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論文名稱 Title |
「實」在有「效」?實體性與服務業圖片類型對於廣告效果之影響 More People, More Competent? Influences of Entitativity and Service Photo Type on Advertising Effectiveness |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
126 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-09-02 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2021-09-10 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
實體性、服務業廣告、感知能力感、圖片類型、廣告效果 entitativity, service advertising, perceived competence, photo type, advertising effectiveness |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 343 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 343 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究欲探討實體性如何影響服務業廣告的廣告效果,進而深入研究實體性程度上的差異以及服務業廣告圖片類型所帶來的影響。在本研究中,服務業廣告上實體性的定義為員工模特兒數量的多寡,廣告中操弄多位員工模特兒為高實體性,單一員工模特兒為低實體性。本研究採實驗設計法,透過三個實驗檢驗假設。實驗一驗證實體性對廣告效果的影響,透過自行設計服務業廣告及情境引導,觀察受訪者面對廣告中以單一員工模特兒或多名員工模特兒形象下的預期服務品質與服務使用意願,並探討消費者行為背後的機制。實驗二則是把實體性分類成四種程度,觀察受訪者面對廣告中呈現不同數量的員工模特兒之下,實體性程度對廣告效果的影響。實驗三則是探討服務業圖片類型對於實體性所帶來的干擾效果,本研究認為,若服務業廣告以工作照呈現,會使得消費者專注於服務內容、進入服務情境,進而削弱實體性的廣告效果。 實驗一結果顯示,比起低實體性(單一員工模特兒)的服務業廣告,高實體性(多名員工模特兒)的服務業廣告會有較佳的廣告效果,且實體性所誘發的感知能力感為此結果之背後機制。比起廣告中單一員工模特兒,廣告中呈現多名員工模特兒會讓受訪者感覺到服務提供者的能力較強。實驗二指出實體性不見得越高越好,在服務業廣告上,員工模特兒太多反而會造成感知能力感下降,而沒有最佳的廣告效果。實驗三比較形象照和工作照兩種服務業廣告圖片類型,結果發現實體性提升廣告效果在形象照使用下會出現,但若使用工作照,實體性的高低在廣告效果上則無以上差異。論文最後對廣告與行銷人員提供啟示及警訊。 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to examine how entitativity affects advertising effectiveness in service contexts. We further examine level of entitativity and photo type as boundary conditions. In this study, the entitativity of service advertising is defined as the quantity of models. High entitativity is manipulated through multiple models in the ad, and low entitativity is manipulated through one single model in the ad. Three experiments are conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. In the first experiment, the effect of entitativity on advertising effectiveness is tested. Through self-designed service ads with given scenarios, the participants' anticipated service quality and intention to use are assessed. Perceived competence is tested as the underlying mechanism. The second experiment is to classify the entitativity into four levels and to observe the relationship between level of entitativity and advertising effectiveness. The third experiment is to investigate how photo type moderates the effects of entitativity. We propose that the service ad with a working photo may make consumers focus on the service itself and reduces the effects of entitativity. The results of the first experiment show that the service ad with high entitativity leads to higher advertising effectiveness (vs. the same ad but with low entitativity). The mechanism behind the results is that entitativity induces the perceptions of competence for the service provider. The second experiment further shows that too many models in a service ad may not necessarily maximize the advertising effectiveness and also reduces the perceived competence. The third experiment compares the differences between image photos and working photos. The results show that the effects of entitativity are limited in service ads with image photos, not in those with working photos. The research provides implications and warnings for advertisers and marketers who use models in service ads to enhance advertising effectiveness. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 ....................................................................................................................i 致謝................................................................................................................................ii 摘要.............................................................................................................................. iii Abstract........................................................................................................................iv 第壹章 緒論.................................................................................................................1 第一節 前言 ........................................................................................................1 第二節 研究背景................................................................................................1 第三節 研究動機................................................................................................3 第四節 研究目的與問題....................................................................................5 第五節 研究架構................................................................................................6 第貳章 文獻探討 .........................................................................................................7 第一節 前言........................................................................................................7 第二節 實體性....................................................................................................7 第三節 感知能力感..........................................................................................16 第四節 說服知識模型......................................................................................20 第五節 廣告人數差異......................................................................................23 第六節 廣告圖片類型......................................................................................26 第五節 小結......................................................................................................31 第參章 假設推論與研究設計 ....................................................................................32 第一節 前言......................................................................................................32 第二節 研究假設與架構..................................................................................32 第三節 實驗設計建立......................................................................................38 第四節 小結......................................................................................................39 第肆章 實驗一設計與結果 ........................................................................................40 第一節 前言......................................................................................................40 第二節 研究變數的操作型定義及衡量..........................................................40 第三節 實驗流程與資料蒐集..........................................................................42 第四節 實驗一研究分析..................................................................................42 第五節 小結......................................................................................................46 第伍章 實驗二設計與結果 .......................................................................................47 第一節 前言......................................................................................................47 第二節 研究變數的操作型定義及衡量..........................................................47 第三節 實驗流程與資料蒐集..........................................................................50 第四節 實驗二研究分析..................................................................................50 第五節 小結......................................................................................................61 第陸章 實驗三設計與結果 .......................................................................................62 第一節 前言......................................................................................................62 第二節 研究變數的操作型定義及衡量..........................................................62 第三節 實驗流程與資料蒐集 ..........................................................................64 第四節 實驗三研究分析..................................................................................64 第五節 小結......................................................................................................67 第柒章 結論與建議 ...................................................................................................68 第一節 前言......................................................................................................68 第二節 研究結果討論......................................................................................68 第三節 研究貢獻..............................................................................................70 第四節 研究限制..............................................................................................73 第五節 未來研究建議......................................................................................74 第六節 小結......................................................................................................78 參考文獻 .....................................................................................................................79 附錄一 實驗一問卷 1(低實體性版本).....................................................................90 附錄一 實驗一問卷 2(高實體性版本).....................................................................93 附錄二 實驗二問卷 1 (一位員工模特兒版本).......................................................96 附錄二 實驗二問卷 2 (三位員工模特兒版本).......................................................99 附錄二 實驗二問卷 3 (五位員工模特兒版本).....................................................102 附錄二 實驗二問卷 4 (九位員工模特兒版本).....................................................105 附錄三 實驗三問卷 1(低實體性 x 形象照)...........................................................108 附錄三 實驗三問卷 2(高實體性 x 形象照)...........................................................110 附錄三 實驗三問卷 3(低實體性 x 工作照)...........................................................112 附錄三 實驗三問卷 4(高實體性 x 工作照)...........................................................114 |
參考文獻 References |
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