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Title page for etd-0023123-133846
Governance Mechanisms of Ecosystems in Digital Ticket Platforms: The Transaction Cost Perspective
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digital ticket platforms, transaction cost theory, commodity delivery, international digital commerce, transaction trust
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本研究以交易成本理論(Transaction Costs Theory)為核心,解釋企業建立平台時會因為商品傳遞方式不同而產生交易成本,平台透過內外部資源整合的串聯過程來共創生態系統的價值。平台企業的發展有內部組織或委外運行等不同的治理方式選擇,企業通常評估並選擇交易成本相對較低的營運模式來發展平台。


This study takes Transaction Costs Theory as the core to explain that when enterprises build platforms, transaction costs will be incurred due to different delivery methods of goods. The digital platform connects internal and external resources to create the development of multilateral markets and cross-border platforms. The development of platform companies has different governance mechanisms for internal organization or outsourced operation. Enterprises usually evaluate and choose an operating mechanism with relatively low transaction costs.
Through the transaction characteristics (including transaction frequency, asset specificity, uncertainty) and other issues in the transaction cost theory, we pointed out that traditional enterprises will assume that there are no interfering variables in the transaction status , but in the process of real digital ticket platform transactions, the platform is necessary to control the risk and standardize the transaction process first, so that enterprises can choose the suitable operation model according to the needs of the enterprise in the face of platform operation. The internalization of external resources of multinational enterprises and the minimization of transaction costs of location factors proposed in IB theory are the difficulties that multinational enterprises need to face in the process of increasing their ownership advantages. Through the transfer of people, to complete the transaction through the movement of personnel, and through the physical sensing and transmission back to the digital platform system, the linkage between the digital world and the real world is realized, and a new transaction mode is created.
The development of the platform is based on the sharing system modules. In the business module of the enterprise, it is not handled by manpower, but is established and processed through a digital ticket system. Compared with the traditional service-oriented business, the delivery method will be faster and more efficient. It is easy, but due to the different delivery methods of goods or services during the operation of the platform, platform managers need to deal with issues related to platform establishment, cooperation with complementors, product delivery, transaction signals, and international cross-border delivery. The reason why the enterprise cannot run quickly, the research results found that the delivery method of the products or services of the enterprise plays a very important role in the cross-regional or cross-border business development of the platform enterprise. The complementors, suppliers and system embedders of the transactions required in the internationalization process are established first. Different from the traditional enterprise internationalization that needs to develop in the host country to enhance the ownership advantage of the enterprise's sisterhood, this research focuses on the digital platform enterprise ecosystem The various bottlenecks faced by the establishment and transaction development, after the platform operation business model management concept is formed, the application of its basic concept is converted into the style of enterprise patent protection (such as e-ticket alliance marketing),Ensure that the e-commerce and platform program design can avoid plagiarism by latecomers or provide corporate rights and interests in the future, and the final platform development is handed over to the actual operation of the platform company. However, the internationalization process of digital platforms will encounter various difficulties and bottlenecks such as logistics, cash flow, suppliers, complementors and users. It is necessary to control the possible risks, uncertainties, transaction frequency, etc. before the platform internationalization. Managed and standardized and streamlined. Finally, the platform provides two signals as the actual practice of payment and confirmation of use. The actual operation of the platform will be described after the operation of academic and practical enterprises is applied for patent protection. The research results will bring considerable contributions and enlightenment to the development of digital platforms, platform internationalization, and digital platform ecological theory and practice.

目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
謝辭 ii
摘要 iv
目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 x
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 2
一、預付型數位票券平台交易介紹 2
二、紙本即時票券信託 8
三、數位履約票券 8
第二節、研究動機 9
第三節、研究目的與問題 11
第貳章、文獻回顧 14
第一節、數位票券平台企業與生態系統 14
第二節、數位票券平台生態系統角色定義 19
第三節、數位票券平台企業存在與交易成本的交集 22
第四節、數位票券平台交易媒合的促進者 27
第五節、數位票券平台生態系統(資訊流、物流、線上線下整合) 29
第六節、數位票券平台的交易信任及訊號 32
第七節、數位票券平台國際化與干擾者 35
第參章、研究方法 41
第一節、研究架構 41
第二節、案例選擇 42
第三節、資料蒐集與分析 43
第四節、深度訪談法 45
第五節、研究設計 46
第肆章、研究結果 50
第一節、數位票券平台參與者交易的特性 50
第二節、數位票券平台資訊流的特性 54
第三節、實體商品營運的特性 55
第四節、數位票券平台線上線下交易的特性 59
第五節、數位票券平台萬物聯網的特性 63
第六節、數位票券平台企業國際化的挑戰 64
第七節、數位票券平台商品、服務傳遞系統的交易成本 65
第伍章 、結論 71
第一節、理論貢獻 71
第二節、實務貢獻 74
第三節、研究限制及數位票券平台風險 77
第陸章、參考文獻 80

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