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博碩士論文 etd-0712120-120201 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0712120-120201
The Art of Promotion: The Effects on Perceived Value, Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention of the Promotion Advertisement Combined with Aesthetic.
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Hedonic products, Aesthetic, Promotion, Perceived risk, Perceived value, Framing of promotion, Utilitarian products
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In an environment with limited disposable income, consumer choices have become more value-oriented. In Taiwan, nearly two-thirds of consumers were happy to find a deal. Therefore, promotion is not only a popular and frequently used marketing method of brands and manufacturers, but also a topic of intense concern among consumers. However, adopting a low-price strategy is not completely foolproof. It may also reduce the perceived value of products and lead to the risk that consumers do not want to buy the products. Based on the relevant research on aesthetic and the effect of art infusion, this study tries to explore the impact of aesthetic in the context of promotion advertising on perceived value and perceived risk of the promoted products, which may further change the purchase intention. This study provides another way to solve the negative effects of promotional advertising.
In this study, the experimental research method was combined with quantitative questionnaire analysis, and two groups of 2x2 between-subjects experiments were designed. The samples were taken from people over 18 years of age living in Taiwan who had the ability to purchase promotional products regardless of gender. The first experiment was designed as 2(aesthetic: high aesthetic vs. low aesthetic) x 2(type of advertised product: utilitarian vs. hedonic). The second experiment was designed using 2(aesthetic: high aesthetic vs. low aesthetic) x 2(promotion frame: absolute price promotion vs. discount promotion). The important findings of the experiment are listed below : (1) Aesthetic perception has a positive effect on perceived value (both functional and emotional dimension). (2) Aesthetic perception has a negative impact on perceived risk (performance, psychological and financial dimensions). (3) Aesthetic can enhance purchase intention. (4) Aesthetic perception affects purchase intention mainly through the changes of three mediating mechanisms: price factor of perceived functional value, perceived emotional value and perceived financial risk. (5) Compared with hedonic products, utilitarian products strengthen the effect of aesthetic in promotional advertising. (6) Compared with the expression of absolute price, the expression of discount can strengthen the effect of aesthetic in promotional advertising on some of the indices.
The results of this study can establish the beginning of the research on the combination of promotional advertising and aesthetic. This study expands the research scope of the aesthetic in the commercial use. This study provides brand manufacturers with a view to improving their competitiveness and consumers’ purchase intention by properly integrating design ingenuity and aesthetic into the promotion advertisements for different types of products (hedonic and utilitarian).
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論.....................................................................1
第一節 研究背景..............................................................1
第二節 研究動機..............................................................5
第三節 研究問題..............................................................8
第四節 研究目的..............................................................9
第五節 研究範圍..............................................................9
第二章 理論與文獻探討...................................................11
第一節 美感......................................................................11
第二節 知覺價值(Percived Value)...................................14
第三節 知覺風險(Perceived Risk)....................................18
第四節 促銷(Price Promotion)與表達方式......................21
第三章 研究架構與假說推論.............................................27
第一節 研究架構................................................................27
第二節 假說推導................................................................28
第三節 研究變數概念與操作性定義..................................34
第四章 實驗一....................................................................36
第一節 研究方法................................................................36
第二節 實驗設計與樣本.....................................................36
第三節 實驗情境與刺激.....................................................38
第四節 前測一....................................................................40
第五節 前測二....................................................................43
第六節 前測三....................................................................50
第七節 實驗一變數衡量.....................................................53
第八節 實驗一資料分析.....................................................61
第九節 實驗一小結.............................................................75
第五章 實驗二.....................................................................81
第一節 研究方法.................................................................81
第二節 實驗設計與樣本......................................................81
第三節 實驗情境與刺激......................................................83
第四節 前測一.....................................................................84
第五節 前測二.....................................................................85
第六節 實驗二變數衡量......................................................88
第七節 實驗二資料分析......................................................91
第八節 實驗二小結..............................................................105
第六章 結論與建議..............................................................110
第一節 研究發現與結論.......................................................110
第二節 理論意涵...................................................................111
第三節 實務貢獻與建議........................................................114
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向.........................................116
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