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博碩士論文 etd-0030124-172540 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0030124-172540
長片輔導金對於電影進場人次之影響- 以台北地區電影院為例
The Impact of Subsidies on Movie Theater Attendance: A Case Study of Taipei’s Movie Theaters
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Movie subsidy, feature film grants, multiple regression, tatistical matching, Entropy Balancing
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本研究透過 2017-2022 年所有國片電影台北市電影院的入場人次與歷年長片 輔導金之資料,運用多元迴歸與統計配對中的 Entropy Balancing 方法來進行補貼 政策的有效性分析,研究輔導金電影與電影入場人次之間的影響關係。

To preserve Taiwan's national culture and protect it from the encroachment of dominant foreign cultures, the Taiwanese government has consistently implemented policies to support the domestic film industry, particularly through the protection and promotion of Taiwanese films. This support has taken the form of various policies, such as import quotas in the past and the current series of measures aimed at promoting and guiding the development of Taiwanese films. These policies have played a vital role in fostering the sustainable growth of the Taiwanese film industry. Among these measures, film subsidies have been a crucial source of funding for Taiwanese filmmakers. Therefore, this study focuses on the analysis of subsidies to investigate whether these supportive policies effectively achieve the objective of promoting Taiwanese films.

By examining data on the admissions of all Taiwanese films shown in Taipei cinemas between 2017 and 2022, along with information on subsidies over the years, this research employs multiple regression and the Entropy Balancing method in statistical matching to analyze the effectiveness of subsidy policies. Specifically, it explores the relationship between subsidies and the admissions for supported films.

The findings indicate that the distribution of subsidies indeed has a significant positive impact on the admissions of Taiwanese films, which differs from the results of previous subsidy-related studies.
目次 Table of Contents
1. 緒論...............................................................1 

1.1. 研究背景....................................................1 

1.2. 研究問題....................................................5 

2. 文獻回顧.......................................................6 

2.1. 電影產業....................................................6 

2.2. 電影輔導制度與台灣電影保護策............7 

2.3. 其他影響電影銷量之因素......................11 

3. 研究方法.....................................................15 

3.1. 資料來源..................................................15 

3.2. 分析方法..................................................22 

4. 研究結果.....................................................27 

4.1. 敘述性統計與樣本概況..........................27 

4.2. 多元回歸分析結果..................................31 

4.3. 統計配對-Entropy Balancing 分析果.....34 

5. 結論與未來建議.........................................38 

5.1. 研究結論..................................................38 

5.2. 研究限制與未來建議..............................39 


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