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博碩士論文 etd-0731120-164629 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731120-164629
新進員工內隱建言信念與建言行為: 建言意圖與知覺同事建言期待的調節式中介效果
Newcomers' Self-protective Voice Beliefs and Voice Behaviors: A Moderated Mediation Model of Voice Intention and Perceived Coworkers' Voice Expectation
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Newcomer, Voice Intention, Perceived Coworkers’Voice Expectation, Voice Behavior, Self-protective Voice Belief
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在現代組織中,若員工覺得能自在且坦率地發表建議、意見或顧慮,組織就更有機會面對挑戰,因此激勵員工提出建言,成為研究者與實務管理者均關注的議題。本研究認為在人員剛加入組織時,就對建言抱持著良好的信念,將對其後續之建言行為有正向幫助。然而,過往的研究鮮少探討新進人員對於建言的信念與行為關係,本研究採用內隱建言信念中的「假定之目標認同」、「致職涯負面結果」與「面面俱到而後言」做為影響三種不同建言行為 (建議焦點建言、問題焦點建言與意見焦點建言)的前因,以理性行為理論,加入建言意圖作為內隱建言信念與建言行為間之中介變數,同時探討當新進員工知覺到同事建言期待時,是否能調節前述之中介關係。本研究透過兩個時間點的問卷資料收集方式,檢驗前述模式對建言行為的同時效果 (N = 144)與延遲效果 (N = 113)。迴歸分析結果顯示,新進人員之內隱建言信念並不會直接影響建言行為,但對不同時間點的三種建言行為,會分別有不同的解釋力。同時,其知覺之同事建言期待會對兩種內隱建言信念與建言意圖的關係有顯著的調節效果。但本研究也發現在調節式中介效果分析中,知覺同事建言期待亦會調節兩項內隱建言信念經由建言意圖,進而影響建言行為的間接效果。最後此研究亦針對新進員工之建言行為,提出相關管理意涵與未來研究建議。
Nowadays, if employees can speak out freely in the organization, the organization has a better chance to face challenges. Therefore, motivating employees to voice has become an essential topic of concern to both researchers and practitioners. This study suggests that when newcomers joined the organization, if they held reasonable beliefs about voice, they would more intend to voice. However, previous research rarely explores the relationship between beliefs and behavior about voice of newcomer. This study examines the relationship between self-protective voice belief (i.e., presumed target identification, negative career consequences of voice, need solid data or solutions to speak up) and voice behavior (i.e., suggestion-focused voice, problem-focused voice, opinion-focused voice). Based on Theory of Reasoned Action, this study investigates the mediating role of voice intention and the moderating role of perceived coworkers' voice expectations and explores the moderated mediation model. This study tested the research model via an online questionnaire at two-time points to differentiate concurrent effect(N = 144)and lagged effect(N = 113)on voice behavior. The results of hierarchical regression analyses show that the self-protective voice belief of newcomers does not directly relate to their voice behaviors, but they have different effects for the three types of voice behavior at different time points. Also, voice intention does not mediate the negative relationship between two dimensions of self-protective voice belief and three dimensions of voice behavior. However, this study found that the perceived coworkers' voice expectation moderates the two dimensions of self-protective voice belief through voice intention, and then shows the indirect effect of voice behavior. This study provides several practical implications and future directions for the researchers to study the voice behavior of newcomers.
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學研究生學位論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 員工建言行為之定義回顧 5
一、員工建言行為 5
二、單一向度的建言行為 6
三、多重向度的建言行為 7
四、小結 8
第二節 新進人員內隱建言信念對建言行為之影響 9
一、內隱建言信念 9
二、內隱建言信念與建言行為的關係 11
第三節 建言意圖對內隱建言信念與建言行為間關係的中介效果 13
一、 理性行為理論 14
二、建言意圖的中介效果 15
第四節 知覺同事建言期待的調節效果 16
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 研究對象 20
第二節 研究程序 20
第三節 研究工具 22
第四節 分析程序 25
第四章 研究結果 26
第一節 相關分析 26
第二節 驗證性因素分析 26
第三節 假設檢定 28
第五章 研究結論與建議 46
第一節 研究結果討論 46
第二節 管理意涵 47
第三節 研究限制與發展 48
參考文獻 52
附錄 56
附件一、問卷調查表-第一次問卷 56
附件二、問卷調查表-第二次問卷 60
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