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論文名稱 Title |
補習班經營模式個案研究-以J文教為例 The Study of the Cram School Management Styles with the Case of J School |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
101 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-06-27 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-08-02 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
補習班、SWOT分析、夏季失落、線上學習、補習 cram school, SWOT, summer loss, online learning, paid private education |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 345 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 345 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
摘 要 台灣每位學生求學過程中,幾乎都有在補習班待過的經驗,隨著國際化競爭,學生的高度參與,補教業已發展成為龐大的事業體,並提供多面向的服務。國際上也顯示出補習教育的蓬勃發展,學者統計全世界「付費補習」補習率最高的前四名,分別是新加坡、南韓、上海、俄羅斯,台灣排名全球第11名,台灣相比主要競爭對手仍有段成長空間。 國際間為何盛行補習行為呢?其實是值得好好研究的問題。曾有學者表示,父母教育程度越高或社經地位越高者,父母希望子女能繼承社會地位領先狀態,會善加運用學校的教育資源,並且積極掌握『付費補習』機會,讓其子女參與補習的可能性就愈高,這就可以說明望子成龍、望女成鳳的殷殷期盼。 補教業畢竟是服務人的行業,隨著數位科技的演進,傳統式的教學模式已逐漸勢微,取而代之的多媒體線上教學,在疫情的驅使下已快速擴大市占率,家長也覺得線上學習的便利性容易取得,普遍讓孩子嘗試新式的教學方式。 本研究方法是以質性方式進行訪談,主要針對補習班面臨線上教學及少子化的雙重衝擊下,未來應採取三大面向方案,幫助企業可以提前準備營運方向,所獲得的結論分別是: 1、能力分班 — 能讓積極的學生經過確實的學習與演練,擴大領先態勢 2、水龍頭理論 — 利用寒暑假所有學生在休假時,持續計畫性學習,加大領先態勢 3、執行線下(實體)學習 + 線上數位輔導服務 |
Abstract |
Abstract In Taiwan, nearly every student might have had the experience attending paid private education institutes, cram school, in their school days. With the high involvement of students, the cram school industry has developed to an extensive multi-service business. The domestic cram school development is not alone, the international trend for students to receive cram school education is exhibited with the statistics: the top four nations with the highest percentages of students attending cram school around the globe are Singapore, South Korea, Shanghai(China) and Russia, while Taiwan is ranked the 11th, meaning a growing potential in the Taiwanese cram school industry. The reason for the prevalence of cram school internationally is an interesting topic. It is believed that the better-educated the parents are or the higher social-economic status the parents are in, the more possible it is for them to sign their children up in cram school simply because of the parents’ desire for their offspring to inherit their leading social status. Therefore, parents, for their children’s benefits, may make the most of the education resources in the school system and pay for extra education resources. Cram school, being a service provider, has gradually given up on the traditional teaching style. Instead, the technological advances and the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed in the rapid increase of multi-media online teaching style. Additionally, parents approve of the convenient online learning and are willing to have their children dip their toes in the new learning style. The qualitative research method used in this study involved interviewing cram school owners. Faced with the double impacts from more online learning competitions and lower birth rates, these business owners should prepare themselves in the following three aspects: 1. Competence-based ability grouping- to allow advanced students to strengthen their ability through solid learning and practice 2. The faucet-theory execution- to continuously offer strategic learning programs during the summer/winter vacation while most students are not learning so as for the enrolled students to take a lead academically 3. Dual-learning service- to provide off-line teaching, aka actual classroom teaching, and online tutoring service The research result could be used as a suggestion and reference for cram school business management. |
目次 Table of Contents |
目錄 論文審定書…………………………………………………………………… i 誌謝…………………………………………………………………………… ii 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………… iii 英文摘要……………………………………………………………………… iv 目錄…………………………………………………………………………… vi 圖次…………………………………………………………………………… ix 表次…………………………………………………………………………… x 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景與動機【全球的補習文化】……………………………1 第二節 研究目的與問題……………………………………………………4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 ……………………………………………………7 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………9 第一節 補習班的由來-補教先知…………………………………………9 第二節 補習班定義與發展歷史……………………………………………11 第三節 國際教育驅勢現況PISA……………………………………………13 第四節 高雄市文理補習班發展現況 ………………………………………15 第五節 家長的需求【鑰匙兒童】、【學生在校時間】………………18 第三章 研究方法與設計……………………………………………………22 第一節 補習班經營模式……………………………………………………22 一、補習班收入來源(1)學費收入(2)其他收入 二、補習班支出費用(1)『老師及行政人員經常性薪資+非經常性獎金+相關保險』(2)『行政成本』(3)『地方稅與國稅』: 第二節 策略與組織…………………………………………………………30 一、教學理念第一 二、補習班開課模式 三、選址(1)「觀察商圈」、(2)「開班申請立案」、(3)「室內裝修」 四、人力資源管理(1)「師資」、(2)「行政人員」、(3)「專業人員」 五、課程規劃 六、銷售、優惠及贊助 七、額外加值服務(1)「學生接送管理」(2)「網路社群經營」(3)「伙食管理」(4)「政府補助弱勢申請(兒照中心)」 第三節 市場SWOT分析……………………………………………………48 優勢「S」:「規模經濟」、「外溢效果」、「企業社會責任」 略勢「W」:「學費凍漲及呆帳」、「閒置教室」、「教育法規趨嚴」、「各單位人力短缺」 機會「O」:「國際上補習趨勢」、「數位學習發展趨勢」 威脅「T」:「家長心態」、「數位海洛因、精神鴉片3C」、「同類型競爭對手」、「同類型之外的對手」、「學費及呆帳」、「疫情管理」、「豬隊友、狼隊員」 第四章 個案行銷結論分析…………………………………………………63 第一節「能力分班」………………………………………………………64 一、能力分班的定義‧二、能力分班現況.三、能力分班爭議與糾紛 第二節「水龍頭理論」……………………………………………………68 一、暑期招生‧二、古代寒暑假要上課嗎 第三節 「線上學習市場大浪來襲」………………………………………72 一、「破壞式創新」對線上教學的定義‧二、何謂遠距教學‧三、補習班業者順勢發展‧四、將來中小型補習班趨勢:實體學習加線上服務 第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………79 第一節 研究結論………………………………………………………80 第二節 研究建議………………………………………………………81 第三節 研究限制………………………………………………………82 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………83 |
參考文獻 References |
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