 2(活動類型:動態 vs.靜態)x 2(心智模擬:過程模擬 vs.結果模擬)之三因子組間實驗設計,共招募 364 位受測者,分別透過四種與八種情境去瞭解消費者在面對不同的時間框架是否引起不同程度的知覺機會成本,並影響廣告態度與行爲意願。研究結果發現,在短的每日時間框架下會有較低的知覺機會成本。且知覺機會成本越低則廣告態度與行爲意願則提高。再者,本研究也發現在短的每日時間框架時,以結果模擬搭配靜態活動會有較低的知覺機會成本。透過本研究結果能豐富每日時間框架的理論與機制。
“Time is money”. It is a valuable resource for us. How to use time effectively is what everyone has been pursuing and learning. It is not difficult to see advertisements by the purpose of teaching consumers how to use their time effectively everyday. It can be seen that marketers have already known how to teach consumers to use a certain period of each day to carry out activities. Therefore, this study focuses on exploring the mechanism of daily time frame, how consumers’ perceived opportunity cost affects attitudes toward advertising and behavioral intentions, activity type and mental simulation as moderator variable. Study 1 conducts a 2 (daily time frame: short vs. long) x 2 (activity type: dynamic vs. static) between-subject factorial design; Study 2 conducts a (daily time frame: short vs. long) x 2 (activity type: dynamic vs. static) x 2 (mental simulation: process vs. outcome) between-subject factorial design; Study 3 conducts a (daily time frame: short vs. long) x 2 (activity type: dynamic vs. static) x 2 (mental simulation: process vs. outcome) between-subject factorial design. The result showed that short daily time frame has a lower perceived opportunity cost. The a lower perceived opportunity cost leads, a higher attitude toward advertising and behavioral intention. Furthermore, this study finds that the fit of short daily time frames, static activities and outcome simulation copy would lead a lower perceived opportunity cost. Hope the results of this study can enrich the theory of daily time frame.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ⅰ
誌謝 ⅱ
摘要 ⅲ
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 6
第三節 研究問題 8
第四節 研究目的 9
第貳章 文獻回顧 10
第一節 時間的本質 10
第二節 時間與活動類型 19
第三節 心智模擬 21
第四節 機會成本 25
第五節 廣告態度 27
第六節 行爲意願 28
第參章 研究架構與研究假説 29
第一節 研究架構圖 29
第二節 假説推論 29
第肆章 研究方法 36
第一節 實驗一 36
第二節 實驗二 45
第三節 實驗三 50
第伍章 研究結果 56
第一節 實驗一分析結果 56
第二節 實驗二分析結果 66
第三節 實驗三分析結果 80
第陸章 結論與建議 94
第一節 主要研究發現與討論 94
第二節 理論意涵 98
第三節 實務貢獻 99
第四節 研究限制 100
參考資料 101
附錄 109
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