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Is Moonlighting Beneficial for Airline Companies? Exploring the outcomes of Career Plateau of Front-line Employees in the Aviation Industry: Adopting Protean Career Orientation and Moonlighting as Moderators
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Career Plateau, Protean Career Orientation, Moonlighting, Organizational Commitment, Prosocial Service Behaviors, Front-line Employees
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Due to the large population of front-line employees in the aviation industry in Taiwanese airline companies, many employees might experience plateau in their career. Career plateau leads to negative work-related outcomes such as lower organizational commitment and fewer prosocial service behaviors. Those behaviors are especially crucial to airline companies since it relates to the service quality and customer satisfaction. As employees reach plateau in their career, individuals with protean career orientation might feel less committed. Also, some might start to develop their personal career goals by a second job or career, which is moonlighting. To reduce the unfavorable outcomes of career plateau and moonlighting behaviors would be a challenge for airline companies and the need to retain talented employees. This study collected survey data from 250 Taiwanese employees in domestic and foreign airlines and examined the three-way interaction of career plateau, protean career orientation, and moonlighting awareness on organizational commitment and indirectly on prosocial service behaviors. The results showed that career plateau reduces commitment, and that commitment decreases prosocial service behaviors. Protean career orientation strengthens the negative relationship between career plateau and commitment. However, the moderation effect of moonlighting was not supported. This study also interviewed six flight attendants and ground staff to qualitatively investigate the research gap and provide suggestions for future research and practical implications.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 8
2.1 Career plateau and its consequences 8
2.2 The relationship between organizational commitment and prosocial service behaviors 11
2.3 The moderating role of protean careen orientation 15
2.4 The moderating role of moonlighting awareness 18
3. Methods 23
3.1 Participants and procedure 23
3.2 Common Method Variance 28
3.3 Measures 29
3.4 Analytic strategies 36
4. Results 38
4.1 Confirmatory factor analysis 38
4.2 Correlation analysis 39
4.3 Hypothesis testing 42
4.4 Additional analyses 45
5. Discussion 50
5.1 Conclusion 50
5.2 Limitations and recommendations for future research 53
5.3 Recommendations for practice 59
References 64
Appendix: Online Questionnaire 72
Appendix 1. Time 1 questionnaire 72
Appendix 2. Time 2 questionnaire 77
Appendix 3. Interview questions 80
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