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博碩士論文 etd-1105120-012840 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1105120-012840
Sustainable Consumer Behavior in Times of COVID-19
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環境、消費者文化、個人主義、可持續發展、COVID-19 病毒、消費、可持續性消費、消 費者行為、可 持續性消費行為、集 體主義
COVID-19, individualism, consumer behavior, sustainability, consumption, sustainable consumption, consumer culture, environment, collectivism, sustainable consumption behavior
本論文已被瀏覽 229 次,被下載 72
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 229 times, has been downloaded 72 times.
本論文的目的在於探索例如COVID-19疫情的危機是否會對可持續 性消費行為造 成影響。為了在消費者中收集真實數據,127人參與了 本論文中提及的標準調查 。本次研究中對收集到的數據進行了SPSS 分析。在研究過程中,不僅採用了非 參數Wilcoxon符號秩檢驗來確 定行為變化,其次還採用了Kruskal-Wallis測試和 Spearman相關係數 來進一步分析數據。數據表明,在可持續地購買,使用和回收 商品 和服務這三種消費行為中,在COVID-19疫情期間,人們採取了明 顯比疫情 前更可持續的方式來使用商品和服務。此外,研究過程中 還發現了一條微弱但重 要的關聯—即個人主義者和可持續使用以及 廢物回收間的聯繫,同時,這種關聯 也存在於集體主義者和可持續 性購買。這些研究結果表示,COVID-19疫情使得 人們更可持續性 地使用他們現有的物品。與此同時,可持續性購買這種行為似乎 受 到其他人影響,而可持續性使用和廢物回收的行為似乎取決於個 體。本篇論文 是首批探究COVID-19對可持續性消費行為的影響的文章 之一。
The purpose of this thesis is to explore whether a crisis like COVID-19 has an impact on sustainable consumption behavior. To find evidence among consumers, a standardized survey, in which 127 people participated, was conducted. The collected data was analyzed in SPSS. A non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted to determine behavioral changes and a Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlations to further interpret the data. Among the three consumption behaviors of purchasing, using, and recycling goods and services sustainably, it was found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, people adopted more sustainable practices by using goods and services more sustainably than before the pandemic. Furthermore, a weak but significant link was found between people who display individualistic traits and sustainable use and recycling and between people who display collectivistic traits and sustainable purchase.
These findings show that the COVID-19 pandemic triggered people to use their available products more sustainably. Moreover, sustainable purchase seems to be influenced by other people and sustainable use and recycling seems to be influenced by the individual. This thesis is among the first research papers to explore the influence of COVID-19 on sustainable consumption behavior.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter....................................................i
摘要 ................................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract English .............................................................................................................. iv
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................. v
Table of Figures.............................................................................................................. vii
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Household Consumption and Environmental Impact....................................... 3
2.2 Consumer Behavior and Consumer Culture Theory ........................................ 4
2.3 Sustainable Consumption Behavior.................................................................. 8
2.3.1 Income and Education .............................................................................. 9
2.3.2 Behavioral Change ................................................................................... 9
2.4 Changing Towards Sustainable Consumption Behavior During a Crisis....... 12 Methodology........................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Sample and Data Collection ........................................................................... 14
3.2 Quality Criteria ............................................................................................... 15
3.3 Questionnaire .................................................................................................. 16
Results .................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 COVID-19 and Sustainable Consumption Behavior ...................................... 18
4.2 Education and Income .................................................................................... 21
4.3 Social Influence .............................................................................................. 21
5 Discussion............................................................................................................... 24
6 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 26
References ...................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 36
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