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Nostalgic Moments: A Study on the Nostalgic Proneness and Nostalgic Emotions of Consumers with Different Personality Traits
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nostalgic proneness, nostalgic emotions, Big Five personality traits, stress, brand attitudes
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研究結果發現:(1)五大人格特質中,友善性越高、神經質越高的消費者,會有較高的懷舊傾向; (2)不同人格特質消費者,接觸懷舊廣告後所產生的懷舊情緒有別。認真謹慎性、外向性越高的個體,會產生越多的正向懷舊情緒;友善性越高的個體,產生越多正向懷舊情緒與越少負向懷舊情緒;(3)壓力程度會正向影響消費者的懷舊傾向;(4)對於低度壓力的人們,經驗開放性人格特質、外向性人格特質、友善性人格特質對於懷舊傾向的正向影響才會存在或是被強化;(5)個體之懷舊傾向與正向懷舊情緒有助提升品牌態度。本研究結果提供一個涵蓋前因與後果的完整模型,來解析品牌業者提供懷舊刺激下,不同人格特質消費者如何反應的清楚圖像,對相關理論和實務具有貢獻。
Nostalgia is a common experience for most individuals across ages, cultures and groups. Nostalgia is an emotional status which could be triggered in any stage of our lives. Nostalgia is defined as a sentimental longing for the past, and nostalgic emotions can instantly connect us with the good memories of the past. Although we may feel lost sometimes, it can also comfort the instability in contemporary society for a while. The reconfirmation of self-identity helps individuals regain courage and strength, and further affirm themselves. Brands from all industries are experimenting with nostalgia marketing through understanding consumer personality traits and trying to link the affections and culture back in time to trigger consumer’s nostalgic feeling, thereby resulting in positive benefits for brands.
Researchers have examined issues related to nostalgia; however, studies on nostalgia in recent years have focused on detecting the effects of nostalgia, that is, how to influence consumer preferences after arousing nostalgia. There are relatively few studies on the antecedents of nostalgia or how to trigger nostalgia. In this study, we focus on exploring the relationship of different personality traits of individuals, nostalgic proneness and nostalgic emotions. Through the questionnaire survey, we clarify the influence of psychological factors (five personality traits) and an external factor (stress) on consumers’ nostalgic proneness and nostalgic emotions. We also examine how nostalgic proneness and nostalgic emotions influence brand attitudes.
The results indicated the following. (1) Among the Big Five personality traits, individuals with higher agreeableness and higher neuroticism would tend to develop stronger nostalgic proneness. (2) Consumers with different personality traits have different nostalgic emotions after being exposed to nostalgic advertisements. Individuals with higher conscientiousness and higher extraversion would have more positive nostalgic emotions. Individuals with higher agreeableness will have more positive nostalgic emotions and less negative nostalgic emotions. (3) The degree of stress would positively affect consumers’ nostalgic proneness. (4) The positive impact of openness to experience, extraversion, and agreeableness on nostalgic proneness would only exist or be strengthened in people with low stress. (5) Individuals’ nostalgic proneness and positive nostalgic emotions would improve brand attitudes.
The results of this research provide a complete model including the antecedents and consequences to analyze how consumers with different personality traits respond to nostalgic stimuli provided by brand owners, and this study may contribute to related theories and practices.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 4
第三節、研究問題 9
第四節、研究目的 9
第二章、文獻探討 11
第一節、懷舊的歷史與定義 11
第二節、懷舊傾向 15
第三節、懷舊情緒 17
第四節、壓力 19
第五節、五大人格特質 22
第三章、研究架構與假說推論 25
第一節、研究架構 25
第二節、 研究假說 25
第四章、研究方法 37
第一節、變數的操作性定義與衡量 37
一、五大人格特質 37
二、壓力 40
三、懷舊傾向 40
四、懷舊感 41
五、懷舊情緒 42
六、品牌態度 43
第二節、研究設計 43
一、研究對象與抽樣方法 43
二、問卷設計、施行與前測 43
第三節、前測執行與結果 44
第四節、正式施測 53
第五章、研究分析結果 54
第一節、分析結果 54
一、樣本描述性統計分析 54
二、變數的信效度分析 55
第二節、假說檢定 60
一、五大人格特質、懷舊傾向、懷舊情緒、品牌態度關係之路徑分析 60
二、壓力對於五大人格特質與懷舊傾向關係之干擾 61
第六章、結論與建議 68
第一節、研究發現與討論 68
第二節、理論貢獻 74
第三節、實務意涵 76
第四節、研究限制與未來研究方向 80
參考文獻 83
中文文獻 83
英文文獻 83
網路部分 92
附錄 93
前測問卷 93
正式問卷 100

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