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博碩士論文 etd-0726121-155816 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726121-155816
Multimodal Video Retrieval with Multi-turn Query
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Video Retrieval, Multi-turn Query, Relevance Feedback, Multi-Modal, Clustering
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近年來,隨著通訊技術日益進步與網際網路的發展,每天都有大量的多媒體資料如圖片、音樂、文字與影片等資料類型上傳到網路上,如何從各類型的多媒體資料庫或網站中快速地檢索或儲存資訊為重要的課題。多媒體檢索(Multimedia Retrieval)的出現,目的就是針對不同檢索內容去幫助使用者可以有效率地找到感興趣的資源。在影片檢索這領域中,除了會有使用者想找的片段內容不大相同,其搜尋的用詞也會不同,導致與模型的標籤在語意上會有所出入,使影片檢索結果有誤,這種情況使用者無法透過單輪的方式直接找到答案。
綜上所述,本研究提出一個多輪的影片檢索方法,延伸影片檢索模型的預測片段,透過回饋機制讓預測片段與上一輪選擇的片段做結合,將結合的結果利用分群演算法(Clustering algorithm)去選擇與答案最相似的片段,透過此方法可以確保每一輪是在靠近答案的情況下去搜尋最相似的片段,因此每一輪的搜尋結果可以更靠近正確片段且提升影片檢索的搜尋效果。
Recently, with progress of communication technology and development of the Internet. Many multimedia data are uploaded to Internet every day like images, music, videos and so on. How to quickly retrieve or store information from various types of multimedia databases or websites is an important topic. The emergence of Multimedia Retrieval aims to help users effectively find resources they are interesting for different retrieval contents. In the field of video retrieval, users often search for different contents and use different terms, resulting in semantic discrepancies between terms and labels of model, and the result of video retrieval will be incorrect. In this case, users cannot directly find the answer through a single turn.
In summary, we propose a video retrieval method with multi-turn query which we extend the video retrieval model’s prediction. Predicted clip from current turn and selected clip from last turn will be combined through the feedback mechanism, and then select the clip that is closed to the answer with Clustering algorithm. We can make sure that each turn searches the nearest clip in situation that is approach to answer gradually. Thus, the query from each turn can be more closed to answer clip and boost the effect of video retrieval.
We use three similarity measures and Recall as our metrics, doing the experiment with three datasets. We also consider four ways of feedback and four allocations of related clips selection in clustering, devising different experiments based on above process. According to the result, three similarity measures get better in average and comparison of each turn over all. Video retrieval with multi-turn and feedback mechanism can also improve Recall. Additionally, we conduct a human evaluation. It can be and we can see that our research is helpful for video retrieval from the questionnaire and operation results.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vi
圖次 viii
表次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 2
1.3. 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1. 影片檢索 (Video Retrieval) 3
2.1.1. 實例搜尋 (Query by Example) 3
2.1.2. 物件搜尋 (Query by Objects) 4
2.1.3. 關鍵字搜尋 (Query by Keywords) 5
2.1.4. 自然語言搜尋 (Query by Natural Language) 6
2.2. 互動式影片檢索(Interactive Video Retrieval) 6
2.2.1. Video Browser Showdown (VBS) 7
2.2.2. 關聯式回饋(Relevance Feedback) 7
2.2.3. 對話式搜尋(Dialog-Based Search) 8
2.3. 多模態融合 (Multimodal Fusion) 9
2.3.1. 早期融合(Early fusion) 9
2.3.2. 晚期融合(Late fusion) 10
2.4. TVRetrieval 10
2.4.1. Cross-modal Moment Localization (XML) 11
2.4.2. Convolutional Start-End Detector (ConvSE) 11
2.4.3. Video Retrieval 12
第三章 研究方法與步驟 13
3.1 回饋機制 13
3.1.1 回饋閥值與結果 14
3.1.2 產生分群新特徵點 15
3.2 分群篩選 21
3.2.1 鄰近傳播分群法(Affinity Propagation, AP) 22
3.2.2 分群流程 24
3.2.3 相關片段選擇分配 27
3.2.4 實際流程 28
第四章 實驗 30
4.1 資料集介紹 30
4.1.1 TVRetrieval 30
4.1.2 Concat data 31
4.1.3 Simplified data 32
4.1.4 TVCaption 32
4.2 評估方式 33
4.2.1 Recall 33
4.2.2 相似度指標 34
4.2.3 人工評估 34
第五章 實驗結果 36
5.1 實驗環境與設置 36
5.2 TVCaption實驗結果 36
5.2.1 MF實驗結果 36
5.2.2 NFS實驗結果 40
5.2.3 NFM實驗結果 44
5.2.4 NFL實驗結果 48
5.2.5 討論 52
5.3 Concat data實驗結果 53
5.3.1 NFM 與 NFL實驗結果 53
5.3.2 結論 56
5.4 Simplified data實驗結果 56
5.4.1 NFM 與 NFL實驗結果 56
5.4.2 討論 59
5.5 人工評估結果 60
5.5.1 實體測驗結果 60
5.5.2 問卷資料結果 61
5.5.3 討論 62
第六章 結論與建議 63
6.1 結論 63
6.2 未來展望 63
參考文獻 65
附錄 69
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