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博碩士論文 etd-0016123-111211 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0016123-111211
Explore the Relationship between Millennials‘ Fitness of Work-life Balance and Job Commitment: Impacts of Work Values
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Millennials, work-life balance, work values, job commitment, individual differences
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得益於科技的進步,以及近幾年疫情的影響,企業不得不更加仰賴虛擬通勤(virtual commute)、在家工作(work from home, WFH)、彈性工時(flexible working hours)等新興的工作模式,以最大程度地降低組織運作所受到的影響。另一方面,普及的網路與越來越便利的社交通訊技術,也讓人們的工作與生活界線逐漸模糊,因而造就了許多新的管理議題,像是下班是否應該要回覆工作訊息,以及在家工作的實際工時應該如何計算等。
With advances in technology and the influence of the epidemic in recent years, companies have relied more on emerging work approaches such as virtual commute, work from home (WFH), and flexible working hours. On the other hand, increasingly convenient social communication technologies and the Internet have also blurred the boundaries between people's work and life, thus creating many new management issues. However, for Millennials, who now dominate the workforce, work-life balance and other intrinsic motivators are becoming major considerations when considering whether to accept or leave a job.
The varied work values and lower job commitment of Millennials are also attracting attention and discussion. Despite this, there is a group of Millennials who are willing to invest a great amount of time and energy in the pursuit of exceptional job performance and wage rises, and who regard work as a means of demonstrating their personal values. Nevertheless, most previous research have assumed that the same generation had similar characteristics, without considering the prospects that various work behavior patterns exist within the same generation.
As a result, the primary research method used in this study was semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight millennial workers from different industries. Individual differences in Millennial work values were depicted based on the interviews, and the relationship between work-life balance and job commitment was discussed. Management implications and suggestions for further research and empirical practice are provided based on the research findings.
目次 Table of Contents
Verification Letter i
Chinese Abstract ii
English Abstract iii
Outline iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Purpose 4
1.3 Research Process 4
Chapter 2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Generation Cohorts 5
2.2 Work Value 8
2.3 Work-life Balance 10
2.4 Job Commitment 12
Chapter 3. Methods 14
3.1 Research Framework 14
3.2 Research Design 14
3.3 Sample 15
3.4 Data Collection 16
Chapter 4. Results 18
4.1 Millennials’ Individual Differences in Work Values 18
4.2 The Impacts of Work Values on the Relationship between Millennials’ Fitness of Work-life Balance and Job Commitment 35
Chapter 5. Conclusion 40
5.1 Conclusion 40
5.2 Managerial Implication 42
5.3 Limitation and Research Suggestion 43
Reference 46
Appendix 49
Interview Transcript of Interviewee A 49
Interview Transcript of Interviewee B 54
Interview Transcript of Interviewee C 59
Interview Transcript of Interviewee D 64
Interview Transcript of Interviewee E 78
Interview Transcript of Interviewee F 83
Interview Transcript of Interviewee G 87
Interview Transcript of Interviewee H 91
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