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論文名稱 Title |
週休對醫療專業人員恢復需求之影響:恢復經驗與情緒經驗的序列中介效果 The weekend effects on healthcare professionals’ need for recovery from work: the serial mediation effect of recovery and affective experience |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
103 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-01-05 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2023-01-11 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
工作恢復、工作壓力、恢復經驗、週休經驗、恢復需求 Recovery from work, Work stress, Recovery experience, Weekend experience, Need for recovery |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 209 次,被下載 11 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 209 times, has been downloaded 11 times. |
中文摘要 |
研究背景:隨著社會變遷對工作者勞動權益的保護,對工時的關注一直是勞動關係與制度設計的核心議題。週末的非工作時間提供了工作者一個恢復精力的機會,然而醫療從業工作普遍存在難以切割工作與非工作的特性,因此探討不同工作恢復經驗對醫療專業人員的恢復效果乃顯得重要。 研究目的:探討醫療專業人員週末恢復經驗、週休情緒經驗對恢復需求之影響。 研究方法:採實地追蹤調查法,透過結構化自填問卷方式,經人體試驗委員會審查通過後,以南部兩家醫院的醫療專業人員為研究對象。研究樣本收集322人,進行週休期間恢復經驗調查與驗證。 研究結果:醫療專業人員的週休恢復需求由休假前的平均58.75分降至休假後的平均54.66分,且經配對樣本檢定呈現統計顯著下降4.09分(t=3.82, p值<0.001),亦即下降了6.96%。進一步比較不同職類的週休恢復效果並沒有差異(with Repeated measured GLM, F=1.01, p值=0.367),亦即包含醫師、護理師、與藥師、營養師等其他醫事專業人員等,均存在著週休恢復效果。其次,不同恢復經驗對情緒經驗呈現三種直接效果,分別是心理抽離經驗的反效果、放鬆經驗與自主經驗的恢復效果、與精熟經驗的無效果,並且僅放鬆經驗對恢復需求產生顯著直接效果,其餘三種恢復經驗則無。最後,醫療專業人員週休前恢復需求會分別透過心理抽離經驗、放鬆經驗、與自主經驗,經由負向情緒經驗對週休後恢復需求產生序列中介效果。 結論與建議:本研究提出並驗證了與週休恢復歷程衡量有關的恢復經驗類型,及其與情緒經驗恢復與恢復需求的理論關係。依據實證結果並提出醫院有關系統性將員工休假及健康促進與人力資源管理機制結合之建議,分別包含工作恢復作為工作者生理與心理負荷恆定的人力資源管理機制、將人力資源的緩衝機制納入對人力規劃與工作設計的安排等。 |
Abstract |
Research background: With the emphasizing of protection of labor rights in social change, concerning about work hour has been the main issue of labor relations and human resource management. Generally, the non-work time on weekends provides a context for workers to restore their energy and resource for work. However, the job characteristics of caring patients make medical practitioners hard to separate work time and non-work time. Therefore, it is important to explore the recovery effects form differential recovery experiences on medical practitioners. Research objective: To explore the relationships between weekend recovery experience, weekend affective experience and need for recovery among medical professional employees. Materials and methods: The study was conducted with a longitudinal field study design. Data was collected with a self-administrated questionnaire from the medical care employees in two medical institutions in Southern Taiwan. 322 participants finished the investigation. We empirically analyzed the serial mediated effect of weekend recovery experience on weekend affective experience and need for recovery. Results: Weekend did make a statistically significant enhancement on healthcare professionals’ need for recovery from an average of 58.75 before weekend to an average of 54.66 in the end of weekend. No differences were found for the weekend effectiveness among job types of healthcare professionals with repeated measured analysis, including physicians, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacy. Additionally, three kinds of directed effects were shown for the relationships between recovery experience and weekend affective experience, including the reverse effect for psychological detachment, expected effect for relaxation experience and experiencing control, and no-effect for mastery experience. Finally, the serial mediating effects were found that healthcare professionals make weekend recovery effectiveness from the improvement of weekend negative affective experience through several recovery experiences. Conclusions and Suggestions: This study proposed and verified the effectiveness of recovery experience related to the measurement of weekend recovery process and their theoretical relationship with the recovery of affective experience and need for recovery. Based on our empirical results, suggestions were made for systematically combining policies of employee rest and health promotion at work and human resource management mechanisms in hospitals, including recovery from work as the basis for human resource management mechanism for maintaining homeostasis of physical and psychological loadings of workers, and incorporating human resource buffer mechanisms into arrangements for human resource planning and work design. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 論文公開授權書 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 誌謝 v 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 2 第三節 名詞解釋 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 工作恢復的理論 5 第二節 工作恢復作為歷程的衡量:恢復經驗 8 第三節 工作恢復作為結果的衡量:恢復需求 10 第四節 醫療專業人員的工作恢復 13 第五節 週休工作恢復的理論架構:恢復經驗與情緒經驗的序列中介效果 15 第三章 研究方法 22 第一節 研究架構與理論推導 22 第二節 研究設計 22 第三節 研究程序 23 第四節 研究對象與抽樣程序 24 第五節 研究工具 26 第六節 資料分析 34 第四章 研究結果 37 第一節 驗證性因素分析 37 第二節 描述性統計分析 54 第三節 相關係數分析 59 第四節 結構方程模型之路徑關係 61 第五節 恢復經驗、情緒經驗與週休工作恢復的序列中介效果分析 63 第六節 研究假設驗證結果 68 第五章 討論與結論 72 第一節 週休作為醫療專業人員工作恢復的效果 72 第二節 醫療專業人員的恢復經驗與工作恢復的關係 73 第三節 醫療專業人員的週休恢復經驗、情緒經驗對恢復需求之序列中介效果 75 第四節 研究貢獻與管理意涵 77 第五節 研究限制與未來建議 78 第六節 結論 80 參考文獻 82 |
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