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博碩士論文 etd-0809115-124755 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0809115-124755
送禮送到心坎裡: 電視購物贈品促銷深度、贈品與主產品配適度對購買意願之影響
More than a gift: Effects of gift promotion depth and product-gift fit on consumers’ purchase intentions in TV shopping
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gift promotion depth, TV shopping, product-gift fit, the characteristic of promoted product, range theory
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本研究採用實驗法檢測假說,受測者設定為年滿20歲的學生、上班族以及家庭主婦。共進行兩項實驗,以回應電視購物台不同的贈品搭配內容。實驗一,設定贈品與主產品乃屬於不同產品,採用3(贈品促銷深度: 高 vs. 中 vs. 低)x2(贈品配適度:互補 vs. 非互補)x2(主商品屬性: 功利性 vs. 享樂性)之三因子受測者間實驗設計。而實驗二則設定贈品與主產品為相同產品,不需考慮配適度,為3(贈品促銷深度: 高 vs. 中 vs. 低) x2(主商品屬性: 功利性 vs. 享樂性)之二因子受測者間實驗設計。
研究結果發現:(1)越高的贈品促銷深度,可產生越佳的購買意願;(2)贈品與主商品的非互補關係 (相較於互補),可產生較佳的購買意願;(3)互補性贈品(相較於非互補性)會強化贈品促銷深度對購買意願的正向效果;(4)享樂性主商品(相較於功利性主商品)會強化贈品促銷深度與購買意願之間的正向關係;(5) 贈品配適度對購買意願的負向影響,僅發生於享樂性主商品。本研究結果可對於電視購物台促銷手法、贈品促銷深度、範圍理論、贈品配適效果、享樂消費等提供理論意涵,並做為廠商規劃贈品促銷活動之重要參考。
Gift promotions are commonly expected to increase product sales by TV shopping channels. But both domestic and foreign studies have paid little attention to the effects of gift promotions used in TV shopping. In the general context of product promotions, scholars suggested an inverted U relationship between consumers’ attitudes/purchase intentions and the price/gift promotion depth. However, the observation of TV shopping channel’s marketing practices reveals that practitioners usually use the promotions with high depth, such as “buy one, get one free” or “buy one, get many free” to attract consumers’ attention. Therefore, we speculate that the effects of gift promotion depth may be different, depending on shopping environments. Additionally, gift promotions could be considered a type of product bundles, and we believe that the product-gift fit and the characteristics of promoted focal products would moderate the effects of gift promotion depth on consumers’ purchase intentions.
This research used the experiment method to test hypotheses. Research sample was set to include students, workers, or housewives of 20 and above. In response to different gift promotion contents, two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 set the gift and the focal product belonged to different product categories. A 3(gift promotion depth: low vs. moderate vs. high)x2(product-gift fit: complementary vs. non-complementary)x2(the characteristic of promoted product: utilitarian vs. hedonic)between-subjects design was conducted. Experiment 2 set the gift and the focal product are the same product without need to discuss the fit. A 3(gift promotion depth: low vs. moderate vs. high)x2(the characteristic of promoted product: utilitarian vs. hedonic)between-subjects design was conducted.
The analytical results indicate that: (1) the higher gift promotion depth is, the higher consumers’ purchase intentions will be in TV shopping channels. (2) Non-complementary gifts (vs. complementary gifts) generate higher purchase intentions. (3) Complementary gifts, compared with non-complementary gifts, strengthen the positive effects of gift promotion depth on purchase intentions. (4) Hedonic promoted products (vs. utilitarian promoted products) would strengthen the positive effects of gift promotion depth on purchase intentions. (5) The negative effects of the product-gift fit on purchase intentions occur only for hedonic promoted products. This research results make theoretical contributions to promotion tactics in TV shopping channels, gift promotion depth, range theory, product-gift fit, and hedonic consumption, as well as provide practical suggestion for practitioners on how to plan gift promotion to generate better effects.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究問題 6
第四節 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 電視購物 8
第二節 贈品促銷 10
一、贈品促銷深度 11
二、參考價格 14
三、適應水準理論 vs. 範圍理論 19
第三節 商品促銷類型 22
一、 贈品與主產品之間的配適度(product-gift fit) 23
二、產品類型 34
第四節 購買意願 36
第三章 研究架構與假說推論 38
第一節 研究架構 38
第二節 研究假說 39
一、贈品促銷深度對消費者購買意願的影響 39
二、贈品配適度對消費者購買意願的影響 41
三、贈品促銷深度與贈品配適度對購買意願的互動關係 42
四、主商品屬性對贈品促銷深度、贈品配適度的干擾效果 44
第四章 實驗一 47
第一節 研究方法 47
一、 樣本和實驗設計 47
二、實驗刺激與前測 49
三、實驗程序 59
四、變數衡量 60
第二節 分析結果 65
一、研究樣本組成 65
二、變數平均值、標準差及量表信度分析 68
三、操弄性檢驗與控制變數檢定 69
四、假說驗證 77
五、補充分析 83
第三節 討論 91
第五章 實驗二 100
第一節 研究方法 100
一、 樣本與實驗設計 100
二、 實驗刺激與前測 101
三、 實驗程序 103
四、變數衡量 104
第二節 分析結果 106
一、 研究樣本組成 106
二、變數平均值、標準差及量表信度分析 109
三、操弄性檢驗與控制變數檢定 110
四、假說驗證 116
五、補充分析 124
第三節 討論 130
第六章 結論與建議 134
第一節 研究發現與討論 134
第二節 理論意涵 140
第三節 實務意涵 147
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 152
參考文獻 159
附錄一、前測問卷 176
附錄二、實驗問卷 206
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