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博碩士論文 etd-0022124-122324 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0022124-122324
德行領導對員工留任意願的影響: 工作敬業心的中介效果與員工協助方案的調節效果
The influence of the moral leadership on the intention to stay: The mediating effect of job engagement and the moderating effect of employee assistance programs
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Moral leadership, Job engagement, Intention to stay, Employee assistance programs, resignation
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 75 times, has been downloaded 3 times.
本研究利用量化問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,共回收有效問卷 293份,透過描述性統計分析、相關分析、驗證性因素分析、複迴歸分析與拔靴法等統計方法,驗證研究假設之結果如下:
1.德行領導對留任意願具有顯著 正向影響。
2.德行領導對工作敬業心具有顯著 正向影響。
3.工作敬業心對留任意願具有顯著 正向影響。
4.工作敬業心在德行領導及留任意願之間有顯著 的中介效應。
5.工作敬業心與留任意願之間並不會受到員工協助方案的 調節而有所影響。
依據上述的研究結果, 提出研究結果與建議 供企業經營管理實務與未來研究之參考。

Employee turnover has consistently been a concern for companies, particularly with the younger generation where the turnover rate is relatively high. This may be attributed to corporate culture or leadership styles that are not favored by young individuals, leading to a decline in their intention to stay. This is the focal issue of the current study.
Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand whether moral leadership influences the intention to stay and to investigate whether job engagement acts as a mediator in the relationship between moral leadership and the intention to stay. Furthermore, the study aims to examine whether employee assistance programs moderate the relationship between job engagement and intention to stay.
This study conducted a quantitative questionnaire survey for data collection, with a total of 293 valid responses. Through statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and bootstrapping, the results of testing the research hypotheses are as follows:
1.Moral leadership significantly and positively influences the intention to stay.
2.Moral leadership significantly and positively affects job engagement.
3.Job engagement significantly and positively influences the intention to stay.
4.Job engagement mediates the relationship between moral leadership and the intention to stay.
5.Employee assistance programs do not moderate the relationship between job engagement and the intention to stay.
Based on the above research findings, there are concrete research results and recommendations available for reference in practical business management, along with suggestions for future research.

目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的4
第二章 文獻探討5
第一節 德行領導5
第二節 留任意願9
第三節 工作敬業心12
第四節 員工協助方案16
第五節 本研究的各變項間之關係19
第三章 研究方法24
第一節 研究對象與資料蒐集24
第二節 操作性定義與研究工具27
第三節 測量模式33
第四節 資料分析方法35
第四章 本研究實證分析結果36
第一節 本研究四個變項之相關分析36
第二節 研究變項之迴歸分析結果39
第三節 員工協助方案的調節分析結果42
第五章 研究結論與建議45
第一節 研究結論45
第二節 管理實務意涵47
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議49


表2-2-1 「留任意願」定義整理9
表2-3-1 「工作敬業心」定義之彙整13
表3-2-1 「德行領導」驗證性 因素分析28
表3-2-2 「留任意願」驗證性 因素分析29
表3-2-3 「工作敬業心」驗證性 因素分析30
表3-2-4 「員工協助方案」驗證性 因素分析31
表3-3-1 理論模式之整體測量適配度34
表4-1-1 研究變項之平均數、標準差與相關係數表38
表4-2-1 德行領導與留任意願之工敬業心直接效果分析40
表4-2-2 工敬業心德在行領導與留任意願中介效應分析41
表4-3-1 員工協助方案對工作敬業心與留任意願之調節分析表43

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