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論文名稱 Title |
以可供性觀點探討線上健康社群的隱私揭漏:性別的干擾效果 Privacy Affordance and Privacy Disclosure in Online Health Community: The Moderating Effect of Gender |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
72 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2024-01-12 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2024-01-25 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
隱私可供性、隱私保護、隱私揭漏、隱私控制信念、SOR理論 Privacy Affordance, Privacy Protection, Privacy Disclosure, Privacy Control Beliefs, SOR Theory |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 229 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 229 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
現今網路發達的年代,資訊科技進步,社群媒體平台眾多,而健康資訊亦受到重視,亦會在社群媒體上分享建康資訊,建康資訊量一直有限,受到隱私保護的影響,使用者有隱私顧慮,而健康資訊在社群媒體上的分享亦因此而受到限制。因此本研究將進行隱私可供性的探討,了解隱私可供性與隱私控制信念的關係,再進一步如何隱影到隱私保護去做調整與檢查,在這些過程的操作後,使用者隱私得到保護,進而提升隱私的揭漏,使健康社群平台的健康資訊,能進一步充實。 本研究採用SOR理論,結合隱私可供性及隱私保護等相關構面進行討論。透過Google及Surveycake平台在問卷上所收集321份有效問卷,進行數據統計與分析。將收集的資料樣本透由軟體SPSS V26進行檢測共同方法偏差及資料統計,再進一步使用SmartPLS V4.0.9.9版本做效度、信度、假說檢定及路徑係數相關的分析,並對相關結果進行討論。 本研究結果如下,1.隱私可供性會增加隱私的保護,且男性較女性的影響更大。2.隱私可供性會增加隱私控制信念,且女性較男性的影響更大。3.隱私控制信念會提升平台的隱私保護調整,且女性較男性的影響更大。4.隱私保護會提升個人用戶之隱私揭漏意願,且女性較男性的影響更大。5.隱私控制信念會提升個人用戶之隱私揭漏意願,且男性較的影響更大。6.隱私可供性會因受隱私控制信念的壓抑效果影響,並不會提升用戶隱私揭漏意願,若不考慮隱私控制信念的情況下,是會提升用戶隱私揭漏意願,且女性較男性的影響更大。 |
Abstract |
Nowadays, in the age of internet development, the advancement of information technology, there are many social media platforms, and health information is also emphasized, and health information is also shared on social media. The amount of health information has always been limited, and the users have privacy concerns due to the influence of privacy protection, and the sharing of health information on social media is also limited because of this. Therefore, this study will explore the privacy availability, understand the relationship between privacy availability and privacy control beliefs, and then further adjust and check how to implicitly protect privacy, so that after these processes, users' privacy can be protected, and then the privacy disclosure can be enhanced, so that the health information on health community platforms can be further enriched. This study adopts the SOR theory and combines the relevant aspects of privacy availability and privacy protection. A total of 321 valid questionnaires were collected through Google and Surveycake platforms, and data statistics and analysis were conducted. The collected data samples were examined for common method bias and statistics by SPSS V26 software, and further analyzed for validity, reliability, hypothesis testing, and path coefficients by using SmartPLS V4.0.9.9 version, and the related results were discussed. The results of this study are as follows, 1. Privacy availability increases privacy protection and has a greater effect on males than females. 2.Privacy availability increases privacy control beliefs and has a greater effect on females than males.3. Privacy control beliefs increase privacy protection adjustments on platforms and have a greater effect on females than males.4. Privacy protection increases an individual user's willingness to disclose privacy and has a greater effect on females than males.5. Privacy control beliefs increase an individual user's willingness to disclose privacy and have a greater effect on males than males.6. Privacy availability will be affected by the repressive effect of privacy control beliefs and will not increase users' willingness to disclose, but will increase users' willingness to disclose if privacy control beliefs are not taken into account, and the effect is greater for women than for men. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 致謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 目錄 vi 圖次 viii 表次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的 5 第四節 研究內容與流程 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 隱私可供性(Privacy Affordance) 7 第二節 隱私保護(Privacy Protection) 10 第三節 隱私控制信念(Privacy Control Belief) 11 第四節 隱私揭漏(Privacy Disclosure) 12 第五節 性別差異(Gender Differences) 14 第六節 「刺激-有機體-反應」理論(Stimulus-Organism-Response, SOR) 15 第三章 研究方法 17 第一節 研究模型 17 第二節 研究假說 18 一、 隱私可供性 18 二、 隱私控制信念 18 三、 隱私保護 19 四、 隱私揭漏 20 第三節 變數定義與衡量 24 第四節 資料收集方法 28 第四章 資料分析 29 第一節 樣本基本資料分析 29 第二節 衡量模型 32 一、信度分析(Reliability) 32 二、收斂效度分析(Convergent validity) 34 三、區別效度分析(Discriminant validity) 36 四、共線性檢定分析(Multicollinearity) 38 五、共同方法偏誤分析(Common method biases) 39 第三節 路徑分析及假說驗證 40 第四節 討論 44 第五章 結論與建議 45 第一節 研究結果 45 一、隱私可供性構面觀察 45 二、隱私控制信念 47 三、隱私保護 47 四、隱私揭漏 48 第二節 理論及實務意涵 49 一、研究「理論面」 49 二、研究「實務面」 49 第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 51 一、研究限制 51 二、未來研究方向 51 參考文獻 52 附錄 本研究調查問卷 57 |
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