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論文名稱 Title |
卡司指標對電影進場人次之影響 -以台北地區電影院為例 The impact of Cast on movie theater attendance: A case study of Taipei’s Movie Theaters |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
45 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2023-08-21 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2024-01-18 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
電影產業、卡司、票房、進場人次、演員 Film Industry, Cast, Box Office, Attendance, Actors |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 161 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 161 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究以電影產業為例,探討卡司指標對電影進場人次之影響。希望能在電影產業高風險特性下,提供可控因子供製作團隊參考。本研究透過有倍思有限公司提供之電影資料庫與IMDb資料庫搜集電影進場人次資料、電影和播映資訊,資料範圍為2017年至2022年,共4247部電影,計65萬多筆觀察值,並利用OLS多元迴歸分析法探討卡司指標對電影進場人次之影響。 筆者參考Basuroy and Ravid (2003)的研究,將得過奧斯卡獎項之演員視為是「卡司」,並針對台灣市場進行修飾以符合本研究,主要納入本研究樣本中佔比較高之美國、台灣與法國電影界具影響力的奧斯卡金像獎、金馬獎、台北電影節和坎城影展。 研究結果指出,觀眾對於卡司陣容的電影確實更願意買單。因此筆者推論,就台灣市場而言,由於卡司指標的設定是基於頒獎典禮的演員獎項,這代表了該演員在業界的一定程度的認可和專業評價。觀眾可能會將這樣的演員視為電影品質的保證,因而更傾向選擇這類影片。卡司指標的高低還可能影響電影的行銷和推廣策略,得獎演員的加入提供了電影更多的宣傳資源。 就製片的角度而言,招募具有一定實力的演員,不論是知名度抑或是頒獎典禮獎項的支持,都讓電影的受歡迎程度添加了一道可控的因子。 本研究之管理意涵為期望提供業界可控因子,而選角為製作電影中可控之一環,因此若根據本研究之研究結果,製作電影時能選擇具得過知名影展或頒獎典禮之演員,或許能對電影績效更有把握,從而促進台灣電影市場的持續發展。 |
Abstract |
This thesis discusses the impact of cast on the number of movie attendance in the film industry. The purpose of the thesis is hoped that under the high-risk production of the film industry, controllable factors can be provided for the reference of the production team. Movie attendance data and film information were collected from the movie box office database and IMDb database, covering the period from 2017 to 2022. The dataset includes 4,247 movies, with 650,000 observations. The impact of the cast on the number of people entering the movie theater is explored using OLS Multiple Regression Analysis. Referring to Basuroy and Ravid's (2003) research, the author considers Oscar awards received by actors as "cast" indicators. For this thesis, modifications are made to align with the Taiwan market, incorporating influential American, Taiwanese, and French film festivals such as the Oscars, Golden Horse Awards, Taipei Film Festival, and Cannes Film Festival. The research findings highlight that audiences are indeed more inclined to pay for movies featuring notable casts. Consequently, the inference drawn for the Taiwan market is that, given the cast indicators are established based on actor awards from ceremonies, it signifies a certain degree of the actor's popularity in the market. Audiences may perceive these actors as a guarantee of film quality, making them more likely to opt for such movies. Additionally, the level of cast indicators may influence the film's marketing and promotional strategy, and the inclusion of award-winning actors provides the film with additional promotional resources. From a production standpoint, the recruitment of actors with a certain level of ability, particularly those recognized by the Oscars ceremony, introduces a controllable element that resonates with the audience. The managerial implication of this study is to provide controllable factors, and casting emerges as a key controllable aspect in film production. Therefore, building on the findings of this study, selecting actors who have a record in film festivals or award ceremonies when making films may offer a better understanding of film performance. This, in turn, could contribute to the ongoing development of Taiwan's film market. |
目次 Table of Contents |
學位論文審定書 i 國立中山大學博碩士論文公開授權書 ii 誌謝 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 v 目錄 vi 圖次 vii 表次 vii 壹、緒論 1 一、研究背景與動機 1 二、研究問題 5 貳、文獻回顧 6 一、電影產業 6 二、卡司指標 8 三、其他影響電影績效之因素 12 參、研究方法 16 一、資料來源與處理 16 二、分析工具 23 肆、研究結果 24 一、敘述統計與樣本概況 24 二、基本分析結果 27 伍、結論與建議 31 一、研究結論 31 二、研究限制、建議與未來方向 32 參考文獻 34 圖次 圖 1-1 IMDb 卡司-Cast 名單 資料來源: IMDb 網路電影資料庫 17 表次 表1-1 2017~2022 年全臺電影票房市場概況 2 表1-2 我國電影產業票房績效探討文獻總覽 3 表3-1 控制變數列表 19 表4-1 電影進場人次之敘述統計 24 表4-2 卡司指標之敘述統計 24 表4-3 數值變數之敘述統計 25 表4-4 電影類型之敘述統計 25 表4-5 電影來源國之敘述統計 26 表4-6 電影發行商之敘述統計 26 表4-7 播映周次之敘述統計 27 表4-8 戲院之敘述統計 27 表4-9 基本回歸分析結果 28 |
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