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博碩士論文 etd-1125120-150012 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1125120-150012
A Study on Government's Provision of Cross-Generation Resources in Corporate Inheritance
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Cross-Generation, Generation Inheritance, Digital Transformation, Digital Economy, Government Resources, Business Transformation
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Small and medium-sized enterprises hold the largest number of all business, employ the largest number of employees, and they are also the fundamental essence for supporting a country's economy. In the past, business owners have already faced retirement and therefore faced the problem of "cross-generation" inheritance. Threaten by the new social and technological development trend, the original business model is difficult to sustain. Therefore, inheritance companies must undergo reforms to catch up with the development trend and vitalize the company, especially paying attention to value creation and transformation into the so-called "connection."
This research is designed to conduct in-depth interviews with experts and individual cases on issues related to the inheritance of enterprises, to explore the use of government resources, business strategies and practices in the cross-generational management and transformation process of SMEs. Learn from the interviewees, the inheritance process, from the company's internal governance to the provision of government resources for the external environment, as a reference for future development of the enterprise.
According to the results of in-depth interviews, the tactics of how first generation of family business owner operated put an immense pressure on the successors. Communication problems are usually on the top of the list during the inheritance process. The successor’s desire to change, to innovate and to lead the company's digital transformation, helps reached a new peak of the company and made the company more competitive in the big enviroment. The government provides assistance from government resources to quench the chain of achievements also helps to mitigate the gap. This interview reflects that the use of resources is generally smooth; however, the analysis also found that the popularization of resources at home and abroad is still slightly insufficient. Therefore, this research also makes relevant suggestions from the interview conclusions.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 9
第一節 研究背景與動機 10
第二節 研究目的 12
第三節 研究流程 15
第四節 研究範圍與限制 17
第二章 產業現況 19
第一節 臺灣中小企業整體產業趨勢與傳承重要性 20
第二節 全球重點國家中小企業定義與概況 25
第三節 推動政府資源與網絡 29
第三章 文獻探討 31
第一節 紮根理論研究方法 32
第二節 中小企業轉型策略 37
第三節 跨世代企業之研究 43
第四節 深度訪談法 46
第四章 研究設計 49
第一節 研究結構 49
第二節 研究模式 50
第三節 研究方法 52
第五章 實證分析 57
第一節 個案公司分析 59
第二節 政府提供「跨世代」企業傳承資源跨國比較分析 67
第三節 「跨世代」企業運用政府傳承資源 74
第四節 「跨世代」企業傳承之發展力 78
第六章 結論與建議 83
第一節 結論 84
第二節 建議 85
第三節 管理意涵 88
參考文獻 89
附錄一 企業及專家受訪資料 95
附錄二 訪談相關文件 109
附錄三 中小企業發展資料 112
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