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Title page for etd-0726121-205240
邊緣人愛負評? 社會排斥、享樂目標與善因行銷對消費者負面口碑行為之影響
Social Exclusion Increases Negative Word-of-Mouth? Influences of Hedonic Goal, and Cause-Related Marketing
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Hedonic Goal, Cause-related Marketing, Jealousy, Misanthropy, Social Exclusion, Negative Word-of-Mouth
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本研究欲探討社會排斥如何影響後續消費者負面口碑之行為,並研究在享樂 目標與善因行銷的議題下所造成的影響。本研究採用實驗設計法,並透過三個實驗 分別驗證假設。實驗一檢測社會排斥對於產生負面口碑之行為的影響,透過虛擬人 格測驗操弄社會排斥,誘發受測者的厭世感與嫉妒感,並加入遭遇不幸之控制組, 研究消費者在社會排斥、社會接納與遭遇不幸的情境下的負面口碑行為差異,並嘗 試探討此負面口碑行為之背後機制。實驗二以實驗設計法探討受到社會排斥之消 費者在享樂目標的促發下(享樂目標 vs. 無享樂目標)下,對負面口碑行為之影 響;實驗三則探討當產品在有無善因行銷的情況下,對於受到社會排斥或社會接納 之消費者的負面口碑行為有何影響。

本研究結果顯示,社會排斥的消費者比起社會接納之消費者會產生更多負面 口碑,且社會排斥所引發之厭世感與嫉妒感為負面口碑行為之背後序列機制。然而, 此效果會受到享樂目標之促發而削弱。當消費者沒受到享樂目標的促發,比起社會 接納下的人,社會排斥的人會較容易有負面口碑的行為;但若在享樂目標促發下, 則無以上的差異。除此之外,產品是否有善因行銷亦會影響社會排斥對負面口碑行 為之效果。在產品沒有善因行銷的情況下,比起社會接納下的消費者,社會排斥的 人會較容易有負面口碑的行為;但若產品有善因行銷時,則無以上的差異。本研究 之結果亦為行銷人員提供了管理意涵,以減少消費者在受到社會排斥後的負面口 碑行為。
This research aims to explore how social exclusion affects subsequent consumers’ negative word-of-mouth behavior with moderating effects of hedonic goal and cause- related marketing. The hypotheses are tested by three experiments in this research. Study 1 focuses on the effect of social exclusion on negative word-of-mouth behavior, and tests misanthropy and jealousy as the sequential underlying mechanisms behind this behavior. Study 2 examines the moderating role of hedonic goal (hedonic goal vs. no hedonic goal). Study 3 investigates the moderating effect of cause-related marketing (product with a cause vs. product without a cause).

The results demonstrate that socially excluded consumers tend to show stronger negative word-of-mouth behaviors than socially included consumers and misfortunate consumers. Moreover, the feeling of misanthropy and jealousy are found as underlying mechanisms to explain why social exclusion affects the negative word-of-mouth behavior. When consumers are primed with a hedonic goal, the effects of social exclusion on subsequent negative word-of-mouth behavior are reduced. People show similar negative word-of-mouth behavior regardless of social relationship (socially excluded vs. socially included). The effects of social exclusion on negative word-of-mouth behavior are also reduced by cause-related marketing. The results provide managerial implications for marketers to reduce consumers’ negative word-of-mouth behavior after feeling socially excluded.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ....................................................................................................................... i
摘要 .................................................................................................................................. ii Abstract............................................................................................................................ iii
第壹章 緒論 .................................................................................................................... 1
第一節 前言................................................................................................................. 1
第二節 研究背景......................................................................................................... 1
第三節 研究動機......................................................................................................... 3
第四節 研究目的與問題............................................................................................. 5
第五節 研究架構與流程............................................................................................. 5
第貳章 文獻探討 ............................................................................................................ 8
第一節 前言................................................................................................................. 8
第二節 社會排斥......................................................................................................... 8
第三節 負面口碑行為............................................................................................... 13
第四節 厭世感、嫉妒感........................................................................................... 16
第五節 享樂目標....................................................................................................... 18
第六節 善因行銷....................................................................................................... 20
第七節 小結............................................................................................................... 24
第參章 研究發展與架構 .............................................................................................. 25
第一節 前言............................................................................................................... 25
第二節 研究假設與架構........................................................................................... 25
第三節 實驗設計建立............................................................................................... 29
第四節 小結............................................................................................................... 30
第肆章 實驗一設計與結果 .......................................................................................... 31
第一節 前言............................................................................................................... 31
第二節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量................................................................... 31
第三節 研究設計....................................................................................................... 36
第四節 實驗一研究結果分析................................................................................... 37
第五節 小結............................................................................................................... 44
第伍章 實驗二設計與結果 .......................................................................................... 45
第一節 前言............................................................................................................... 45
第二節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量................................................................... 45
第三節 研究設計....................................................................................................... 49
第四節 實驗二研究結果分析................................................................................... 49
第五節 小結............................................................................................................... 54
第陸章 實驗三設計與結果 .......................................................................................... 55
第一節 前言............................................................................................................... 55
第二節 研究變數的操作型定義與衡量................................................................... 55
第三節 研究設計....................................................................................................... 58
第四節 實驗三研究結果分析................................................................................... 58
第五節 小結............................................................................................................... 62
第柒章 結論與建議 ...................................................................................................... 63
第一節 前言............................................................................................................... 63
第二節 研究結果討論............................................................................................... 63
第三節 研究貢獻....................................................................................................... 65
第四節 研究限制....................................................................................................... 68
第五節 未來研究建議............................................................................................... 70
第六節 小結............................................................................................................... 71
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 72
附錄一 實驗一問卷 1 (社會排斥版本).................................................................... 85
附錄一 實驗一問卷 2 (社會接納版本).................................................................... 89
附錄一 實驗一問卷 3 (遭遇不幸版本).................................................................... 93
附錄二 實驗二問卷 1 (社會排斥 x 享樂目標版本)................................................ 97
附錄二 實驗二問卷 2 (社會排斥 x 無享樂目標版本).......................................... 101
附錄二 實驗二問卷 3 (社會接納 x 享樂目標版本).............................................. 105
附錄二 實驗二問卷 4 (社會接納 x 無享樂目標版本).......................................... 109
附錄三 實驗三問卷 1 (社會排斥 x 善因行銷版)本).............................................. 113
附錄三 實驗三問卷 2 (社會排斥 x 非善因行銷版本).......................................... 116
附錄三 實驗三問卷 3 (社會接納 x 善因行銷版本).............................................. 119
附錄三 實驗三問卷 4 (社會接納 x 非善因行銷版本).......................................... 122
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