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論文名稱 Title |
從外派意願探討組織與個人的相應與適配 Exploring Organizational and Individual Fit through Expatriate Intentions |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
229 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-12-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-01-06 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
外派人員、外派意願、五大人格特質、跨文化訓練、駐外支援系統 Expatriates, Expatriate willingness, Personality Traits, Cross-Cultural Training, Expatriated Support System |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 94 次,被下載 9 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 94 times, has been downloaded 9 times. |
中文摘要 |
因應全球化時代來臨,國內工資與物價上漲快速,導致勞動密集程度高之產業紛紛外移海外設廠。在大缺工時代下,要如何吸引並招攬人才願意至海外工作成了跨國企業面臨的一大難題。本研究旨在探討個人外派意願與組織駐外支援系統之適配,主要從正在外派人員與能經外派人員之觀點出發,並進一步將影響人員外派因素,細分為內在與外在兩類因素,以期藉由本次研究除可提供跨國企業精準招攬外派人才之參考外,同時,可降低外派人員外派失敗率並準確的設計外派制度。 本研究結果發現:一、具開放性、情緒穩定性兩種人格特質者,除有較高的外派意願,也能更適應外派生活,若於外派前曾具有海外長期生活經驗者,於外派前較不會有過多的擔心。二、若可透過外派工作獲得更高的薪酬報償與升遷機會,對人才外派意願有較高吸引力,且組織於派駐地點所提供的支援越完善,人才外派意願與留任意願越高。三、派駐地當地環境情況與經濟水平亦會影響人員外派之意願。四、有意外派之人員,於外派前應與家庭成員妥善溝通取得支持,並評估自身是否具備高度抗壓性與解決問題能力,且能以寬廣的心態接納與面對異文化。 基於上述研究結果,有意成為外派人員者及企業遴選外派人員時,應將人格特質、外派意願、家庭狀況與職務需求一併納入考量,確保能適應外派生活與完成外派任務。此外,組織若能於外派前提供跨文化訓練,並於外派後提供完善的駐外支援系統與配套制度,亦可促使人員外派意願,並使外派人員於外派時能無後顧之憂,增進工作效率。 |
Abstract |
In response to the advent of globalization, domestic wages and prices have risen rapidly, causing labor-intensive industries to move overseas to set up factories. In the era of excellent labor shortage, attracting and recruiting talented willing to work abroad has become a challenge for multinational companies. It is a big topic. This research explores the adaptation of personal expatriation willingness and the organization's overseas support system. From the perspective of personnel who are currently expatriates and those who used to be expatriates, further divide the factors that affect personnel expatriation into internal and external factors. This research will not only provide references for multinational companies to recruit expatriate talents accurately but also reduce the failure rate of expatriates and accurately design expatriate systems. According to the results of this study, it found that: 1. People with two personality traits of Openness to experience and Neuroticisml stability, in addition to having a higher willingness to go abroad, can also adapt to life abroad. If they have long-term overseas living experiences before going abroad, they are less likely to worry too much before going abroad. 2. Working abroad can obtain higher salary compensation and promotion opportunities, it will be more attractive to the willingness of talents to be dispatched, and the more perfect the support provided by the organization at the place of assignment, the higher the willingness to dispatch and stay. 3. The local environmental conditions and economic level of the station will also affect the willingness of personnel to be sent abroad. 4. Those dispatched unexpectedly should adequately communicate with family members to obtain support before dispatching abroad and evaluate whether they have a high degree of stress resistance and problem-solving ability and can accept and face different cultures with a broad mind. Based on the above research results, those who intend to become expatriates and enterprises should consider personality traits, expatriate intentions, family status, and job requirements when selecting expatriates to ensure that they can adapt to expatriate life and complete expatriate tasks. In addition, the organization can provide cross-cultural training before the assignment and provide an entire overseas support system and supporting system after the project. It can also promote the willingness of the personnel to go abroad and enable the expatriates to have no worries during the assignment and improve work efficiency. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 研究流程 7 第二章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 外派意願 9 第二節 跨文化訓練 11 第三節 駐外支援系統 12 第三章 研究方法 13 第一節 研究對象 14 第二節 資料分析 15 第三節 編碼歷程 15 第四節 訪談大綱 16 第四章 研究結果 18 第一節 內在因素對於外派意願之影響 18 第二節 企業支援系統對於外派意願之影響 45 第三節 海外生活環境與其他因素對於外派意願之影響 63 第四節 訪談者對於有意外派人員之綜整建議 73 第五章 結論與實務意涵 81 第一節 結論與回應 81 第二節 實務意涵 87 第三節 研究限制 89 第四節 未來研究建議 90 參考文獻 91 附件一 訪談對象背景資料 97 附錄二 訪談逐字稿 98 |
參考文獻 References |
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