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論文名稱 Title |
旅宿商品之促銷深度對消費者知覺價值之影響—價格意識與選擇超載的干擾效果 The Effects of Promotion Depth on Consumer Perceived Value of Online Travel Agency-Moderating Effects of Price Consciousness and Choice Overload |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
102 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2021-11-24 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2022-01-05 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
促銷深度、知覺價值、交易效用理論、價格意識、選擇超載 promotion depth, perceived value, transaction utility theory, price awareness, choice overload |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 268 次,被下載 7 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 268 times, has been downloaded 7 times. |
中文摘要 |
摘要 訂房網站上,眾多的旅宿商品與價格訊息,消費者如何進行選擇與預訂決策?本研究將以促銷深度呈現為主軸,利用交易效用理論與知覺價值模型,探討消費者如何感知訂房網站上促銷深度的價值,並加入價格意識、選擇超載作為干擾變項,找出有效提升知覺價值之促銷策略,進而提升消費者對旅宿商品的預訂意願。 本研究採用線上實驗法,受測者為年滿20歲且曾使用過訂房網站的使用者,在臉書之旅遊、住宿及問卷相關社團招募受試者進行3(促銷深度呈現:高vs. 低 vs. 無)x2(選擇超載:高vs. 低)之二因子組間實驗設計,探討變數之間的因果關係,結果發現促銷深度越高,越能使消費者產生較高的知覺價值與預訂意願,且當消費者為高價格意識者,會更重視促銷深度所帶來的知覺價值,但當消費者產生選擇超載的情況,則會弱化促銷深度對知覺價值的影響。 |
Abstract |
Abstract On booking websites, there is plenty of information regarding accommodation and prices. So how do consumers make choices and booking decisions? This research focuses on the promotion depth and explores how consumers perceive the depth of promotion on booking websites based on the transaction utility theory and the model of perceived value. Price awareness and choice overload are examined as moderation variables to understand the promotion strategy that effectively enhances the perceived value, which results in increasing consumers’ willingness to book accommodation products. This research uses the experimental design and the participants were 20-year-old individuals who have used booking websites. Research participants were recruited from online platforms. A 3 (presentation of promotion depth: high vs. low vs. none) x 2 (choice overload: high vs. low) between subject experimental design was conducted to explore the causal relationship between the factors. It was discovered that the higher the promotion depth, the higher the perceived value and the willingness of consumers to make booking reservations. When consumers have high price awareness, they will pay more attention to the perceived value from the promotion depth. However, the impact of promotion depth on the perceived value is weakened when consumers have choice overload. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書.....................................................................................................................i 致謝................................................................................................................................ii 摘要...............................................................................................................................iv Abstract ..........................................................................................................................v 目錄...............................................................................................................................vi 圖目錄...........................................................................................................................viii 表目錄........................................................................................................................... ix 第一章、 緒論..............................................................................................................1 第一節、研究背景與動機........................................................................................1 第二節、研究問題....................................................................................................4 第三節、研究目的....................................................................................................4 第二章、 文獻回顧......................................................................................................6 第一節、訂房網站相關研究....................................................................................6 一、外部線索........................................................................................................6 二、外部參考價格................................................................................................8 三、廣告參考價格................................................................................................9 第二節、促銷深度(折扣幅度)..........................................................................11 第三節、知覺價值..................................................................................................13 一、交易效用理論(Transaction Utility Theory)...........................................14 二、知覺價值與預訂意願..................................................................................14 第四節、價格意識..................................................................................................15 第五節、選擇超載..................................................................................................16 第三章、 研究方法....................................................................................................20 第一節、研究架構..................................................................................................20 第二節、假說推論..................................................................................................20 一、不同的促銷深度與知覺價值之效果..........................................................20 vi 二、價格意識的干擾效果..................................................................................22 三、選擇超載的干擾效果..................................................................................24 第三節、正式實驗..................................................................................................26 一、樣本和實驗設計..........................................................................................26 二、實驗刺激和前測..........................................................................................27 三、實驗程序......................................................................................................34 四、變數衡量......................................................................................................35 第四節、資料分析..................................................................................................37 一、研究樣本組成..............................................................................................37 二、量表信度分析..............................................................................................43 三、操弄性檢驗與控制變數檢定......................................................................47 四、假說驗證......................................................................................................48 第四章、 結論與建議................................................................................................55 第一節、研究發現與討論......................................................................................55 第二節、研究貢獻..................................................................................................57 第三節、研究限制與未來研究方向......................................................................61 參考文獻......................................................................................................................64 附錄..............................................................................................................................79 |
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