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博碩士論文 etd-0015123-224127 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0015123-224127
Influence of Critical Incidents on the Development of Taiwan’s National Brand
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
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National brand, Critical event, Communication approach, National image, Cross-cultural interaction
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本文是一個質性研究,藉由訪問來自加拿大及奧地利兩所大學的學生,以他們角度觀察從自身文化下是如何認識台灣,參考Simon Anholt在國家品牌認知建立要素,探索外國學生對於臺灣國家品牌形象如何形成,以及在沒有更進一步接觸的情形之下對於臺灣國家品牌形象的認知。接下來我們分別討論Covid-19疫情以及交換的經驗是否會促成他們調整對於臺灣國家品牌形象的認知。
The origin of a brand is usually a significant factor in buying decisions. At the same time, consumers usually associate the country of origin in evaluating a brand’s value. However, compared to advanced countries’ power in specific industries, the role of Taiwanese brands in the international market attracts little attention and has no clear image to overseas consumers. Therefore, this research intends to find the national picture of Taiwan from foreigners’ perspectives and how they construct the impression of Taiwan. Furthermore, this paper studies whether crucial international incidents or the experience of participating international study program would change their overall impression of the country.
The methodology used was a qualitative research method. By interviewing students from Canada and Austria, we observe how they learn about Taiwan and interpret related information. Referring to Simon Anholt (2010)’s explanation of branding a nation, we intend to explore the development of building the national brand of Taiwan from international students’ perspective. Furthermore, the methods of approaching related news when they are in their home countries. The discussion will then further determine whether the COVID-19 pandemic and the experience of participating in the global program would impact their impressions.
The research found that critical events such as the pandemic caused by COVID-19 do help international students learn more about Taiwan and would not apply a broad lens of Asian stereotypes in viewing Taiwan. However, the pandemic does not encourage an apparent change in the national brand of Taiwan. On the other hand, the global study program allows international students to live in the culture of Taiwan and have more opportunities to interact with locals or experience the lifestyle. As a result, they have a better understanding of the nation, further enhancing the national brand impression with consistent attention.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis validation letter i
Acknowledgment ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Motivation 4
1.3 The Objective of This Research 5
1.4 The Structure of Thesis Intention 8
Chapter 2: Literature Review 9
2.1 Definition of Brand 9
2.2 Definition of National brand 13
2.3 Effect of National brand 16
2.4 The development of a national brand 19
Chapter 3: Research Method 23
3.1 Research design 23
3.2 Sampling 28
3.3 Data collection 30
3.3.1 Interviewee Profile 30
3.3.2 Data Collection Design 31
3.4 Data analysis 36
3.4.1 Transcript 36
3.4.2 The coding process 37
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion 42
4.1Prior Knowledge . 42
4.1.1General First Impression 42
4.1.2Products and Services 44
4.1.3 Perception Channels 47
4.2 Influence of studying in the global program 49
4.2.1 Direct Interaction Abroad 49
4.2.1 Living in the nation 53
4.3 Influence of the pandemic 57
4.4 Synthesis 61
Chapter 5: Conclusion 69
5.1 Conclusion 69
5.2 Contribution 72
5.3 Limitations of this research 73
References 75
Appendix 78
Interview Guideline 78
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