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Title page for etd-0025124-151351
The Effect of Subordinate-Supervisor Fit of Promotion Opportunities and Proactivity Behavior for Civil Servants
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Social Exchange Theory, Person-Supervisor Fit, Promotion Opportunity, Proactive behavior, Leader-Member Social Exchange
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公務員升遷制度受法律保障,並享有終身聘雇,看似擁有穩定升遷的機會。 然而,公務員升遷機會卻沒有想像中的容易,與主管之間的關係影響升遷機會的 可能。因此,本研究採用社會交換理論作為研究框架,試圖探討「個人主管適配」、 「升遷機會」與「主動行為」之間的影響關係,接著再探討「升遷機會」對「個 人主管適配」和「主動行為」之間存在中介效果;「領導部屬社會交換」對「個 人主管適配」和「升遷機會」之調節效果。
本研究是以線上問卷發放之方式,對象為台灣正職之公務人員,問卷採三階 段發放,每階段間隔兩週施測,共回收 404 份有效問卷。後續以 SPSS 26.0 進行 階層迴歸分析 (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002) 進行假設結果檢定,研究結果發現, 升遷機會完全中介個人主管適配與主動行為之間的關係,且個人主管適配與升遷 機會呈現正相關,升遷機會與主動行為間亦有正向影響關係。最後在調節效果中, 領導部屬社會交換關係對個人主管適配與升遷機會之調節效果正向關係假設並 未獲得數據支持。本研究根據研究結果,提出實務之管理意涵與未來之研究方向 供後續研究者參考。
In Taiwan, the promotion system for civil servants is protected by law, and they benefit from being a civil servant. One of the benefits is lifetime commitment. They seem to have stable promotion opportunities. However, the promotion opportunities for civil servant are not easy as imagined. Because the relationship with supervisor affects the possibility of promotion opportunities. This study uses social exchange theory as a framework to explore the relationship between “Person Supervisor Fit”,” Promotion Opportunities”, and “Proactive Behavior”, Furthermore, it investigates the mediator effects between “Person Supervisor Fit” and “Proactive Behavior”, and the moderating effects of “Leader-Member Social Exchange”, “Person Supervisor Fit”, and ”Promotion Opportunities”.
This research employed an online questionnaire distributed to employed civil servant from public apartment in Taiwan. The survey was conducted in three waves, each separated by a two-week interval, resulting in a total of 404 valid responses. The data is analyzed with the SPSS 26.0 hierarchical regression analysis (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002) to test the research hypotheses. The research results find that promotion opportunities completely mediate the relationship between personal supervisor fit and proactivity behavior, and the person supervisor fit is positively related to promotion opportunities. Also, there is a positive relating between promotion opportunities and proactivity behavior. Finally, the hypotheses of leader member social exchange moderate the relationship between person supervisor fit and promotion opportunities was not supported by the data. Based on the research results, this study proposes practical management implications and future research directions for reference by subsequent researchers.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ................................................................................................................... ⅰ
中文摘要 ....................................................................................................................... ⅱ
英文摘要 .................................................................................................................... ⅲ
第一章 緒論 ................................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 .................................................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 ................................................................................................................................ 7
第二章 文獻探討 ......................................................................................................... 9
第一節 社會交換理論與心理契約 .................................................................................................... 9
第二節 個人與主管適配 .................................................................................................................. 11
第三節 升遷機會 .............................................................................................................................. 13
第四節 個人主管適配與升遷機會之關係 ...................................................................................... 16
第五節 主動行為 .............................................................................................................................. 17
第六節 個人主管適配與主動行為之關係 ...................................................................................... 19
第七節 升遷機會與主動行為之關係 .............................................................................................. 20
第八節 領導部屬社會交換 .............................................................................................................. 21
第九節 領導部屬社會交換調節個人主管適配與升遷機會 .......................................................... 23
第三章 研究方法 ....................................................................................................... 24
第一節 研究架構 .............................................................................................................................. 24
第二節 研究對象與程序 .................................................................................................................. 25
第三節 研究變項與工具 .................................................................................................................. 26
第四節 資料分析方法 ...................................................................................................................... 28
第四章 研究結果 ....................................................................................................... 31
第一節 樣本結構統計及相關分析 .................................................................................................. 31
第二節 中介效果檢定分析 .............................................................................................................. 41
第三節 調節效果檢定階層迴歸分析 .............................................................................................. 49
第五章 討論與建議 ................................................................................................... 52
第一節 研究結果與討論 .................................................................................................................. 52
第二節 管理意涵 .............................................................................................................................. 55
第三節 研究限制與未來建議 .......................................................................................................... 57
參考文獻 ..................................................................................................................... 58
附錄.............................................................................................................................. 70

圖3-1 研究架構 .......................................................................................................... 24
圖4-1 領導部屬社會交換對個人主管適配與主動行為之交乘作用圖(N=404)
...................................................................................................................................... 51

表4-1 樣本特性(N=404) ...................................................................................... 32
表4-2 個人與主管適配量表 ..................................................................................... 33
表4-3 領導部署社會交換量表 ................................................................................. 34
表4-4 升遷機會量表 ................................................................................................. 35
表4-5 主動行為量表 ................................................................................................. 36
表4-6 各變項之驗證性因素分析整體配適度指標比較表(N=404) .................. 38
表 4-7 平均數、標準差、皮爾森相關係數(N=404) .......................................... 40
表 4-8 個人主管適配與升遷機會之階層迴歸分析 (N=404) ............................ 42
表 4-9 個人主管適配與主動行為之階層迴歸分析(N=404) .............................. 44
表 4-10 升遷機會與主動行為之階層迴歸分析(N=404) .................................... 46
表 4-11 升遷機會對個人主管適配與主動行為之中介效果階層迴歸分 ............... 48
表 4-12 領導部屬社會交換對個人主管適配與主動行為之調節效果分析(N=404)...................................................................................................................................... 50
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