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Title page for etd-0814122-013147
Exploring the Relationships Between Subjective Career Success, Work-Family Conflict, and Internal Reason for Hierarchical Plateau
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Internal reason for hierarchical plateau, Subjective career success, Work-family conflict, Organizational career management, Family supportive supervisor behaviors
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近年來企業普遍面臨主管荒的問題,也成為企業是否能永續經營的絆腳石之一。本研究針對升遷停滯內成因 (意即員工自願選擇不升遷,形成升遷停滯的現象),探討主觀職涯成功與工作–家庭衝突對其之影響,並檢驗師徒制、訓練發展及主管支持行為對上述關係之調節效果。本研究採用兩階段共259份問卷資料,進行路徑分析後發現:(1) 主觀職涯成功與擔憂升遷後職位缺乏職涯目標與發展性的升遷停滯呈現正向效果;(2) 主觀職涯成功與對新職位能力不足或工作領域不熟悉的升遷停滯呈現正向效果,但訓練發展中的內部訓練和發展計畫及新人訓練計畫越多時,會使前述關係轉變為負向效果;(3) 主觀職涯成功與工作地點變動與影響家庭的升遷停滯並未具有顯著相關,但員工對師徒制的知覺越高時,會使前述關係轉變為正向效果;(4) 工作–家庭衝突與顧慮工作地點變動與影響家庭及無法兼顧工作與生活的升遷停滯並未具有顯著相關,但主管家庭支持行為越多時,則會強化前述之正向效果。本研究針對以上發現進行討論,並提出管理實務建議及未來研究建議。
Manager shortage becomes a critical issue for corporate sustainability management. Such a situation makes enterprises increase operational difficulties and succession problems. This study investigates the antecedents of the internal reason for hierarchical plateau (i.e., employees are unwilling to be promoted, which results in the hierarchical plateau). Furthermore, this study investigates whether subjective career success (SCS) and work-family conflict (WFC) are related to the internal reasons for hierarchical plateau. Finally, this study examines the moderating roles of mentoring, training and development programs, and family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB) on the above effects. After analyzing two-wave online survey data from 259 employed adults, this study found that (1) SCS was positively related to “being afraid of lack of career goals and development after job promotion”. (2) SCS was positively related to “unfamiliarity with new job skill or ability after promotion”. However, the relationship became negative when training and development programs was high. (3) SCS had no relationship with “change of work location and influence of family”, but when mentoring was high, the relationship became positive. (4) WFC was not related to “change of work location and influence of family” and “the imbalance of work and life”, but the positive relationships became stronger when FSSB was high. The practical implications, research limitation and future research suggestions were discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第壹章、緒論 1
第貳章、文獻探討 5
第一節 、升遷停滯內成因 5
第二節 、主觀職涯成功與升遷停滯內成因的關聯性 7
第三節 、工作–家庭衝突與升遷停滯內成因的關聯性 10
第四節 、組織職涯管理–師徒制及訓練發展的調節效果 12
第五節 、主管家庭支持行為的調節效果 17
第六節 、研究假設 19
第參章、研究方法 20
第一節 、施測程序 20
第二節 、研究樣本 20
第三節 、研究工具 23
第四節 、分析方法 27
第肆章、研究結果 29
第一節 、驗證性因素分析 29
第二節 、相關分析 30
第三節 、假設檢定 33
第四節 、補充分析 44
第伍章、研究結論與建議 46
第一節 、研究結果與討論 46
第二節 、管理實務意涵 51
第三節 、研究限制與未來研究建議 55
參考文獻 58
附錄一:研究問卷 63
受試者招募問卷 63
第一階段問卷 65
第二階段問卷 69
附錄二:量表題項修正建議 72
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