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論文名稱 Title |
以科技接受模式探討混合實境購物之消費者購買意願 Adopting the Technology Acceptance Model to Study the Intention of Purchasing through Mixed Reality Shopping |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
77 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2022-12-15 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-01-07 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
混合現實、科技接受模型、線上購物體驗、購買意願、虛擬購物 Mixed Reality, TAM, Online shopping Experience, Purchasing Intention, Virtual Shopping |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 457 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 457 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
視覺科技進步飛快,其中AR以真實世界為基礎,使用其他數位方式增加新的視聽覺感知,而VR在數位裝置內打造完全虛擬的世界,由電腦產生的影像和聲音構成,依據不同類型,有些影片可360度觀看、有些體驗或遊戲可用手握控制器操控虛擬世界的物件以及移動等。混合實境(MR)是虛擬實境VR以及擴增實境AR的混合體,一般也會搭配頭戴顯示器,但是使用者看到的是現實環境,額外再堆疊混合出虛擬的物體,將想像與現實相互交疊在一起,同時與實體和虛擬世界中的物件及環境去互動及操控。XR 即是以上三種的技術的集合,除可視為 VR、AR、MR的結合應用統稱外,也可說 XR 是虛擬現實交錯融合技術的總稱。 XR 技術的創新為零售商提供了改變購物體驗和銷售策略的創新方法。由於線上購物的快速增長,學術研究人員和零售商了解消費者對這些技術的反應至關重要。因此,我們檢驗了技術接受模型 (TAM) 在解釋消費者使用態度方面的影響。 本研究通過對大約 342 名擁有 VR/AR/MR 體驗的台灣用戶的調查進行測試。數據表明,TAM 信念對三種下的行為意向的影響:1. 易用性 2. 感知有用性 3. 使用態度對消費意向的影響會隨著 MR 在線購物體驗的水平而有正向顯著的變化。 |
Abstract |
The technology of visual communication is rapidly advancing. As an extension of the real world, AR uses other digital methods to give users new audiovisual perceptions. In virtual reality, images and sounds are generated by computers and inserted into digital devices. With some videos, you can view them in 360 degrees, and some experiences and games allow you to control objects in a virtual world using a hand controller. The Mixed Reality (MR) technology is a hybrid of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The user sees the real world through a head-mounted display. User could be overlapping with reality, interacting and manipulating objects and environments in both physical and virtual worlds. Three technologies are included in XR. XR is a general term that describes a combination of VR, AR, and MR technology, as well as a term for virtual reality interlaced with augmented reality. XR technologies provides retailers with innovative ways to transform the shopping experience and capitalize on strategic opportunities. Due to the fast growth of online shopping, it is critical for academic researchers as well as retailers to understand consumer responses to these technologies. Thus, we examined the applicability of the TAM (TAM) for explaining consumer adoption intention. The study was tested using a survey of some 342 Taiwan users who had VR/AR/MR experience. The data indicated that the effects of the TAM beliefs on behavioral intention across the three settings: 1. Perceived Ease of Use 2. Perceived Usefulness 3. Adoption Intention on Consuming intention will vary with the level of MR online shopping experience. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Table of Contents 論文審定書 ................ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............ii Abstract.......... iv Table of Contentsv List of Figuresv List of Tablesvi 1Introduction1 1.1Research Background1 1.2Research Motivation4 1.3Research Purpose.5 1.4Research Process.6 2Literature Review7 2.1Mixed Reality Technology and Virtual Shopping7 2.2TAM and Behavioral Intention9 2.3Hypothesis development15 3Research Methods21 3.1Research framework21 3.2Samples and participant.22 3.3Measures24 3.4Data Analysis27 4Analysis Results29 4.1Data Description29 4.2Reliability and Validity Analysis32 4.3Hypothesis Test39 5Research discussion47 5.1Theoretical Contributions47 5.2Practical Contributions51 5.3Limitations and Recommendations for future research53 6References56 7Attachment66 |
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