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博碩士論文 etd-0727121-113044 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0727121-113044
An Explorative Case Study of Kaohsiung City Identification
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Kaohsiung, city Branding, corporate identity, city identity, economic development
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城市識別指投資者、遊客、居民等多元利害關係人隨著時空背景、歷史文化、個人特質、生活方式對城市產生出不同印象 (Kotler, Haider & Rein, 1993),品牌建構前我們必須先釐清城市所欲呈現的形象。身為品牌規劃者(政府領導者)對於城市形象必定有自己的期許,並通過策略執行傳遞予目標客群,倘若品牌規劃者與實際執行單位(政府員工)對於城市識別產生落差時,將導致執行不到位,進而影響投資、觀光、移居的意願。
The city identity refers to the different impressions that investors, tourists, residents and other stakeholders have of the city in terms of time and space, history and culture, personal characteristics and lifestyles (Kotler, Haider & Rein, 1993). Before branding, we must first define the image that the city wants to present. Brand planners (government leaders) must have their own expectations of the city's image and communicate them to the target audience through strategy implementation. If there is a discrepancy between the brand planners and the actual implementation units (government employees) in terms of city identification, this will lead to poor implementation and make it difficult to build a sense of city identity among the target groups (investors, tourists and residents), which will in turn affect the desire to invest, visit and move to Kaohsiung.

Once the third largest container port in the world, Kaohsiung's industrial development was inextricably linked to its port. In the 1970s, Kaohsiung was transformed into a steel and petrochemical industry hub due to national policies such as industrial upgrading and the ten major construction projects. In the 1980s, the transformation of the industrial structure, the out-migration of population and the rise of environmental protection awareness, have impacted on Kaohsiung's industries. In the 1990s, the government began to make use of the harbor renovation and industrial transformation policies in an attempt to reverse its image as a city of heavy industry and high pollution and to develop a harbor city with economic and trade as its main focus. However, the industrial structure, population growth rate, air pollution index and other relevant data show that the reality is still quite different from the brand positioning of Kaohsiung as an economic and trade port city. This study aims to use corporate identity as a theoretical basis to analyze the city identification of Kaohsiung by government leaders, government employees and investors, in the hope that the specific conclusions obtained from the study will serve as a reference for future government policies on urban governance and economic development.

The data collection for this study was carried out in two ways. Government leaders' identification of the city of Kaohsiung will be obtained through the collection of secondary data. Data from government employees and investors were collected through semi-structured interviews. Finally, the data from the previous studies will be collated and cross-checked to produce two major findings:
I. Urban Landscape and Life Dynamics
Kaohsiung has a good natural environment and a well-designed urban streetscape. Kaohsiung's proximity to the harbor adds to the city's relaxed atmosphere. However, the early development of heavy industry has created a well-developed manufacturing cluster, which has also brought with it the problem of air pollution. Many people still have the impression that Kaohsiung is a "highly polluted and heavy industry" city, and the leaders have proposed an air pollution reduction plan to make Kaohsiung a livable city.
II. Urban Economic and Commercial Development
Government employees and investors have opposing views on the "matchmaking services" provided by the government. Government employees believe that the government should act as an intermediary, integrating industry, government and academic resources to serve both supply and demand. Investors, on the other hand, believe that nowadays, with the availability of information, companies are able to make their own contacts and that matchmaking services are not really beneficial. Among the "incentives for investment", both government staff and investors considered the rental tax incentive to be the most attractive option. Investors believe that the unpredictable nature of the current incentives, which are subject to institutional scrutiny, has led to a conservative approach and limited tangible benefits to the industry.
Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made:
I. Core Industries
In order to change the image of Kaohsiung as a "heavy industry city", the Kaohsiung government has tried to promote different types of industries. However, it is difficult to replace the manufacturing industry with other industries. How Kaohsiung can give full play to its own strengths and identify the right core industries has become a crucial issue.
II. Incentives for business investment
Tax policy is only one of the factors for economic growth. Sound urban infrastructure, sufficient human resources and quality of life are also factors for business investment assessment. In the future, reference can be made to the concept of angel investment in Silicon Valley in the US. In other words, the government will be responsible for optimizing the investment environment, while private resources will be channeled into the company, allowing it to operate more flexibly and facilitating the overall development of the industry.
III. Clarifying the benefits of government matchmaking
The actual implementation process of the current matchmaking mechanism is limited by human and budgetary resources and tends to be a one-off activity, making it difficult to meet the needs of all different types of companies. In the future, the content of matchmaking can be tailored to the size of the company, so that the benefits can be realized rather than being a one-off policy.
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 viii
圖次 x
表次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第三節研究程序 3
第四節 研究貢獻與實務意涵 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 城市品牌理論 6
第二節 企業識別理論 9
第三節 企業識別理論應用於城市相關研究 12
第三章 研究方法 15
第一節 個案研究法 15
第二節 研究設計 16
第三節 訪談設計 17
第四章 高雄城市識別分析 20
第一節 期望識別 20
第二節 實際識別 24
第三節 認知識別 27
第五章 結論與建議 31
第一節 研究結論與討論 31
第二節 研究發現與建議 35
第三節 研究限制 36
參考文獻 37
一、中文部分 37
二、英文部分 38
三、電子資源 39

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