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論文名稱 Title |
探討不同試用機制下對消費者升級意願之影響 -以影音串流平台為例 A study on the impact of different trial mechanisms on consumers' willingness to upgrade - Taking over-the-top media services as an example |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
61 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-06-21 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2024-01-15 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
影音串流平台、試用機制、升級付費、免費增值模式、推力-拉力-繫住力理論 Over-the-top media services, Trial mechanism, Upgrade intention, Freemium model, PPM theory |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 214 次,被下載 6 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 214 times, has been downloaded 6 times. |
中文摘要 |
根據台灣線上影音消費者洞察,台灣整體的串流播放時間高達530億分鐘,高居全球第十五名。由於影音串流平台的興起,在產業競爭越來越激烈的情況下,各家業者不僅需要吸引消費者來使用服務,更需要讓消費者訂閱且持續使用。在OTT串流影音平台中,業者常見的行銷手法之一為免費試用,但這也存在著一些問題,例如試用期結束後,消費者對於訂閱付費的意願低,或訂閱時間短暫後續取消等。同時,現今的文獻中大多數是使用量化的方式來探討消費者對於升級的關鍵因素,較少深入研究消費者免費或試用期間的消費者行為如何影響到後續的行動。因此本研究希望透過質化研究半結構式的訪談幫助了解消費者在選擇到試用,試用到訂閱中間的使用行為和背後的原因。 本研究主要在探討用戶在選擇到試用到訂閱串流影音平台這三個階段的消費者行為和選擇,如何影響並提高消費者的訂閱量和續訂的意願。首先,從分析消費者選擇試用的因素下手;接著,透過使用者在試用階段的頻率、持續時間和心態,進而找出試用階段的使用行為與訂閱意願之間的關係;訂閱意願則會根據推-拉-繫住力理論來探討用戶升級至付費版與否的重要因素。 本研究針對21位曾使用過串流平台的使用者進行深度訪談,根據過去的研究可將免費增值模式的應用分為時間有限和功能有限兩種情境。以Microsoft Office、LINE和Youtube Premium等為例,它們在試用期間實行不同的限制,如時間限制或功能限制,以促使使用者轉為付費;並再將研究者細分成功能有限、時間有限、無試用、有訂閱、無訂閱等9種排列組合的消費者,希望可以透過不同使用者背景去探討試用機制與訂閱意願之間的關係。研究結果顯示消費者在初步選擇平台的原因與其他商品無太大差異,多是根據平台內容或口碑推薦而使用。在試用階段會因為使用頻率的提升增加其訂閱的意願,在轉換至訂閱階段,平台內容、價格和推薦機制是使用者在此階段升級之最大誘因,利用推-拉-繫住力理論分析也可得出拉力所產生的升級誘因比推力的強烈很多,且消費者不升級多是受到繫住力或拉力不夠之影響。綜合上述,本研究給予業者在不同的服務之下,如何選擇自己適合使用的試用機制之相關建議,並提供消費者的具體使用行為作為企業衡量並區分消費者種類的參考指標。 |
Abstract |
According to Taiwan's online consumer streaming insights, the overall streaming time in Taiwan is 53 billion minutes, ranking 15th in the world. As streaming platforms expand and industry competition heats up, operators must not only draw customers to their services but also convince them to subscribe and keep using them. Free trials are a frequent marketing strategy for OTT streaming platforms, however there are drawbacks, such as poor willingness to pay for subscriptions after the trial time or quick cancellation of subscriptions. At the same time, little in-depth study is done on how customer behavior during the free or trial period influences later actions. Most of the present literature uses a quantitative method to evaluate the important elements that consumers consider before upgrading. To better understand consumers, this study will make use of interviews. This study focuses on how consumer decisions and behaviors at each of the three stages—selection, trial, and subscription—of using streaming video platforms affect and boost users' intentions to subscribe and renew. First, we look at the factors that influence consumers' decisions to use a streaming service; next, we examine the frequency, duration, and attitudes of users during the trial period to determine the relationship between their usage behavior during the trial period and their willingness to subscribe; and finally, we use the PPM theory to identify the key factors that influence users' willingness to upgrade to the paid version. To examine the relationship between trial mechanisms and willingness to subscribe through various user backgrounds, the study conducted in-depth interviews with 21 users who had used the streaming platform and divided the study participants into nine combinations of limited functionality, limited time, no trial, subscription, and no subscription. According to the study's findings, customers mostly chose a platform based on its content or recommendations from others, which was not significantly different from the reasons they initially chose other products. The frequency of use and desire to subscribe both rise over the trial period. The PPM theory analysis also reveals that the incentive to upgrade generated by the pull force is significantly greater than that of the push force, and the consumers' failure to upgrade is primarily influenced by the lack of traction or pull force. In conclusion, this study offers recommendations to the market on how to select the best trial method for various services, and it offers specific customer behavior as a reference indication for businesses to measure and distinguish between the various consumer types. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書i 摘要ii 目錄iv 圖目錄v 表目錄vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究目的 3 第四節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 串流影音平台 5 第二節 免費心態 11 第三節 免費增值商業模式 12 第四節 免費試用 16 第五節 推力-拉力-繫住力理論 17 第六節 升級意願 18 第三章 研究設計 20 第一節 研究方法 20 第二節 研究對象 21 第三節 訪問大綱 23 第四章 研究分析與結論 25 第一節 選擇階段 25 第二節 試用階段 27 第三節 訂閱階段 35 第五章 討論與建議 46 第一節 研究發現 46 第二節 實務意涵 48 第三節 研究限制與未來建議 51 參考文獻 53 |
參考文獻 References |
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