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Title page for etd-0023124-124343
A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved? Effects of daily customer cyber incivility on employees' work and non-work outcomes
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customer cyber incivility, ego depletion, work and non-work outcomes, cognitive social sharing, job social support
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Although previous research has confirmed the adverse effects of customer incivility occurring in face-to-face communication, little is known about customer incivility that manifested itself in online interactions (i.e., customer cyber incivility). Drawing on attributional ambiguity theory and conservation of resource (COR) theory, the present study theorized and examined how and when customer cyber incivility affects employees’ work and non-work outcomes. Data collected from 102 full-time employees across 10 consecutive workdays were analyzed using a reliability-corrected single-indicator LMS (RCSLMS). The results showed that employees exposed to daily customer cyber incivility at work reported an increased level of ego depletion at night which, in turn, resulted in a higher level of work-family conflict. The study also confirmed that two types of social support exert stress-alleviating effects on the negative outcomes of customer cyber incivility. Specifically, both intrapersonal cognitive social sharing and interpersonal job social support can diminish the time-lag effect of customer cyber incivility on ego depletion, and further weaken its positive impact on work-family conflict via ego depletion. However, the conditional indirect impact of customer cyber incivility on the next day’s extra-role service behavior through ego depletion was not supported. This study extends prior research on workplace incivility by providing empirical evidence for the conceptualization of customer cyber incivility and the buffering role of both social supports at different levels. The theoretical and practical implications were discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purpose and Contribution 5
2.1 Cyber Incivility in the Customer Service Context 7
2.2 Attributional Ambiguity Theory and COR Theory in Customer Cyber Incivility 10
2.3 Daily Customer Cyber Incivility and Daily Ego Depletion 13
2.4 Work Outcome as a Lagged Effect of Daily Customer Cyber Incivility: The Mediator of Ego Depletion 15
2.5 Non-work Outcome as a Lagged Effect of Daily Customer Cyber Incivility: The Mediator of Ego Depletion 16
2.6 Resource-based Moderator at Within-individual Level: Cognitive Social Sharing 18
2.7 Resource-based Moderator at Between-individual Level: Job Social Support 21
3. METHOD 25
3.1 Sample and Procedure 25
3.2 Measures 27
3.3 Analytic Strategy 30
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 32
4.2 Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MCFA) 33
4.3 Hypotheses Testing 35
4.4 Supplementary Analysis 42
5.1 Theoretical Implications 46
5.2 Practical Implications 49
5.3 Limitation and Future Research 51
5.4 Conclusion 53
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